# This allows using unison as a "revison control system" with mr.
# You need to configure unison by setting up files in ~/.unison named
# the same as the basenames of the directories you want to sync, and
# containing unison configuration to sync them.
# By default commit will be interactive; you can set batch mode in the
# config file to disable this. All other commands use batch mode by
# default.

# To make mr use this file, add a line like this inside the [DEFAULT]
# section of your ~/.mrconfig
#include = cat /usr/share/mr/unison

# And an example repo using it would look something like:
#unison_test = true
#checkout = unison_checkout music

lib =
	# The name of the directory containing the repo is assumed to
	# match that of a unison config file.
	unison_config() {
		basename "$MR_REPO"
	unison_batch() {
		unison -batch $(unison_config)
	unison_checkout() {
		mkdir "$1" && cd "$1" && unison -batch "$1"

unison_update   = unison_batch
unison_push     = unison_batch
unison_commit   = unison $(unison_config)

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