use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::Parser;
use warnings;
use strict;

# Controls whether to print what is being done.
my $verbose=1;

# Controls whether to actually check anything out.
my $noact=1;

# Controls whether to perfer repos that use authentication.
my $want_auth=0;

# Controls where to check out to. If not set, the vcs is allowed to
# decide.
my $destdir;

# how to perform checkouts
my %handlers=(
	git => sub { doit("git", "clone", shift, $destdir) },
	svn => sub { doit("svn", "checkout", shift, $destdir) },
	bzr => sub { doit("bzr", "branch", shift, $destdir) },

# Regexps matching urls that are used for anonymous
# repository checkouts. The order is significant:
# urls matching earlier in the list are preferred over
# those matching later.
my @anon_urls=(
	qr/^http:\/\//i, # generally the worst transport

sub doit {
	my @args=grep { defined } @_;
	print join(" ", @args)."\n" if $verbose;
	return 0 if $noact;
	return system(@args);

# Is repo a better than repo b?
sub better {
	my ($a, $b)=@_;

	my $firstanon=$b;
	foreach my $r (@anon_urls) {
		if ($a->{href} =~ /$r/) {
		elsif ($b->{href} =~ /$r/) {

	if ($want_auth) {
		return $firstanon != $a;
	else {
		return $firstanon == $a;

# Eliminate duplicate repositories from list.
# Duplicate repositories have the same title, or the same href.
sub dedup {
	my %seenhref;
	my %bytitle;
	foreach my $repo (@_) {
		if (exists $repo->{title} &&
		    length $repo->{title} &&
		    exists $bytitle{$repo->{title}}) {
			my $other=$bytitle{$repo->{title}};
			next unless better($repo, $other);
			delete $bytitle{$other->{title}}

		if (! $seenhref{$repo->{href}}++) {

	return values %bytitle;

sub parse {
	my $page=shift;

	my @ret;
	my $parser=HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
	$parser->handler(start => sub {
		my $tagname=shift;
		my $attr=shift;
		return if lc $tagname ne 'link';
		return if ! exists $attr->{rel} || lc $attr->{rel} ne 'vcs';
		return if ! exists $attr->{href} || ! length $attr->{href};
		return if ! exists $attr->{type} || ! length $attr->{type};
		push @ret, $attr;
	}, "tagname, attr");

	return @ret;

my $url=shift;
if (! defined $url) {
	die "usage: webcheckout url\n";

my $page=get($url);
if (! defined $page) {
	die "failed to download $url\n";

my @repos=dedup(parse($page));
if (! @repos) {
	die "no repositories found on $url\n";

my $errors=0;
foreach my $repo (@repos) {
	my $handler=$handlers{$repo->{type}};
	if ($handler) {
		if ($handler->($repo->{href}) != 0) {
			print STDERR "failed to checkout ".$repo->{href}."\n";
	else {
		print STDERR "unknown repository type ".$repo->{type}.
			" for ".$repo->{href}."\n";
exit($errors > 0);

#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper(\@repos);