#!/usr/bin/python3 # # NeoMutt helper script to create multipart/* emails with Markdown → HTML # alternative conversion, and handling of inline images, using NeoMutt's # ability to manually craft MIME trees, but automating this process. # # Configuration: # neomuttrc (needs to be a single line): # set my_mdwn_extensions="extra,admonition,codehilite,sane_lists,smarty" # macro compose B "\ # source '$my_confdir/buildmimetree.py \ # --tempdir $tempdir --extensions $my_mdwn_extensions|'\ # sourc e \$my_mdwn_postprocess_cmd_file\ # " "Convert message into a modern MIME tree with inline images" # # (Yes, we need to call source twice, as mutt only starts to process output # from a source command when the command exits, and since we need to react # to the output, we need to be invoked again, using a $my_ variable to pass # information) # # Requirements: # - python3 # - python3-markdown # Optional: # - pytest # - Pynliner # - Pygments, if installed, then syntax highlighting is enabled # # Latest version: # https://git.madduck.net/etc/neomutt.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/.config/neomutt/buildmimetree.py # # Copyright © 2023 martin f. krafft # Released under the GPL-2+ licence, just like Mutt itself. # import sys import pathlib import markdown import tempfile import argparse import re import mimetypes from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict from markdown.extensions import Extension from markdown.inlinepatterns import ImageInlineProcessor, IMAGE_LINK_RE from email.utils import make_msgid from urllib import request def parse_cli_args(*args, **kwargs): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "NeoMutt helper to turn text/markdown email parts " "into full-fledged MIME trees" ) ) parser.epilog = ( "Copyright © 2022 martin f. krafft .\n" "Released under the MIT licence" ) parser.add_argument( "--extensions", type=str, default="", help="Markdown extension to use (comma-separated list)" ) parser.add_argument( "--only-build", action="store_true", help="Only build, don't send the message", ) parser.add_argument( "--tempdir", default=None, help="Specify temporary directory to use for attachments", ) parser.add_argument( "--debug-commands", action="store_true", help="Turn on debug logging of commands generated to stderr", ) subp = parser.add_subparsers(help="Sub-command parsers", dest="mode") massage_p = subp.add_parser("massage", help="Massaging phase (internal use)") massage_p.add_argument( "--write-commands-to", metavar="PATH", dest="cmdpath", help="Temporary file path to write commands to", ) massage_p.add_argument( "--debug-walk", action="store_true", help="Turn on debugging to stderr of the MIME tree walk", ) massage_p.add_argument( "MAILDRAFT", nargs="?", help="If provided, the script is invoked as editor on the mail draft", ) return parser.parse_args(*args, **kwargs) # [ MARKDOWN WRAPPING ] ####################################################### InlineImageInfo = namedtuple( "InlineImageInfo", ["cid", "desc"], defaults=[None] ) class InlineImageExtension(Extension): class RelatedImageInlineProcessor(ImageInlineProcessor): def __init__(self, re, md, ext): super().__init__(re, md) self._ext = ext def handleMatch(self, m, data): el, start, end = super().handleMatch(m, data) if "src" in el.attrib: src = el.attrib["src"] if "://" not in src or src.startswith("file://"): # We only inline local content cid = self._ext.get_cid_for_image(el.attrib) el.attrib["src"] = f"cid:{cid}" return el, start, end def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._images = OrderedDict() def extendMarkdown(self, md): md.registerExtension(self) inline_image_proc = self.RelatedImageInlineProcessor( IMAGE_LINK_RE, md, self ) md.inlinePatterns.register(inline_image_proc, "image_link", 150) def get_cid_for_image(self, attrib): msgid = make_msgid()[1:-1] path = attrib["src"] if path.startswith("/"): path = f"file://{path}" self._images[path] = InlineImageInfo( msgid, attrib.get("title", attrib.get("alt")) ) return msgid def get_images(self): return self._images def markdown_with_inline_image_support(text, *, extensions=None): inline_image_handler = InlineImageExtension() extensions = extensions or [] extensions.append(inline_image_handler) mdwn = markdown.Markdown(extensions=extensions) htmltext = mdwn.convert(text) images = inline_image_handler.get_images() def replace_image_with_cid(matchobj): for m in (matchobj.group(1), f"file://{matchobj.group(1)}"): if m in images: return f"(cid:{images[m].cid}" return matchobj.group(0) text = re.sub(r"\(([^)\s]+)", replace_image_with_cid, text) return text, htmltext, images # [ PARTS GENERATION ] ######################################################## class Part( namedtuple( "Part", ["type", "subtype", "path", "desc", "cid", "orig"], defaults=[None, None, False], ) ): def __str__(self): ret = f"<{self.type}/{self.subtype}>" if self.cid: ret = f"{ret} cid:{self.cid}" if self.orig: ret = f"{ret} ORIGINAL" return ret class Multipart( namedtuple("Multipart", ["subtype", "children", "desc"], defaults=[None]) ): def __str__(self): return f" children={len(self.children)}" def filewriter_fn(path, content, mode="w", **kwargs): with open(path, mode, **kwargs) as out_f: out_f.write(content) def collect_inline_images( images, *, tempdir=None, filewriter_fn=filewriter_fn ): relparts = [] for path, info in images.items(): data = request.urlopen(path) mimetype = data.headers["Content-Type"] ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype) tempfilename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="img", suffix=ext, dir=tempdir) path = pathlib.Path(tempfilename[1]) filewriter_fn(path, data.read(), "w+b") relparts.append( Part(*mimetype.split("/"), path, cid=info.cid, desc=f"Image: {info.desc}") ) return relparts def convert_markdown_to_html( origtext, draftpath, *, filewriter_fn=filewriter_fn, tempdir=None, extensions=None, ): origtext, htmltext, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support( origtext, extensions=extensions ) filewriter_fn(draftpath, origtext, encoding="utf-8") textpart = Part( "text", "plain", draftpath, "Plain-text version", orig=True ) htmlpath = draftpath.with_suffix(".html") filewriter_fn( htmlpath, htmltext, encoding="utf-8", errors="xmlcharrefreplace" ) htmlpart = Part("text", "html", htmlpath, "HTML version") altpart = Multipart( "alternative", [textpart, htmlpart], "Group of alternative content" ) imgparts = collect_inline_images( images, tempdir=tempdir, filewriter_fn=filewriter_fn ) if imgparts: return Multipart( "relative", [altpart] + imgparts, "Group of related content" ) else: return altpart class MIMETreeDFWalker: def __init__(self, *, visitor_fn=None, debug=False): self._visitor_fn = visitor_fn self._debug = debug def walk(self, root, *, visitor_fn=None): """ Recursive function to implement a depth-dirst walk of the MIME-tree rooted at `root`. """ if isinstance(root, list): root = Multipart("mixed", children=root) self._walk( root, stack=[], visitor_fn=visitor_fn or self._visitor_fn, ) def _walk(self, node, *, stack, visitor_fn): # Let's start by enumerating the parts at the current level. At the # root level, stack will be the empty list, and we expect a multipart/* # container at this level. Later, e.g. within a mutlipart/alternative # container, the subtree will just be the alternative parts, while the # top of the stack will be the multipart/alternative container, which # we will process after the following loop. lead = f"{'| '*len(stack)}|-" if isinstance(node, Multipart): self.debugprint( f"{lead}{node} parents={[s.subtype for s in stack]}" ) # Depth-first, so push the current container onto the stack, # then descend … stack.append(node) self.debugprint("| " * (len(stack) + 1)) for child in node.children: self._walk( child, stack=stack, visitor_fn=visitor_fn, ) self.debugprint("| " * len(stack)) assert stack.pop() == node else: self.debugprint(f"{lead}{node}") if visitor_fn: visitor_fn(node, stack, debugprint=self.debugprint) def debugprint(self, s, **kwargs): if self._debug: print(s, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) # [ RUN MODES ] ############################################################### class MuttCommands: """ Stupid class to interface writing out Mutt commands. This is quite a hack to deal with the fact that Mutt runs "push" commands in reverse order, so all of a sudden, things become very complicated when mixing with "real" commands. Hence we keep two sets of commands, and one set of pushes. Commands are added to the first until a push is added, after which commands are added to the second set of commands. On flush(), the first set is printed, followed by the pushes in reverse, and then the second set is printed. All 3 sets are then cleared. """ def __init__(self, out_f=sys.stdout, *, debug=False): self._cmd1, self._push, self._cmd2 = [], [], [] self._out_f = out_f self._debug = debug def cmd(self, s): self.debugprint(s) if self._push: self._cmd2.append(s) else: self._cmd1.append(s) def push(self, s): s = s.replace('"', '"') s = f'push "{s}"' self.debugprint(s) self._push.insert(0, s) def flush(self): print( "\n".join(self._cmd1 + self._push + self._cmd2), file=self._out_f ) self._cmd1, self._push, self._cmd2 = [], [], [] def debugprint(self, s, **kwargs): if self._debug: print(s, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) def do_setup( *, out_f=sys.stdout, temppath=None, tempdir=None, debug_commands=False, ): temppath = temppath or pathlib.Path( tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="muttmdwn-", dir=tempdir)[1] ) cmds = MuttCommands(out_f, debug=debug_commands) editor = f"{' '.join(sys.argv)} massage --write-commands-to {temppath}" cmds.cmd('set my_editor="$editor"') cmds.cmd('set my_edit_headers="$edit_headers"') cmds.cmd(f'set editor="{editor}"') cmds.cmd("unset edit_headers") cmds.cmd(f"set my_mdwn_postprocess_cmd_file={temppath}") cmds.push("") cmds.flush() def do_massage( draft_f, draftpath, cmd_f, *, extensions=None, converter=convert_markdown_to_html, only_build=False, tempdir=None, debug_commands=False, debug_walk=False, ): # Here's the big picture: we're being invoked as the editor on the email # draft, and whatever commands we write to the file given as cmdpath will # be run by the second source command in the macro definition. # Let's start by cleaning up what the setup did (see above), i.e. we # restore the $editor and $edit_headers variables, and also unset the # variable used to identify the command file we're currently writing # to. cmds = MuttCommands(cmd_f, debug=debug_commands) cmds.cmd('set editor="$my_editor"') cmds.cmd('set edit_headers="$my_edit_headers"') cmds.cmd("unset my_editor") cmds.cmd("unset my_edit_headers") # let's flush those commands, as there'll be a lot of pushes from now # on, which need to be run in reverse order cmds.flush() extensions = extensions.split(",") if extensions else [] tree = converter(draft_f.read(), draftpath, tempdir=tempdir, extensions=extensions) mimetree = MIMETreeDFWalker(debug=debug_walk) def visitor_fn(item, stack, *, debugprint=None): """ Visitor function called for every node (part) of the MIME tree, depth-first, and responsible for telling NeoMutt how to assemble the tree. """ KILL_LINE=r'\Ca\Ck' if isinstance(item, Part): # We've hit a leaf-node, i.e. an alternative or a related part # with actual content. # Let's add the part if item.orig: # The original source already exists in the NeoMutt tree, but # the underlying file may have been modified, so we need to # update the encoding, but that's it: cmds.push("") else: # … whereas all other parts need to be added, and they're all # considered to be temporary and inline: cmds.push(f"{item.path}") cmds.push("") # If the item (including the original) comes with additional # information, then we might just as well update the NeoMutt # tree now: if item.cid: cmds.push(f"{KILL_LINE}{item.cid}") elif isinstance(item, Multipart): # This node has children, but we already visited them (see # above), and so they have been tagged in NeoMutt's compose # window. Now it's just a matter of telling NeoMutt to do the # appropriate grouping: if item.subtype == "alternative": cmds.push("") elif item.subtype in ("relative", "related"): cmds.push("") elif item.subtype == "multilingual": cmds.push("") else: # We should never get here assert not "is valid part" # If the item has a description, we might just as well add it if item.desc: cmds.push(f"{KILL_LINE}{item.desc}") # Finally, if we're at non-root level, tag the new container, # as it might itself be part of a container, to be processed # one level up: if stack: cmds.push("") # ----------------- # End of visitor_fn # Let's walk the tree and visit every node with our fancy visitor # function mimetree.walk(tree, visitor_fn=visitor_fn) if not only_build: cmds.push("") # Finally, cleanup. Since we're responsible for removing the temporary # file, how's this for a little hack? try: filename = cmd_f.name except AttributeError: filename = "pytest_internal_file" cmds.cmd(f"source 'rm -f {filename}|'") cmds.cmd("unset my_mdwn_postprocess_cmd_file") cmds.flush() # [ CLI ENTRY ] ############################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_cli_args() if args.mode is None: do_setup( tempdir=args.tempdir, debug_commands=args.debug_commands, ) elif args.mode == "massage": with open(args.MAILDRAFT, "r") as draft_f, open( args.cmdpath, "w" ) as cmd_f: do_massage( draft_f, pathlib.Path(args.MAILDRAFT), cmd_f, extensions=args.extensions, only_build=args.only_build, tempdir=args.tempdir, debug_commands=args.debug_commands, debug_walk=args.debug_walk, ) # [ TESTS ] ################################################################### try: import pytest from io import StringIO class Tests: @pytest.fixture def const1(self): return "CONSTANT STRING 1" @pytest.fixture def const2(self): return "CONSTANT STRING 2" # NOTE: tests using the capsys fixture must specify sys.stdout to the # functions they call, else old stdout is used and not captured def test_MuttCommands_cmd(self, const1, const2, capsys): "Assert order of commands" cmds = MuttCommands(out_f=sys.stdout) cmds.cmd(const1) cmds.cmd(const2) cmds.flush() captured = capsys.readouterr() assert captured.out == "\n".join((const1, const2, "")) def test_MuttCommands_push(self, const1, const2, capsys): "Assert reverse order of pushes" cmds = MuttCommands(out_f=sys.stdout) cmds.push(const1) cmds.push(const2) cmds.flush() captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ( captured.out == ('"\npush "'.join(("", const2, const1, "")))[2:-6] ) def test_MuttCommands_cmd_push_mixed(self, const1, const2, capsys): "Assert reverse order of pushes" cmds = MuttCommands(out_f=sys.stdout) lines = ["000", "001", "010", "011", "100", "101", "110", "111"] for i in range(2): cmds.cmd(lines[4 * i + 0]) cmds.cmd(lines[4 * i + 1]) cmds.push(lines[4 * i + 2]) cmds.push(lines[4 * i + 3]) cmds.flush() captured = capsys.readouterr() lines_out = captured.out.splitlines() assert lines[0] in lines_out[0] assert lines[1] in lines_out[1] assert lines[7] in lines_out[2] assert lines[6] in lines_out[3] assert lines[3] in lines_out[4] assert lines[2] in lines_out[5] assert lines[4] in lines_out[6] assert lines[5] in lines_out[7] @pytest.fixture def basic_mime_tree(self): return Multipart( "relative", children=[ Multipart( "alternative", children=[ Part( "text", "plain", "part.txt", desc="Plain", orig=True, ), Part("text", "html", "part.html", desc="HTML"), ], desc="Alternative", ), Part( "text", "png", "logo.png", cid="logo.png", desc="Logo" ), ], desc="Related", ) def test_MIMETreeDFWalker_depth_first_walk(self, basic_mime_tree): mimetree = MIMETreeDFWalker() items = [] def visitor_fn(item, stack, debugprint): items.append((item, len(stack))) mimetree.walk(basic_mime_tree, visitor_fn=visitor_fn) assert len(items) == 5 assert items[0][0].subtype == "plain" assert items[0][1] == 2 assert items[1][0].subtype == "html" assert items[1][1] == 2 assert items[2][0].subtype == "alternative" assert items[2][1] == 1 assert items[3][0].subtype == "png" assert items[3][1] == 1 assert items[4][0].subtype == "relative" assert items[4][1] == 0 def test_MIMETreeDFWalker_list_to_mixed(self, basic_mime_tree): mimetree = MIMETreeDFWalker() items = [] def visitor_fn(item, stack, debugprint): items.append(item) mimetree.walk([basic_mime_tree], visitor_fn=visitor_fn) assert items[-1].subtype == "mixed" def test_MIMETreeDFWalker_visitor_in_constructor( self, basic_mime_tree ): items = [] def visitor_fn(item, stack, debugprint): items.append(item) mimetree = MIMETreeDFWalker(visitor_fn=visitor_fn) mimetree.walk(basic_mime_tree) assert len(items) == 5 @pytest.fixture def string_io(self, const1, text=None): return StringIO(text or const1) def test_do_massage_basic(self, const1, string_io, capsys): def converter(drafttext, draftpath, extensions, tempdir): return Part("text", "plain", draftpath, orig=True) do_massage( draft_f=string_io, draftpath=const1, cmd_f=sys.stdout, converter=converter, ) captured = capsys.readouterr() lines = captured.out.splitlines() assert '="$my_editor"' in lines.pop(0) assert '="$my_edit_headers"' in lines.pop(0) assert "unset my_editor" == lines.pop(0) assert "unset my_edit_headers" == lines.pop(0) assert "send-message" in lines.pop(0) assert "update-encoding" in lines.pop(0) assert "source 'rm -f " in lines.pop(0) assert "unset my_mdwn_postprocess_cmd_file" == lines.pop(0) def test_do_massage_fulltree( self, string_io, const1, basic_mime_tree, capsys ): def converter(drafttext, draftpath, extensions, tempdir): return basic_mime_tree do_massage( draft_f=string_io, draftpath=const1, cmd_f=sys.stdout, converter=converter, ) captured = capsys.readouterr() lines = captured.out.splitlines()[4:] assert "send-message" in lines.pop(0) assert "Related" in lines.pop(0) assert "group-related" in lines.pop(0) assert "tag-entry" in lines.pop(0) assert "Logo" in lines.pop(0) assert "content-id" in lines.pop(0) assert "toggle-unlink" in lines.pop(0) assert "logo.png" in lines.pop(0) assert "tag-entry" in lines.pop(0) assert "Alternative" in lines.pop(0) assert "group-alternatives" in lines.pop(0) assert "tag-entry" in lines.pop(0) assert "HTML" in lines.pop(0) assert "toggle-unlink" in lines.pop(0) assert "part.html" in lines.pop(0) assert "tag-entry" in lines.pop(0) assert "Plain" in lines.pop(0) assert "update-encoding" in lines.pop(0) assert len(lines) == 2 @pytest.fixture def fake_filewriter(self): class FileWriter: def __init__(self): self._writes = [] def __call__(self, path, content, mode="w", **kwargs): self._writes.append((path, content)) def pop(self, index=-1): return self._writes.pop(index) return FileWriter() @pytest.fixture def markdown_non_converter(self, const1, const2): return lambda s, text: f"{const1}{text}{const2}" def test_converter_tree_basic( self, const1, const2, fake_filewriter, markdown_non_converter ): path = pathlib.Path(const2) tree = convert_markdown_to_html( const1, path, filewriter_fn=fake_filewriter ) assert tree.subtype == "alternative" assert len(tree.children) == 2 assert tree.children[0].subtype == "plain" assert tree.children[0].path == path assert tree.children[0].orig assert tree.children[1].subtype == "html" assert tree.children[1].path == path.with_suffix(".html") def test_converter_writes( self, const1, const2, fake_filewriter, monkeypatch, markdown_non_converter, ): path = pathlib.Path(const2) with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(markdown.Markdown, "convert", markdown_non_converter) convert_markdown_to_html( const1, path, filewriter_fn=fake_filewriter ) assert (path, const1) == fake_filewriter.pop(0) assert ( path.with_suffix(".html"), markdown_non_converter(None, const1), ) == fake_filewriter.pop(0) def test_markdown_inline_image_processor(self): imgpath1 = "file:/path/to/image.png" imgpath2 = "file:///path/to/image.png?url=params" imgpath3 = "/path/to/image.png" text = f"""![inline local image]({imgpath1}) ![image inlined with newline]({imgpath2}) ![image local path]({imgpath3})""" text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) # local paths have been normalised to URLs: imgpath3 = f"file://{imgpath3}" assert 'src="cid:' in html assert "](cid:" in text assert len(images) == 3 assert imgpath1 in images assert imgpath2 in images assert imgpath3 in images assert images[imgpath1].cid != images[imgpath2].cid assert images[imgpath1].cid != images[imgpath3].cid assert images[imgpath2].cid != images[imgpath3].cid def test_markdown_inline_image_processor_title_to_desc(self, const1): imgpath = "file:///path/to/image.png" text = f'![inline local image]({imgpath} "{const1}")' text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) assert images[imgpath].desc == const1 def test_markdown_inline_image_processor_alt_to_desc(self, const1): imgpath = "file:///path/to/image.png" text = f"![{const1}]({imgpath})" text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) assert images[imgpath].desc == const1 def test_markdown_inline_image_processor_title_over_alt_desc( self, const1, const2 ): imgpath = "file:///path/to/image.png" text = f'![{const1}]({imgpath} "{const2}")' text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) assert images[imgpath].desc == const2 def test_markdown_inline_image_not_external(self): imgpath = "https://path/to/image.png" text = f"![inline image]({imgpath})" text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) assert 'src="cid:' not in html assert "](cid:" not in text assert len(images) == 0 def test_markdown_inline_image_local_file(self): imgpath = "/path/to/image.png" text = f"![inline image]({imgpath})" text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) for k, v in images.items(): assert k == f"file://{imgpath}" break @pytest.fixture def test_png(self): return ( "" "AAAABCAAAAAA6fptVAAAACklEQVQI12P4DwABAQEAG7buVgAA" ) def test_markdown_inline_image_processor_base64(self, test_png): text = f"![1px white inlined]({test_png})" text, html, images = markdown_with_inline_image_support(text) assert 'src="cid:' in html assert "](cid:" in text assert len(images) == 1 assert test_png in images def test_converter_tree_inline_image_base64( self, test_png, const1, fake_filewriter ): text = f"![inline base64 image]({test_png})" path = pathlib.Path(const1) tree = convert_markdown_to_html( text, path, filewriter_fn=fake_filewriter ) assert tree.subtype == "relative" assert tree.children[1].subtype == "png" written = fake_filewriter.pop() assert tree.children[1].path == written[0] assert written[1] == request.urlopen(test_png).read() def test_inline_image_collection( self, test_png, const1, const2, fake_filewriter ): test_images = {test_png: InlineImageInfo(cid=const1, desc=const2)} relparts = collect_inline_images( test_images, filewriter_fn=fake_filewriter ) written = fake_filewriter.pop() assert b"PNG" in written[1] assert relparts[0].subtype == "png" assert relparts[0].path == written[0] assert relparts[0].cid == const1 assert relparts[0].desc.endswith(const2) except ImportError: pass