# Archiving Twitter

These are a set of scripts allowing you to keep a copy of your Twitter life:

1. Dumping followers, optionally sending changes to you by e-mail at regular
   intervals (using cron).

2. Archiving all your tweets as they come in, both their raw data, as well as
   an HTML dump the way Twitter would dump it at the time.

All of this is very hackish, but if it's of any use to you, then great!

## Getting started

I think it's just running the scripts. For instance, I have the following
entries in crontab:

*/6 * * * * $HOME/twitter/fetch_tweets.sh 2>/dev/null
*/15 * * * * $HOME/twitter/track_followers.sh >/dev/null
2 7 * * * $HOME/twitter/report_followers.sh

Warning: I have not tested this as a means to extract past tweets. You might
well hit limits of Twitter. However, Twitter does let you export your entire
history to a Zip file. I've done that, and so should you. Then please write
a translator to squeeze all those data into the archive created with my
scripts, and submit a patch.

## Patches

Speaking of: patches welcome, please send them to madduck@madduck.net using
git-format-patch and git-send-email.

## Wishlist

0. Setup instructions
1. Better handling of target directories, i.e. don't make them subdirectories
2. Exporting parameters (such as email address) to configuration
3. Dumping favourites/starred tweets
4. Dumping bookmarks

## Copyright

Copyright © 2017–2019 by martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
and released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0.

If you need it under another licence, let me know.