""" blib2to3 Node/Leaf transformation-related utility functions. """ import sys from typing import ( Collection, Generic, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Final else: from typing_extensions import Final from mypy_extensions import mypyc_attr # lib2to3 fork from blib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf, type_repr from blib2to3 import pygram from blib2to3.pgen2 import token from black.cache import CACHE_DIR from black.strings import has_triple_quotes pygram.initialize(CACHE_DIR) syms: Final = pygram.python_symbols # types T = TypeVar("T") LN = Union[Leaf, Node] LeafID = int NodeType = int WHITESPACE: Final = {token.DEDENT, token.INDENT, token.NEWLINE} STATEMENT: Final = { syms.if_stmt, syms.while_stmt, syms.for_stmt, syms.try_stmt, syms.except_clause, syms.with_stmt, syms.funcdef, syms.classdef, syms.match_stmt, syms.case_block, } STANDALONE_COMMENT: Final = 153 token.tok_name[STANDALONE_COMMENT] = "STANDALONE_COMMENT" LOGIC_OPERATORS: Final = {"and", "or"} COMPARATORS: Final = { token.LESS, token.GREATER, token.EQEQUAL, token.NOTEQUAL, token.LESSEQUAL, token.GREATEREQUAL, } MATH_OPERATORS: Final = { token.VBAR, token.CIRCUMFLEX, token.AMPER, token.LEFTSHIFT, token.RIGHTSHIFT, token.PLUS, token.MINUS, token.STAR, token.SLASH, token.DOUBLESLASH, token.PERCENT, token.AT, token.TILDE, token.DOUBLESTAR, } STARS: Final = {token.STAR, token.DOUBLESTAR} VARARGS_SPECIALS: Final = STARS | {token.SLASH} VARARGS_PARENTS: Final = { syms.arglist, syms.argument, # double star in arglist syms.trailer, # single argument to call syms.typedargslist, syms.varargslist, # lambdas } UNPACKING_PARENTS: Final = { syms.atom, # single element of a list or set literal syms.dictsetmaker, syms.listmaker, syms.testlist_gexp, syms.testlist_star_expr, syms.subject_expr, syms.pattern, } TEST_DESCENDANTS: Final = { syms.test, syms.lambdef, syms.or_test, syms.and_test, syms.not_test, syms.comparison, syms.star_expr, syms.expr, syms.xor_expr, syms.and_expr, syms.shift_expr, syms.arith_expr, syms.trailer, syms.term, syms.power, } ASSIGNMENTS: Final = { "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "@=", "/=", "%=", "&=", "|=", "^=", "<<=", ">>=", "**=", "//=", } IMPLICIT_TUPLE: Final = {syms.testlist, syms.testlist_star_expr, syms.exprlist} BRACKET: Final = { token.LPAR: token.RPAR, token.LSQB: token.RSQB, token.LBRACE: token.RBRACE, } OPENING_BRACKETS: Final = set(BRACKET.keys()) CLOSING_BRACKETS: Final = set(BRACKET.values()) BRACKETS: Final = OPENING_BRACKETS | CLOSING_BRACKETS ALWAYS_NO_SPACE: Final = CLOSING_BRACKETS | {token.COMMA, STANDALONE_COMMENT} RARROW = 55 @mypyc_attr(allow_interpreted_subclasses=True) class Visitor(Generic[T]): """Basic lib2to3 visitor that yields things of type `T` on `visit()`.""" def visit(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: """Main method to visit `node` and its children. It tries to find a `visit_*()` method for the given `node.type`, like `visit_simple_stmt` for Node objects or `visit_INDENT` for Leaf objects. If no dedicated `visit_*()` method is found, chooses `visit_default()` instead. Then yields objects of type `T` from the selected visitor. """ if node.type < 256: name = token.tok_name[node.type] else: name = str(type_repr(node.type)) # We explicitly branch on whether a visitor exists (instead of # using self.visit_default as the default arg to getattr) in order # to save needing to create a bound method object and so mypyc can # generate a native call to visit_default. visitf = getattr(self, f"visit_{name}", None) if visitf: yield from visitf(node) else: yield from self.visit_default(node) def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: """Default `visit_*()` implementation. Recurses to children of `node`.""" if isinstance(node, Node): for child in node.children: yield from self.visit(child) def whitespace(leaf: Leaf, *, complex_subscript: bool) -> str: # noqa: C901 """Return whitespace prefix if needed for the given `leaf`. `complex_subscript` signals whether the given leaf is part of a subscription which has non-trivial arguments, like arithmetic expressions or function calls. """ NO: Final = "" SPACE: Final = " " DOUBLESPACE: Final = " " t = leaf.type p = leaf.parent v = leaf.value if t in ALWAYS_NO_SPACE: return NO if t == token.COMMENT: return DOUBLESPACE assert p is not None, f"INTERNAL ERROR: hand-made leaf without parent: {leaf!r}" if t == token.COLON and p.type not in { syms.subscript, syms.subscriptlist, syms.sliceop, }: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO if t == token.COLON: if prevp.type == token.COLON: return NO elif prevp.type != token.COMMA and not complex_subscript: return NO return SPACE if prevp.type == token.EQUAL: if prevp.parent: if prevp.parent.type in { syms.arglist, syms.argument, syms.parameters, syms.varargslist, }: return NO elif prevp.parent.type == syms.typedargslist: # A bit hacky: if the equal sign has whitespace, it means we # previously found it's a typed argument. So, we're using # that, too. return prevp.prefix elif prevp.type in VARARGS_SPECIALS: if is_vararg(prevp, within=VARARGS_PARENTS | UNPACKING_PARENTS): return NO elif prevp.type == token.COLON: if prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type in {syms.subscript, syms.sliceop}: return SPACE if complex_subscript else NO elif ( prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type == syms.factor and prevp.type in MATH_OPERATORS ): return NO elif ( prevp.type == token.RIGHTSHIFT and prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type == syms.shift_expr and prevp.prev_sibling and prevp.prev_sibling.type == token.NAME and prevp.prev_sibling.value == "print" # type: ignore ): # Python 2 print chevron return NO elif prevp.type == token.AT and p.parent and p.parent.type == syms.decorator: # no space in decorators return NO elif prev.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO if p.type in {syms.parameters, syms.arglist}: # untyped function signatures or calls if not prev or prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.varargslist: # lambdas if prev and prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.typedargslist: # typed function signatures if not prev: return NO if t == token.EQUAL: if prev.type != syms.tname: return NO elif prev.type == token.EQUAL: # A bit hacky: if the equal sign has whitespace, it means we # previously found it's a typed argument. So, we're using that, too. return prev.prefix elif prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.tname: # type names if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.trailer: # attributes and calls if t == token.LPAR or t == token.RPAR: return NO if not prev: if t == token.DOT: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type != token.NUMBER: return NO elif t == token.LSQB: return NO elif prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.argument: # single argument if t == token.EQUAL: return NO if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type == token.LPAR: return NO elif prev.type in {token.EQUAL} | VARARGS_SPECIALS: return NO elif p.type == syms.decorator: # decorators return NO elif p.type == syms.dotted_name: if prev: return NO prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type == token.AT or prevp.type == token.DOT: return NO elif p.type == syms.classdef: if t == token.LPAR: return NO if prev and prev.type == token.LPAR: return NO elif p.type in {syms.subscript, syms.sliceop}: # indexing if not prev: assert p.parent is not None, "subscripts are always parented" if p.parent.type == syms.subscriptlist: return SPACE return NO elif not complex_subscript: return NO elif p.type == syms.atom: if prev and t == token.DOT: # dots, but not the first one. return NO elif p.type == syms.dictsetmaker: # dict unpacking if prev and prev.type == token.DOUBLESTAR: return NO elif p.type in {syms.factor, syms.star_expr}: # unary ops if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO prevp_parent = prevp.parent assert prevp_parent is not None if prevp.type == token.COLON and prevp_parent.type in { syms.subscript, syms.sliceop, }: return NO elif prevp.type == token.EQUAL and prevp_parent.type == syms.argument: return NO elif t in {token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING}: return NO elif p.type == syms.import_from: if t == token.DOT: if prev and prev.type == token.DOT: return NO elif t == token.NAME: if v == "import": return SPACE if prev and prev.type == token.DOT: return NO elif p.type == syms.sliceop: return NO return SPACE def preceding_leaf(node: Optional[LN]) -> Optional[Leaf]: """Return the first leaf that precedes `node`, if any.""" while node: res = node.prev_sibling if res: if isinstance(res, Leaf): return res try: return list(res.leaves())[-1] except IndexError: return None node = node.parent return None def prev_siblings_are(node: Optional[LN], tokens: List[Optional[NodeType]]) -> bool: """Return if the `node` and its previous siblings match types against the provided list of tokens; the provided `node`has its type matched against the last element in the list. `None` can be used as the first element to declare that the start of the list is anchored at the start of its parent's children.""" if not tokens: return True if tokens[-1] is None: return node is None if not node: return False if node.type != tokens[-1]: return False return prev_siblings_are(node.prev_sibling, tokens[:-1]) def last_two_except(leaves: List[Leaf], omit: Collection[LeafID]) -> Tuple[Leaf, Leaf]: """Return (penultimate, last) leaves skipping brackets in `omit` and contents.""" stop_after: Optional[Leaf] = None last: Optional[Leaf] = None for leaf in reversed(leaves): if stop_after: if leaf is stop_after: stop_after = None continue if last: return leaf, last if id(leaf) in omit: stop_after = leaf.opening_bracket else: last = leaf else: raise LookupError("Last two leaves were also skipped") def parent_type(node: Optional[LN]) -> Optional[NodeType]: """ Returns: @node.parent.type, if @node is not None and has a parent. OR None, otherwise. """ if node is None or node.parent is None: return None return node.parent.type def child_towards(ancestor: Node, descendant: LN) -> Optional[LN]: """Return the child of `ancestor` that contains `descendant`.""" node: Optional[LN] = descendant while node and node.parent != ancestor: node = node.parent return node def replace_child(old_child: LN, new_child: LN) -> None: """ Side Effects: * If @old_child.parent is set, replace @old_child with @new_child in @old_child's underlying Node structure. OR * Otherwise, this function does nothing. """ parent = old_child.parent if not parent: return child_idx = old_child.remove() if child_idx is not None: parent.insert_child(child_idx, new_child) def container_of(leaf: Leaf) -> LN: """Return `leaf` or one of its ancestors that is the topmost container of it. By "container" we mean a node where `leaf` is the very first child. """ same_prefix = leaf.prefix container: LN = leaf while container: parent = container.parent if parent is None: break if parent.children[0].prefix != same_prefix: break if parent.type == syms.file_input: break if parent.prev_sibling is not None and parent.prev_sibling.type in BRACKETS: break container = parent return container def first_leaf_column(node: Node) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the column of the first leaf child of a node.""" for child in node.children: if isinstance(child, Leaf): return child.column return None def first_child_is_arith(node: Node) -> bool: """Whether first child is an arithmetic or a binary arithmetic expression""" expr_types = { syms.arith_expr, syms.shift_expr, syms.xor_expr, syms.and_expr, } return bool(node.children and node.children[0].type in expr_types) def is_docstring(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: if prev_siblings_are( leaf.parent, [None, token.NEWLINE, token.INDENT, syms.simple_stmt] ): return True # Multiline docstring on the same line as the `def`. if prev_siblings_are(leaf.parent, [syms.parameters, token.COLON, syms.simple_stmt]): # `syms.parameters` is only used in funcdefs and async_funcdefs in the Python # grammar. We're safe to return True without further checks. return True return False def is_empty_tuple(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True if `node` holds an empty tuple.""" return ( node.type == syms.atom and len(node.children) == 2 and node.children[0].type == token.LPAR and node.children[1].type == token.RPAR ) def is_one_tuple(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True if `node` holds a tuple with one element, with or without parens.""" if node.type == syms.atom: gexp = unwrap_singleton_parenthesis(node) if gexp is None or gexp.type != syms.testlist_gexp: return False return len(gexp.children) == 2 and gexp.children[1].type == token.COMMA return ( node.type in IMPLICIT_TUPLE and len(node.children) == 2 and node.children[1].type == token.COMMA ) def is_one_tuple_between(opening: Leaf, closing: Leaf, leaves: List[Leaf]) -> bool: """Return True if content between `opening` and `closing` looks like a one-tuple.""" if opening.type != token.LPAR and closing.type != token.RPAR: return False depth = closing.bracket_depth + 1 for _opening_index, leaf in enumerate(leaves): if leaf is opening: break else: raise LookupError("Opening paren not found in `leaves`") commas = 0 _opening_index += 1 for leaf in leaves[_opening_index:]: if leaf is closing: break bracket_depth = leaf.bracket_depth if bracket_depth == depth and leaf.type == token.COMMA: commas += 1 if leaf.parent and leaf.parent.type in { syms.arglist, syms.typedargslist, }: commas += 1 break return commas < 2 def is_walrus_assignment(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True iff `node` is of the shape ( test := test )""" inner = unwrap_singleton_parenthesis(node) return inner is not None and inner.type == syms.namedexpr_test def is_simple_decorator_trailer(node: LN, last: bool = False) -> bool: """Return True iff `node` is a trailer valid in a simple decorator""" return node.type == syms.trailer and ( ( len(node.children) == 2 and node.children[0].type == token.DOT and node.children[1].type == token.NAME ) # last trailer can be an argument-less parentheses pair or ( last and len(node.children) == 2 and node.children[0].type == token.LPAR and node.children[1].type == token.RPAR ) # last trailer can be arguments or ( last and len(node.children) == 3 and node.children[0].type == token.LPAR # and node.children[1].type == syms.argument and node.children[2].type == token.RPAR ) ) def is_simple_decorator_expression(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True iff `node` could be a 'dotted name' decorator This function takes the node of the 'namedexpr_test' of the new decorator grammar and test if it would be valid under the old decorator grammar. The old grammar was: decorator: @ dotted_name [arguments] NEWLINE The new grammar is : decorator: @ namedexpr_test NEWLINE """ if node.type == token.NAME: return True if node.type == syms.power: if node.children: return ( node.children[0].type == token.NAME and all(map(is_simple_decorator_trailer, node.children[1:-1])) and ( len(node.children) < 2 or is_simple_decorator_trailer(node.children[-1], last=True) ) ) return False def is_yield(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True if `node` holds a `yield` or `yield from` expression.""" if node.type == syms.yield_expr: return True if node.type == token.NAME and node.value == "yield": # type: ignore return True if node.type != syms.atom: return False if len(node.children) != 3: return False lpar, expr, rpar = node.children if lpar.type == token.LPAR and rpar.type == token.RPAR: return is_yield(expr) return False def is_vararg(leaf: Leaf, within: Set[NodeType]) -> bool: """Return True if `leaf` is a star or double star in a vararg or kwarg. If `within` includes VARARGS_PARENTS, this applies to function signatures. If `within` includes UNPACKING_PARENTS, it applies to right hand-side extended iterable unpacking (PEP 3132) and additional unpacking generalizations (PEP 448). """ if leaf.type not in VARARGS_SPECIALS or not leaf.parent: return False p = leaf.parent if p.type == syms.star_expr: # Star expressions are also used as assignment targets in extended # iterable unpacking (PEP 3132). See what its parent is instead. if not p.parent: return False p = p.parent return p.type in within def is_multiline_string(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: """Return True if `leaf` is a multiline string that actually spans many lines.""" return has_triple_quotes(leaf.value) and "\n" in leaf.value def is_stub_suite(node: Node) -> bool: """Return True if `node` is a suite with a stub body.""" if ( len(node.children) != 4 or node.children[0].type != token.NEWLINE or node.children[1].type != token.INDENT or node.children[3].type != token.DEDENT ): return False return is_stub_body(node.children[2]) def is_stub_body(node: LN) -> bool: """Return True if `node` is a simple statement containing an ellipsis.""" if not isinstance(node, Node) or node.type != syms.simple_stmt: return False if len(node.children) != 2: return False child = node.children[0] return ( child.type == syms.atom and len(child.children) == 3 and all(leaf == Leaf(token.DOT, ".") for leaf in child.children) ) def is_atom_with_invisible_parens(node: LN) -> bool: """Given a `LN`, determines whether it's an atom `node` with invisible parens. Useful in dedupe-ing and normalizing parens. """ if isinstance(node, Leaf) or node.type != syms.atom: return False first, last = node.children[0], node.children[-1] return ( isinstance(first, Leaf) and first.type == token.LPAR and first.value == "" and isinstance(last, Leaf) and last.type == token.RPAR and last.value == "" ) def is_empty_par(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: return is_empty_lpar(leaf) or is_empty_rpar(leaf) def is_empty_lpar(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: return leaf.type == token.LPAR and leaf.value == "" def is_empty_rpar(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: return leaf.type == token.RPAR and leaf.value == "" def is_import(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: """Return True if the given leaf starts an import statement.""" p = leaf.parent t = leaf.type v = leaf.value return bool( t == token.NAME and ( (v == "import" and p and p.type == syms.import_name) or (v == "from" and p and p.type == syms.import_from) ) ) def is_type_comment(leaf: Leaf, suffix: str = "") -> bool: """Return True if the given leaf is a special comment. Only returns true for type comments for now.""" t = leaf.type v = leaf.value return t in {token.COMMENT, STANDALONE_COMMENT} and v.startswith("# type:" + suffix) def wrap_in_parentheses(parent: Node, child: LN, *, visible: bool = True) -> None: """Wrap `child` in parentheses. This replaces `child` with an atom holding the parentheses and the old child. That requires moving the prefix. If `visible` is False, the leaves will be valueless (and thus invisible). """ lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(" if visible else "") rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")" if visible else "") prefix = child.prefix child.prefix = "" index = child.remove() or 0 new_child = Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar]) new_child.prefix = prefix parent.insert_child(index, new_child) def unwrap_singleton_parenthesis(node: LN) -> Optional[LN]: """Returns `wrapped` if `node` is of the shape ( wrapped ). Parenthesis can be optional. Returns None otherwise""" if len(node.children) != 3: return None lpar, wrapped, rpar = node.children if not (lpar.type == token.LPAR and rpar.type == token.RPAR): return None return wrapped def ensure_visible(leaf: Leaf) -> None: """Make sure parentheses are visible. They could be invisible as part of some statements (see :func:`normalize_invisible_parens` and :func:`visit_import_from`). """ if leaf.type == token.LPAR: leaf.value = "(" elif leaf.type == token.RPAR: leaf.value = ")"