"""Functions to process IPython magics with.""" from functools import lru_cache import dataclasses import ast from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional import secrets import sys import collections if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from typing import TypeGuard else: from typing_extensions import TypeGuard from black.report import NothingChanged from black.output import out TRANSFORMED_MAGICS = frozenset( ( "get_ipython().run_cell_magic", "get_ipython().system", "get_ipython().getoutput", "get_ipython().run_line_magic", ) ) TOKENS_TO_IGNORE = frozenset( ( "ENDMARKER", "NL", "NEWLINE", "COMMENT", "DEDENT", "UNIMPORTANT_WS", "ESCAPED_NL", ) ) NON_PYTHON_CELL_MAGICS = frozenset( ( "bash", "html", "javascript", "js", "latex", "markdown", "perl", "ruby", "script", "sh", "svg", "writefile", ) ) TOKEN_HEX = secrets.token_hex @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Replacement: mask: str src: str @lru_cache() def jupyter_dependencies_are_installed(*, verbose: bool, quiet: bool) -> bool: try: import IPython # noqa:F401 import tokenize_rt # noqa:F401 except ModuleNotFoundError: if verbose or not quiet: msg = ( "Skipping .ipynb files as Jupyter dependencies are not installed.\n" "You can fix this by running ``pip install black[jupyter]``" ) out(msg) return False else: return True def remove_trailing_semicolon(src: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]: """Remove trailing semicolon from Jupyter notebook cell. For example, fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x_data, y_data); # plot data would become fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x_data, y_data) # plot data Mirrors the logic in `quiet` from `IPython.core.displayhook`, but uses ``tokenize_rt`` so that round-tripping works fine. """ from tokenize_rt import ( src_to_tokens, tokens_to_src, reversed_enumerate, ) tokens = src_to_tokens(src) trailing_semicolon = False for idx, token in reversed_enumerate(tokens): if token.name in TOKENS_TO_IGNORE: continue if token.name == "OP" and token.src == ";": del tokens[idx] trailing_semicolon = True break if not trailing_semicolon: return src, False return tokens_to_src(tokens), True def put_trailing_semicolon_back(src: str, has_trailing_semicolon: bool) -> str: """Put trailing semicolon back if cell originally had it. Mirrors the logic in `quiet` from `IPython.core.displayhook`, but uses ``tokenize_rt`` so that round-tripping works fine. """ if not has_trailing_semicolon: return src from tokenize_rt import src_to_tokens, tokens_to_src, reversed_enumerate tokens = src_to_tokens(src) for idx, token in reversed_enumerate(tokens): if token.name in TOKENS_TO_IGNORE: continue tokens[idx] = token._replace(src=token.src + ";") break else: # pragma: nocover raise AssertionError( "INTERNAL ERROR: Was not able to reinstate trailing semicolon. " "Please report a bug on https://github.com/psf/black/issues. " ) from None return str(tokens_to_src(tokens)) def mask_cell(src: str) -> Tuple[str, List[Replacement]]: """Mask IPython magics so content becomes parseable Python code. For example, %matplotlib inline 'foo' becomes "25716f358c32750e" 'foo' The replacements are returned, along with the transformed code. """ replacements: List[Replacement] = [] try: ast.parse(src) except SyntaxError: # Might have IPython magics, will process below. pass else: # Syntax is fine, nothing to mask, early return. return src, replacements from IPython.core.inputtransformer2 import TransformerManager transformer_manager = TransformerManager() transformed = transformer_manager.transform_cell(src) transformed, cell_magic_replacements = replace_cell_magics(transformed) replacements += cell_magic_replacements transformed = transformer_manager.transform_cell(transformed) transformed, magic_replacements = replace_magics(transformed) if len(transformed.splitlines()) != len(src.splitlines()): # Multi-line magic, not supported. raise NothingChanged replacements += magic_replacements return transformed, replacements def get_token(src: str, magic: str) -> str: """Return randomly generated token to mask IPython magic with. For example, if 'magic' was `%matplotlib inline`, then a possible token to mask it with would be `"43fdd17f7e5ddc83"`. The token will be the same length as the magic, and we make sure that it was not already present anywhere else in the cell. """ assert magic nbytes = max(len(magic) // 2 - 1, 1) token = TOKEN_HEX(nbytes) counter = 0 while token in src: token = TOKEN_HEX(nbytes) counter += 1 if counter > 100: raise AssertionError( "INTERNAL ERROR: Black was not able to replace IPython magic. " "Please report a bug on https://github.com/psf/black/issues. " f"The magic might be helpful: {magic}" ) from None if len(token) + 2 < len(magic): token = f"{token}." return f'"{token}"' def replace_cell_magics(src: str) -> Tuple[str, List[Replacement]]: """Replace cell magic with token. Note that 'src' will already have been processed by IPython's TransformerManager().transform_cell. Example, get_ipython().run_cell_magic('t', '-n1', 'ls =!ls\\n') becomes "a794." ls =!ls The replacement, along with the transformed code, is returned. """ replacements: List[Replacement] = [] tree = ast.parse(src) cell_magic_finder = CellMagicFinder() cell_magic_finder.visit(tree) if cell_magic_finder.cell_magic is None: return src, replacements if cell_magic_finder.cell_magic.name in NON_PYTHON_CELL_MAGICS: raise NothingChanged header = cell_magic_finder.cell_magic.header mask = get_token(src, header) replacements.append(Replacement(mask=mask, src=header)) return f"{mask}\n{cell_magic_finder.cell_magic.body}", replacements def replace_magics(src: str) -> Tuple[str, List[Replacement]]: """Replace magics within body of cell. Note that 'src' will already have been processed by IPython's TransformerManager().transform_cell. Example, this get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') 'foo' becomes "5e67db56d490fd39" 'foo' The replacement, along with the transformed code, are returned. """ replacements = [] magic_finder = MagicFinder() magic_finder.visit(ast.parse(src)) new_srcs = [] for i, line in enumerate(src.splitlines(), start=1): if i in magic_finder.magics: offsets_and_magics = magic_finder.magics[i] if len(offsets_and_magics) != 1: # pragma: nocover raise AssertionError( f"Expecting one magic per line, got: {offsets_and_magics}\n" "Please report a bug on https://github.com/psf/black/issues." ) col_offset, magic = ( offsets_and_magics[0].col_offset, offsets_and_magics[0].magic, ) mask = get_token(src, magic) replacements.append(Replacement(mask=mask, src=magic)) line = line[:col_offset] + mask new_srcs.append(line) return "\n".join(new_srcs), replacements def unmask_cell(src: str, replacements: List[Replacement]) -> str: """Remove replacements from cell. For example "9b20" foo = bar becomes %%time foo = bar """ for replacement in replacements: src = src.replace(replacement.mask, replacement.src) return src def _is_ipython_magic(node: ast.expr) -> TypeGuard[ast.Attribute]: """Check if attribute is IPython magic. Note that the source of the abstract syntax tree will already have been processed by IPython's TransformerManager().transform_cell. """ return ( isinstance(node, ast.Attribute) and isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name) and node.value.func.id == "get_ipython" ) def _get_str_args(args: List[ast.expr]) -> List[str]: str_args = [] for arg in args: assert isinstance(arg, ast.Str) str_args.append(arg.s) return str_args @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class CellMagic: name: str params: Optional[str] body: str @property def header(self) -> str: if self.params: return f"%%{self.name} {self.params}" return f"%%{self.name}" @dataclasses.dataclass class CellMagicFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Find cell magics. Note that the source of the abstract syntax tree will already have been processed by IPython's TransformerManager().transform_cell. For example, %%time\nfoo() would have been transformed to get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'foo()\\n') and we look for instances of the latter. """ cell_magic: Optional[CellMagic] = None def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr) -> None: """Find cell magic, extract header and body.""" if ( isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and _is_ipython_magic(node.value.func) and node.value.func.attr == "run_cell_magic" ): args = _get_str_args(node.value.args) self.cell_magic = CellMagic(name=args[0], params=args[1], body=args[2]) self.generic_visit(node) @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class OffsetAndMagic: col_offset: int magic: str @dataclasses.dataclass class MagicFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Visit cell to look for get_ipython calls. Note that the source of the abstract syntax tree will already have been processed by IPython's TransformerManager().transform_cell. For example, %matplotlib inline would have been transformed to get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') and we look for instances of the latter (and likewise for other types of magics). """ magics: Dict[int, List[OffsetAndMagic]] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=lambda: collections.defaultdict(list) ) def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> None: """Look for system assign magics. For example, black_version = !black --version would have been transformed to black_version = get_ipython().getoutput('black --version') and we look for instances of the latter. """ if ( isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and _is_ipython_magic(node.value.func) and node.value.func.attr == "getoutput" ): (arg,) = _get_str_args(node.value.args) src = f"!{arg}" self.magics[node.value.lineno].append( OffsetAndMagic(node.value.col_offset, src) ) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr) -> None: """Look for magics in body of cell. For examples, !ls !!ls ?ls ??ls would (respectively) get transformed to get_ipython().system('ls') get_ipython().getoutput('ls') get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'ls') get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo2', 'ls') and we look for instances of any of the latter. """ if isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and _is_ipython_magic(node.value.func): args = _get_str_args(node.value.args) if node.value.func.attr == "run_line_magic": if args[0] == "pinfo": src = f"?{args[1]}" elif args[0] == "pinfo2": src = f"??{args[1]}" else: src = f"%{args[0]}" if args[1]: assert src is not None src += f" {args[1]}" elif node.value.func.attr == "system": src = f"!{args[0]}" elif node.value.func.attr == "getoutput": src = f"!!{args[0]}" else: raise NothingChanged # unsupported magic. self.magics[node.value.lineno].append( OffsetAndMagic(node.value.col_offset, src) ) self.generic_visit(node)