* more revision control systems * a way to detect repos in a tree that are not registered, and warn about or even auto-register them. (svn externals make this quite difficult!) * When there are chained mrconfig files, mr could be smarter about checkouts and updates. Ie, when a new version of an mrconfig file is checked out or updated, throw all the info from the old one away, and process the new one. Until this is fixed, checkouts and updates need to be manually repeated after mrconfig files have changes. * offline support If I commit something to git while offline, it would be nice if mr could have a way to push that change when I get online. One approach would be to notice when mr commit fails, and queue the commit up to be tried happen again when "mr retry" is run. This could also notice other failing commands, such as "mr up". Would it make sense to have to first run "mr offline", before mr starts recording such failures? If so, "mr online" would be the thing to run when getting back online, this would both retry queued commands, and stop queuing new failures.