From: Richard Hartmann <>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2014 16:00:47 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: doc/sample_hooks/: Cleanups

doc/sample_hooks/: Cleanups

diff --git a/doc/sample_hooks/post-merge-unclobber b/doc/sample_hooks/post-merge-unclobber
index 017a13f..23c757c 100755
--- a/doc/sample_hooks/post-merge-unclobber
+++ b/doc/sample_hooks/post-merge-unclobber
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # This finds objects that the pre-merge script moved out of the way to
-# avoid conflicts when running git clone and moves them back to their
-# original places. The result is that the git repository gets checked out
-# and the extant objects end up back in the working directory. Git now
-# sees these as un-staged changes to the working branch and you can deal
-# with them by adding them or reverting.
+# avoid conflicts when running `vcsh clone` and moves them back to their
+# original places. The result is that the Git repository gets checked out
+# without error and the pre-existing files end up back in the working
+# directory. Git and thus vcsh now see these as un-staged changes to the
+# working branch and you can deal with them as usual.
 find -name '*.vcsh-unclobber' -execdir rename .vcsh-unclobber '' {} \;
diff --git a/doc/sample_hooks/pre-merge-unclobber b/doc/sample_hooks/pre-merge-unclobber
index 93a7319..5261096 100755
--- a/doc/sample_hooks/pre-merge-unclobber
+++ b/doc/sample_hooks/pre-merge-unclobber
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# This code does amost exactly what the native VCSH sanity checking code
-# does except that on finding a potential merge conflict, it moves the 
-# extant object out of the way temporarily. The merge then happens cleanly
-# as far as git knows, and a post-merge hook can figure out what to do with
-# the extant versions of the objects.
+# This code does amost exactly what the native vcsh sanity checking code
+# does except that on finding a potential merge conflict, it moves existing
+# files out of the way temporarily. Merging (part of `vcsh clone`) happens
+# cleanly, and a post-merge hook can be used to figure out what to do with
+# the now-renamed files.
 for object in $(git ls-tree -r origin/master | awk '{print $4}'); do
 	[ -e "$object" ] && mv "$object" "$object.vcsh-unclobber"