# Makefile -- helper for the site # # Copyright (c) martin f. krafft # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # # Part of the source code for the site http://people.debian.org/~madduck/ # # svn: http://svn.madduck.net/pub/debian/web/people.debian.org--madduck/ # all: html/__prune__ html/css html/js html/img html/gpg html/graphs r2w -w .PHONY: all all-upstream: UPSTREAM = $(HOME)/debian/pkg/rest2web/upstream.trunk all-upstream: html/__prune__ html/css html/img PYTHONPATH=$(UPSTREAM) python $(UPSTREAM)/r2w.py -w .PHONY: all-upstream dist: TARGETHOST = people.debian.org dist: TARGETDIR = public_html dist: all LC_ALL=C rsync -r --exclude talks/ --exclude .\*.swp --delete html/ $(TARGETHOST):$(TARGETDIR) LC_ALL=C ssh $(TARGETHOST) chmod -R og+rX $(TARGETDIR) html: mkdir $@ html/__prune__: html touch $@ html/css html/img html/gpg html/graphs html/js: html tar -cf- --exclude=.svn $(@F) | tar -xf- -C $(@D) .PHONY: html/css html/img html/gpg html/graphs html/js clean: rm -rf html .PHONY: clean