# To make mr use this file, add a line like this inside the [DEFAULT] # section of your ~/.mrconfig #include = cat /usr/share/mr/vcsh # And an example repo using it would look something like: #[$HOME/.config/vcsh/repo.d/zsh.git] #checkout = vcsh clone git://github.com/RichiH/zshrc.git zsh vcsh_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/refs/heads && test -d "$MR_REPO"/refs/tags && test -d "$MR_REPO"/objects && test -f "$MR_REPO"/config && test "`GIT_CONFIG="$MR_REPO"/config git config --get vcsh.vcsh`" = true vcsh_update = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git pull "$@" vcsh_status = cd $(vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git config --get core.worktree); vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git status -s "$@" || true vcsh_commit = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git commit -a "$@" && vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git push --all vcsh_record = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git commit -a "$@" vcsh_push = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git push "$@" vcsh_diff = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git diff "$@" vcsh_log = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git log "$@" vcsh_run = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" "$@" vcsh_gc = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git gc "$@" vcsh_register = url="`LC_ALL=C vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git config --get remote.origin.url`" || true if [ -z "$url" ]; then error "cannot determine git url" fi echo "Registering git url: $url in $MR_CONFIG" mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "`pwd`" checkout="vcsh clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'" vcsh_trusted_checkout = vcsh run "$MR_REPO" git clone $url $repo