/* * ie-note.js -- alerts users of IE about lack of standards-compliance * * to use, source this script from the HTML file: * * * * Note that you need an event handler, such as * http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2005/10/add-event/ * or insure otherwise that insertNote() is called *after* the whole page has * been rendered and the DOM initialised. * * The notice can be styled with CSS, using the ie-note class name. * * SVN url: http://svn.madduck.net/pub/web/martin-krafft.net/js/ie-note.js * * Copyright © martin f. krafft * Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 * * Revision: $Id: dchangesfilename 295 2006-10-07 11:20:26Z madduck $ */ function isIE() { return navigator.appName.indexOf('Internet Explorer') > 0 || navigator.appName.indexOf('MSIE') > 0; } function insertNote() { var query = unescape(location.search); if (isIE() || query.indexOf('ie-note') > 0) { var container = document.createElement("p"); container.className = 'ie-note'; container.innerHTML = 'Notice: you are using Microsoft\'s Internet Explorer, ' + 'which does not properly support the XHTML and CSS standards used in writing ' + 'this page the way it is supposed to look. The information is still ' + 'all there, but for a better result, please consider alternative ' + 'browsers, such as ' + 'Mozilla Firefox.'; var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; body.insertBefore(container, body.firstChild); } } // see http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2005/10/add-event/ addEvent(window, 'DOMContentLoaded', insertNote);