# Adds support for git-svn repositories.

# To make mr use this file, add a line like this inside the [DEFAULT]
# section of your ~/.mrconfig
#include = cat /usr/share/mr/git-svn
# Note that by default this makes mr update do a git svn fetch.
# Some might prefer it to do a git svn rebase, if you do, you can
# configure that as follows in your ~/.mrconfig:
#git_svn_update = git svn rebase
git_svn_update = git svn fetch
git_svn_status = git status -s "$@" || true
git_svn_commit = git svn dcommit
git_svn_push = git svn dcommit
git_svn_record = git commit -a "$@"
git_svn_diff = git diff "$@"
git_svn_log = git svn log "$@"

git_test =
	test -d "$MR_REPO"/.git &&
	test -z "$(GIT_CONFIG="$MR_REPO"/.git/config git config --get svn-remote.svn.url)"

git_svn_test =
	test -d "$MR_REPO"/.git &&
	test -n "$(GIT_CONFIG="$MR_REPO"/.git/config git config --get svn-remote.svn.url)"

git_svn_register =
	url="`LC_ALL=C git config --get svn-remote.svn.url`" || true
	if [ -z "$url" ]; then
		error "cannot determine git svn url"
	echo "Registering git svn url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
	mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "`pwd`" checkout="git svn clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'"

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