X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/code/vcsh.git/blobdiff_plain/84a9200ba47abc57dcbb7bfc34c75a17a729e867..36d6bee8b2e6746709670079cfe9d469340c81df:/vcsh?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/vcsh b/vcsh
index 6de5f56..9b2d295 100755
--- a/vcsh
+++ b/vcsh
@@ -1,203 +1,423 @@
-[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] && set -x
+# This program is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later.
+# (c) Richard "RichiH" Hartmann <richih.mailinglist@gmail.com>, 2011-2013
+# For details, see LICENSE. To submit patches, you have to agree to
+# license your code under the GNU GPL version 2 or later.
+# While the following is not legally binding, the author would like to
+# explain the choice of GPLv2+ over GPLv3+.
+# The author prefers GPLv3+ over GPLv2+ but feels it's better to maintain
+# full compatibility's with git. In case git ever changes its licensing terms,
+# which is admittedly extremely unlikely to the point of being impossible,
+# this software will most likely follow suit.
+# This should always be the first line of code to facilitate debugging
+[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] && set -vx
+basename() {
+	# Implemented in shell to avoid spawning another process
+	local file
+	file="${1##*/}"
+	[ -z "$2" ] || file="${file%$2}"
+	echo "$file"
 SELF=$(basename $0)
-[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ] && XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
-[ -z "$VCSH_BASE" ]       && VCSH_BASE="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vcsh/repo.d"
-for check_directory in "$VCSH_BASE"
-	if [ ! -d "$check_directory" ]; then
-		if [ -e "$check_directory" ]; then
-			echo "$SELF: error: $check_directory exists but is not a directory" >&2
-			exit 2
-		else
-			mkdir -p "$check_directory" || (echo "$SELF: error: could not create $check_directory" >&2; exit 2)
-		fi
+fatal() {
+	echo "$SELF: fatal: $1" >&2
+	exit $2
+# We need to run getops as soon as possible so we catch -d and other
+# options that will modify our behaviour.
+# Commands are handled at the end of this script.
+while getopts "c:dv" flag; do
+	if [ "$1" = '-d' ] || [ "$1" = '--debug' ]; then
+		set -vx
+		echo "$SELF $VERSION"
+	elif [ "$1" = '-v' ];then
+		echo "$SELF $VERSION"
+	elif [ "$1" = '-c' ];then
+	shift 1
-debug() {
-	[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] && echo "$SELF: debug: $1"
+source_all() {
+	# Source file even if it's in $PWD and does not have any slashes in it
+	case "$1" in
+		*/*) . "$1";;
+		*)   . "$PWD/$1";;
+	esac;
-verbose() {
-	if [ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] || [ -n "$VCSH_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "$SELF: verbose: $1"; fi
-#   use <repo>     Use this repository
-#   exit              Exit vcsh mode" >&2
-help() {
-	echo "usage: $SELF <args>
+# Read configuration and set defaults if anything's not set
+[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ]                  && set -vx
+[ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]             && XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
-   help              Display this help
+# Read configuration files if there are any
+[ -r "/etc/vcsh/config" ]             && . "/etc/vcsh/config"
+[ -r "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vcsh/config" ] && . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vcsh/config"
+if [ -n "$VCSH_OPTION_CONFIG" ]; then
+	# Source $VCSH_OPTION_CONFIG if it can be read and is in $PWD of $PATH
+	if [ -r "$VCSH_OPTION_CONFIG" ]; then
+		source_all "$VCSH_OPTION_CONFIG"
+	else
+		fatal "Can not read configuration file '$VCSH_OPTION_CONFIG'" 1
+	fi
+[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ]                  && set -vx
-   list              List all repos
+# Read defaults
+[ -z "$VCSH_REPO_D" ]                 && VCSH_REPO_D="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vcsh/repo.d"
+[ -z "$VCSH_HOOK_D" ]                 && VCSH_HOOK_D="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vcsh/hooks-enabled"
+[ -z "$VCSH_BASE" ]                   && VCSH_BASE="$HOME"
+[ -z "$VCSH_GITIGNORE" ]              && VCSH_GITIGNORE='exact'
-   run <repo> \\
-       <command>     Use this repository
-   init <repo>       Initialize a new repository
-   clone <remote> \\
-         [<repo>]    Clone from an existing repository
-   seed-gitignore \\
-   <repo>            Seed .gitignore.d/<repo> from git ls-files" >&2
+help() {
+	echo "usage: $SELF <options> <command>
-use() {
-	verbose "use() begin"
-	REPO_NAME="$1"
+   options:
+   -c <file>            Source file
+   -d                   Enable debug mode
+   -v                   Enable verbose mode
-	if [ ! -d "$GIT_DIR" ]; then
-		echo E: no repository found for "$REPO_NAME" >&2
-		return 2
-	fi
+   commands:
+   clone <remote> \\
+         [<repo>]       Clone from an existing repository
+   delete <repo>        Delete an existing repository
+   enter <repo>         Enter repository; spawn new instance of \$SHELL
+   help                 Display this help text
+   init <repo>          Initialize a new repository
+   list                 List all repositories
+   list-tracked         List all files tracked by vcsh
+   list-tracked-by \\
+        <repo>          List files tracked by a repository
+   pull                 Pull from all vcsh remotes
+   push                 Push to vcsh remotes
+   rename <repo> \\
+          <newname>     Rename repository
+   run <repo> \\
+       <command>        Use this repository
+   upgrade <repo>       Upgrade repository to currently recommended settings
+   version              Print version information
+   which <substring>    Find substring in name of any tracked file
+   write-gitignore \\
+   <repo>               Write .gitignore.d/<repo> via git ls-files
-	export GIT_DIR
-	export GIT_WORK_TREE="$(git config --get core.worktree)"
-	verbose "use() end"
+   <repo> <git command> Shortcut to run git commands directly
+   <repo>               Shortcut to enter repository" >&2
-init() {
-	verbose "init() begin"
-	[ -e "$GIT_DIR" ] &&
-		echo "$SELF: fatal: $GIT_DIR exists" &&
-		return 21
-	export GIT_WORK_TREE="$HOME"
-	mkdir -p "$GIT_WORK_TREE"
-	cd "$GIT_WORK_TREE" ||
-		(echo "$SELF: fatal: could not enter $GIT_WORK_TREE" &&
-		 exit 20) || exit 20
-	git init
-	git config core.worktree     "$GIT_WORK_TREE"
-	git config core.excludesfile ".gitignore.d/$REPO_NAME"
-	verbose "init() end"
+debug() {
+	[ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] && echo "$SELF: debug: $@"
-leave() {
-	unset GIT_DIR
+verbose() {
+	if [ -n "$VCSH_DEBUG" ] || [ -n "$VCSH_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "$SELF: verbose: $@"; fi
-if [ "$1" = 'help' ] || [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
-	help
-	[ "$1" = 'help' ]
-	exit $?
+error() {
+	echo "$SELF: error: $1" >&2
-elif [ "$1" = 'list' ]; then
-	verbose "list begin"
-	for i in "$VCSH_BASE"/*.git; do
-		echo $(basename "$i" .git)
-	done
-	verbose "list end"
-	exit 0
+info() {
+	echo "$SELF: info: $1"
-elif [ "$1" = 'run' ]; then
-	verbose "run begin"
-	use "$2"
-	shift 2
-	"$@"
-	leave
-	verbose "run end"
-	exit 0
-#elif [ "$1" = 'use' ]; then
-#	verbose "use begin"
-#	if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
-#		if [ -o NO_IGNORE_EOF ]; then
-#			export VCSH_NO_IGNORE_EOF=1
-#			setopt IGNORE_EOF
-#		fi
-#		vcsh_exit() {
-#			vcsh exit;
-#			zle reset-prompt;
-#		}
-#		zle -N vcsh_exit
-#		bindkey '^d' 'vcsh_exit'
-#	fi
-#	use $2
-#	[ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && [ "$USER" = richih ] && buildPS1
-#	verbose "use end"
-#	exit 0
-elif [ "$1" = 'clone' ]; then
-	verbose "clone begin"
-	REPO_NAME="$3"
-	[ -z "$REPO_NAME" ] && REPO_NAME=$(basename "$GIT_REMOTE" .git)
-	export REPO_NAME
-	export GIT_DIR="$VCSH_BASE/$REPO_NAME.git"
+clone() {
+	hook pre-clone
 	git remote add origin "$GIT_REMOTE"
 	git config branch.master.remote origin
 	git config branch.master.merge  refs/heads/master
-	git config core.excludesfile    ".gitignore.d/$REPO_NAME"
+	if [ $(git ls-remote origin master 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) -lt 1 ]; then
+		info "remote is empty, not merging anything"
+		exit
+	fi
 	git fetch
 	for object in $(git ls-tree -r origin/master | awk '{print $4}'); do
 		[ -e "$object" ] &&
-			echo "$SELF: error: $object exists." &&
+			error "'$object' exists." &&
 	[ "$VCSH_CONFLICT" = '1' ] &&
-		echo "$SELF: fatal: will stop after fetching and not try to merge!\n" &&
-		echo "  Once this situation has been resolved, run 'vcsh run <foo> git pull' to finish cloning.\n" &&
-		exit 3
+		fatal "will stop after fetching and not try to merge!
+  Once this situation has been resolved, run 'vcsh run $VCSH_REPO_NAME git pull' to finish cloning.\n" 17
 	git merge origin/master
-#	vcsh use $REPO_NAME
-	verbose "clone end"
-elif [ "$1" = 'init' ]; then
-	verbose "init begin"
-	[ -z $2 ] && help && echo && echo "$SELF $1: please specify repository to work on" && return 0
-	export REPO_NAME="$2"
-	export GIT_DIR="$VCSH_BASE/$REPO_NAME.git"
-	init
-#	vcsh use "$REPO_NAME"
-	verbose "init end"
-#elif [ "$1" = 'exit' ]; then
-#	verbose "exit begin"
-#	if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && [ "$VCSH_NO_IGNORE_EOF" = '1' ]; then
-#		setopt NO_IGNORE_EOF
-#	fi
-#	leave
-#	[ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && [ "$USER" = richih ] && buildPS1
-#	verbose "exit end"
-#	exit 0
-elif [ "$1" = 'seed-gitignore' ]; then
-	verbose "seed-gitignore begin"
-	[ -z $2 ] && help && echo && echo "$SELF $1: please specify repository to work on" && return 0
-	use "$2"
-	git config core.excludesfile ".gitignore.d/$REPO_NAME"
+	hook post-clone
+	retire
+	hook post-clone-retired
+delete() {
+	cd "$VCSH_BASE" || fatal "could not enter '$VCSH_BASE'" 11
+	use
+	info "This operation WILL DESTROY DATA!"
 	files=$(git ls-files)
+	echo "These files will be deleted:
+To continue, type 'Yes, do as I say'"
+	read answer
+	[ "x$answer" = 'xYes, do as I say' ] || exit 16
+	for file in $files; do
+		rm -f $file || info "could not delete '$file', continuing with deletion"
+	done
+	rm -rf "$GIT_DIR" || error "could not delete '$GIT_DIR'"
+enter() {
+	hook pre-enter
+	use
+	hook post-enter
+git_dir_exists() {
+	[ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] || fatal "no repository found for '$VCSH_REPO_NAME'" 12
+hook() {
+	for hook in $VCSH_HOOK_D/$1* $VCSH_HOOK_D/$VCSH_REPO_NAME.$1*; do
+		[ -x "$hook" ] || continue
+		verbose "executing '$hook'"
+		"$hook"
+	done
+init() {
+	[ ! -e "$GIT_DIR" ] || fatal "'$GIT_DIR' exists" 10
+	mkdir -p "$GIT_WORK_TREE" || fatal "could not create '$GIT_WORK_TREE'" 50
+	cd "$GIT_WORK_TREE" || fatal "could not enter '$GIT_WORK_TREE'" 11
+	git init
+	upgrade
+list() {
+	for repo in "$VCSH_REPO_D"/*.git; do
+		[ -d "$repo" ] && [ -r "$repo" ] && echo $(basename "$repo" .git)
+	done
+get_files() {
+	git ls-files
+list_tracked() {
+	for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+		get_files
+	done | sort -u
+list_tracked_by() {
+	use
+	git ls-files | sort -u
+pull() {
+	hook pre-pull
+	for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+		echo -n "$VCSH_REPO_NAME: "
+		use
+		git pull
+	done
+	hook post-pull
+push() {
+	hook pre-push
+	for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+		echo -n "$VCSH_REPO_NAME: "
+		use
+		git push
+	done
+	hook post-push
+retire() {
+rename() {
+	git_dir_exists
+	[ -d "$GIT_DIR_NEW" ] && fatal "'$GIT_DIR_NEW' exists" 54
+	mv -f "$GIT_DIR" "$GIT_DIR_NEW" || fatal "Could not mv '$GIT_DIR' '$GIT_DIR_NEW'" 52
+	# Now that the repository has been renamed, we need to fix up its configuration
+	# Overwrite old name..
+	# ..and clobber all old configuration
+	upgrade
+run() {
+	hook pre-run
+	use
+	"$@"
+	hook post-run
+upgrade() {
+	hook pre-upgrade
+	use
+	git config core.worktree     "$GIT_WORK_TREE"
+	[ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ] && git config core.excludesfile ".gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+	git config vcsh.vcsh         'true'
+	[ -e "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ] && git add -f "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+	hook post-upgrade
+use() {
+	git_dir_exists
+	export GIT_WORK_TREE="$(git config --get core.worktree)"
+which() {
+	for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+		for VCSH_FILE in $(get_files); do
+		done
+	done | sort -u
+write_gitignore() {
+	# Don't do anything if the user does not want to write gitignore
+	if [ "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ]; then
+		info "Not writing gitignore as '\$VCSH_GITIGNORE' is set to 'none'"
+		exit
+	fi
+	use
+	cd "$VCSH_BASE" || fatal "could not enter '$VCSH_BASE'" 11
 	gitignores=$(for file in $(git ls-files); do
 		while true; do
 			echo $file; new="${file%/*}"
 			[ "$file" = "$new" ] && break
-	done | sort -u | sed 's/^/!/')
-	[ -e .gitignore.d/$2 ] &&
-	echo "$SELF: .gitignore.d/$2 exists, moving it to .gitignore.d/$2.bak" &&
-	mv -f .gitignore.d/$2 .gitignore.d/$2.bak
-	echo '*' > .gitignore.d/$2
+	done | sort -u)
+	tempfile=$(mktemp) || fatal "could not create tempfile" 51
+	echo '*' > "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57
 	for gitignore in $gitignores; do
-		echo $gitignore >> .gitignore.d/$2
+		echo "$gitignore" | sed 's@^@!/@' >> "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57
+		if [ "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xrecursive' ] && [ -d "$gitignore" ]; then
+			{ echo "$gitignore/*" | sed 's@^@!/@' >> "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57; }
+		fi
+	if diff -N "$tempfile" "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" > /dev/null; then
+		rm -f "$tempfile" || error "could not delete '$tempfile'"
+		exit
+	fi
+	if [ -e "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ]; then
+		info "'$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME' differs from new data, moving it to '$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME.bak'"
+		mv -f "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME.bak" ||
+			fatal "could not move '$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME' to '$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME.bak'" 53
+	fi
+	mv -f "$tempfile" "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ||
+		fatal "could not move '$tempfile' to '$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME'" 53
+if [ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xexact' ] && [ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xrecursive' ] && [ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ]; then
+	fatal "'\$VCSH_GITIGNORE' must equal 'exact', 'recursive', or 'none'" 1
+if [ "$1" = 'clone' ]; then
+	[ -z "$2" ] && fatal "$1: please specify a remote" 1
+	export VCSH_COMMAND="$1"
+	[ -n "$3" ] && VCSH_REPO_NAME="$3" || VCSH_REPO_NAME=$(basename "$GIT_REMOTE" .git)
+elif [ "$1" = 'version' ]; then
+	echo "$SELF $VERSION"
+	exit
+elif [ "$1" = 'which' ]; then
+	[ -z "$2" ] && fatal "$1: please specify a filename" 1
+	[ -n "$3" ] && fatal "$1: too many parameters" 1
+	export VCSH_COMMAND="$1"
+elif [ "$1" = 'delete' ]           ||
+     [ "$1" = 'enter' ]            ||
+     [ "$1" = 'init' ]             ||
+     [ "$1" = 'list-tracked-by' ]  ||
+     [ "$1" = 'rename' ]           ||
+     [ "$1" = 'run' ]              ||
+     [ "$1" = 'upgrade' ]          ||
+     [ "$1" = 'write-gitignore' ]; then
+	[ -z $2 ]                      && fatal "$1: please specify repository to work on" 1
+	[ "$1" = 'rename' -a -z "$3" ] && fatal "$1: please specify a target name" 1
+	[ "$1" = 'run'    -a -z "$3" ] && fatal "$1: please specify a command" 1
+	export VCSH_COMMAND="$1"
+	export VCSH_REPO_NAME="$2"
+	[ "$VCSH_COMMAND" = 'rename' ] && { export VCSH_REPO_NAME_NEW="$3";
+	                                    export GIT_DIR_NEW="$VCSH_REPO_D/$VCSH_REPO_NAME_NEW.git" }
+	[ "$VCSH_COMMAND" = 'run' ]    && shift 2
+	[ "$VCSH_COMMAND" = 'write-gitignore' ]
+elif [ "$1" = 'list' ] ||
+     [ "$1" = 'list-tracked' ] ||
+     [ "$1" = 'pull' ] ||
+     [ "$1" = 'push' ]; then
+	export VCSH_COMMAND="$1"
+elif [ -n "$2" ]; then
+	export VCSH_COMMAND='run'
+	export VCSH_REPO_NAME="$1"
+	[ -d $GIT_DIR ] || { help; exit 1; }
+	shift 1
+	set -- "git" "$@"
+elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
+	export VCSH_COMMAND='enter'
+	export VCSH_REPO_NAME="$1"
+	[ -d $GIT_DIR ] || { help; exit 1; }
-	verbose "defaulting to calling help()"
-	help
-	exit 3
+	# $1 is empty, or 'help'
+	help && exit
+# Did we receive a directory instead of a name?
+# Mangle the input to fit normal operation.
+if echo $VCSH_REPO_NAME | grep -q '/'; then
+	export VCSH_REPO_NAME=$(basename "$VCSH_REPO_NAME" .git)
+check_dir() {
+	check_directory="$1"
+	if [ ! -d "$check_directory" ]; then
+		if [ -e "$check_directory" ]; then
+			fatal "'$check_directory' exists but is not a directory" 13
+		else
+			info "attempting to create '$check_directory'"
+			mkdir -p "$check_directory" || fatal "could not create '$check_directory'" 50
+		fi
+	fi
+check_dir "$VCSH_REPO_D"
+[ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ] && check_dir "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d"
+verbose "$VCSH_COMMAND begin"
+export VCSH_COMMAND=$(echo $VCSH_COMMAND | sed 's/-/_/g')
+hook pre-command
+hook post-command
+verbose "$VCSH_COMMAND end, exiting"