mr is a Multiple Repository management tool for git, svn, mercurial, bzr, darcs, cvs, fossil and veracity. Author: Joey Hess Homepage: mr is intended to be very self-contained, since it might be useful to check it into ~/bin when keeping your home in version control. It has no dependencies aside from basic perl. (The included webcheckout command has more dependencies, specifically the LWP::Simple and HTML::Parser CPAN modules, and optionally the URI module.) To install mr, just copy mr into your PATH somewhere. To get started using mr, perhaps you already have some checked out repositories. Go into each one and run "mr register". Now mr has a list of them in ~/.mrconfig, which you can edit later to tune its operation. Suppose you've cd'd to ~/src, and it has many repositories under it. To update them all, run "mr update". To commit any pending changes in each, run "mr commit". To check the status of each, you could run "mr status". For further details, and lots of configuration options, see the mr(1) man page.