# An example config file for the mr(1) command.

# Teach mr how to run svn cleanup.
cleanup = if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then svn cleanup ; fi
# Tests used in the skips below.
# - wantsrc checks whether I probably want a full source checkout (quite
#   large)
# - mylaptop only succeeds if it's on my main development laptop, which 
#   gets lots of extra cruft
lib = \
	wantsrc() { \
		test "$(whoami)" = joey; \
	}; \
	mylaptop() { \
		test "$(hostname)" = kodama; \

checkout = git clone ssh://kitenet.net/srv/git/kitenet.net/mr
skip = ! wantsrc

checkout = git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git
skip = ! mylaptop || ! wantsrc

# A merge of the upstream dpkg git repo and my own personal branch.
checkout = \
	git clone git://git.debian.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git && \
	cd dpkg && \
	git remote add kite ssh://kitenet.net/srv/git/kitenet.net/dpkg && \
	git fetch kite && \
	git checkout -b sourcev3 kite/sourcev3
update = git pull origin master && git pull kite sourcev3
commit = git push kite
skip = ! wantsrc

# Still in CVS..urk!
checkout = \
	CVSROOT=:ext:joeyh@cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml \
	cvs co -d www.debian.org webwml
# cvs sucks sufficiently that I prefer to run these commands by hand,
# and only rarely
update = echo "skipping cvs update (too slow)"
status = echo "skipping cvs status (too ugly)"
skip = ! wantsrc

# My home directory, which I keep in svn.
checkout = svn co svn+ssh://svn.kitenet.net/srv/svn/joey/trunk/home-$(hostname) joey
# run svnfix after each update
update = svn update && svnfix