--[[ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2 * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham * (c) 2013, Jan Xie --]] local icons_dir = require("lain.helpers").icons_dir local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local naughty = require("naughty") local io = io local string = { len = string.len } local tonumber = tonumber local setmetatable = setmetatable -- Taskwarrior notification -- lain.widgets.task local task = {} local task_notification = nil function task:hide() if task_notification ~= nil then naughty.destroy(task_notification) task_notification = nil end end function task:show() task:hide() local f, c_text f = io.popen('task') c_text = "" .. f:read("*all"):gsub("\n*$", "") .. "" f:close() task_notification = naughty.notify({ title = "[task next]", text = c_text, icon = task.notify_icon, position = task.position, fg = task.fg, bg = task.bg, timeout = task.timeout, screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1 }) end function task:prompt_add() awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Add task: " }, mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget, function (...) local f = io.popen("task add " .. ...) c_text = "\n" .. f:read("*all") .. "" f:close() naughty.notify({ text = c_text, icon = task.notify_icon, position = task.position, fg = task.fg, bg = task.bg, timeout = task.timeout, screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1 }) end, nil, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_task_add") end function task:prompt_search() awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Search task: " }, mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget, function (...) local f = io.popen("task " .. ...) c_text = f:read("*all"):gsub(" \n*$", "") f:close() if string.len(c_text) == 0 then c_text = "No results found." else c_text = "" .. c_text .. "" end naughty.notify({ title = "[task next " .. ... .. "]", text = c_text, icon = task.notify_icon, position = task.position, fg = task.fg, bg = task.bg, timeout = task.timeout, screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1 }) end, nil, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_task") end function task:attach(widget, args) local args = args or {} task.font_size = tonumber(args.font_size) or 12 task.font = beautiful.font:sub(beautiful.font:find(""), beautiful.font:find(" ")) task.fg = args.fg or beautiful.fg_normal or "#FFFFFF" task.bg = args.bg or beautiful.bg_normal or "#FFFFFF" task.position = args.position or "top_right" task.timeout = args.timeout or 7 task.notify_icon = icons_dir .. "/taskwarrior/task.png" task.notify_icon_small = icons_dir .. "/taskwarrior/tasksmall.png" widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function () task:show() end) widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function () task:hide() end) end return setmetatable(task, { __call = function(_, ...) return create(...) end })