--[[ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2014 projektile, worron * (c) 2013 Luke Bonham * (c) 2009 Donald Ephraim Curtis * (c) 2008 Julien Danjolu --]] local tag = require("awful.tag") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local ipairs = ipairs local math = { floor = math.floor, ceil = math.ceil, max = math.max, min = math.min } local tonumber = tonumber local uselesstile = {} -- Transformation functions local function flip(canvas, geometry) return { -- vertical only x = 2 * canvas.x + canvas.width - geometry.x - geometry.width, y = geometry.y, width = geometry.width, height = geometry.height } end local function swap(geometry) return { x = geometry.y, y = geometry.x, width = geometry.height, height = geometry.width } end -- Find geometry for column/row tiling local function cut_area(wa, total, index, is_horizontal) local wa = is_horizontal and swap(wa) or wa local height = wa.height / total local area = { x = wa.x, y = wa.y + (index - 1) * height, width = wa.width, height = height } if is_horizontal then area = swap(area) end return area end -- Client geometry correction depending on useless gap and window border local function size_correction(c, geometry, useless_gap) geometry.width = math.max(geometry.width - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1) geometry.height = math.max(geometry.height - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1) geometry.x = geometry.x + useless_gap / 2 geometry.y = geometry.y + useless_gap / 2 end -- Tile group of clients in given area -- @canvas need for proper transformation only local function tile_column(canvas, area, list, useless_gap, transformation) for i, c in ipairs(list) do local g = cut_area(area, #list, i) -- swap workarea dimensions if transformation.flip then g = flip(canvas, g) end if transformation.swap then g = swap(g) end -- useless gap and border correction size_correction(c, g, useless_gap) c:geometry(g) end end --Main tile function local function tile(p, orientation) -- Theme vars local useless_gap = beautiful.useless_gap_width or 0 local global_border = beautiful.global_border_width or 0 -- Aliases local wa = p.workarea local cls = p.clients local t = tag.selected(p.screen) -- Nothing to tile here if #cls == 0 then return end -- Get tag prop local nmaster = math.min(tag.getnmaster(t), #cls) local mwfact = tag.getmwfact(t) if nmaster == 0 then mwfact = 0 elseif nmaster == #cls then mwfact = 1 end -- Workarea size correction depending on useless gap and global border wa.height = wa.height - 2 * global_border - useless_gap wa.width = wa.width - 2 * global_border - useless_gap wa.x = wa.x + useless_gap / 2 + global_border wa.y = wa.y + useless_gap / 2 + global_border -- Find which transformation we need for given orientation local transformation = { swap = orientation == 'top' or orientation == 'bottom', flip = orientation == 'left' or orientation == 'top' } -- Swap workarea dimensions if orientation vertical if transformation.swap then wa = swap(wa) end -- Split master and other windows local cls_master, cls_other = {}, {} for i, c in ipairs(cls) do if i <= nmaster then table.insert(cls_master, c) else table.insert(cls_other, c) end end -- Tile master windows local master_area = { x = wa.x, y = wa.y, width = nmaster > 0 and wa.width * mwfact or 0, height = wa.height } tile_column(wa, master_area, cls_master, useless_gap, transformation) -- Tile other windows local other_area = { x = wa.x + master_area.width, y = wa.y, width = wa.width - master_area.width, height = wa.height } -- get column number for other windows local ncol = math.min(tag.getncol(t), #cls_other) -- split other windows to column groups local last_small_column = ncol - #cls_other % ncol local rows_min = math.floor(#cls_other / ncol) local client_index = 1 for i = 1, ncol do local position = transformation.flip and ncol - i + 1 or i local rows = i <= last_small_column and rows_min or rows_min + 1 local column = {} for j = 1, rows do table.insert(column, cls_other[client_index]) client_index = client_index + 1 end -- and tile local column_area = cut_area(other_area, ncol, position, true) tile_column(wa, column_area, column, useless_gap, transformation) end end -- Layout constructor local function construct_layout(name, orientation) return { name = name, -- @p screen number to tile arrange = function(p) return tile(p, orientation) end } end -- Build layouts with different tile direction uselesstile.right = construct_layout("uselesstile", "right") uselesstile.left = construct_layout("uselesstileleft", "left") uselesstile.bottom = construct_layout("uselesstilebottom", "bottom") uselesstile.top = construct_layout("uselesstiletop", "top") -- Module aliase uselesstile.arrange = uselesstile.right.arrange uselesstile.name = uselesstile.right.name return uselesstile