--[[ Re-implementation of `os.date` from the standard lua library ]] local gettime = require "luatz.gettime".gettime local new_from_timestamp = require "luatz.timetable".new_from_timestamp local get_tz = require "luatz.tzcache".get_tz local function os_date ( format_string , timestamp ) format_string = format_string or "%c" timestamp = timestamp or gettime ( ) if format_string:sub ( 1 , 1 ) == "!" then -- UTC format_string = format_string:sub ( 2 ) else -- Localtime timestamp = get_tz ( ):localise ( timestamp ) end local tt = new_from_timestamp ( timestamp ):normalise ( ) if format_string == "*t" then return tt else return tt:strftime ( format_string ) end end return os_date