[<- widgets](https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain/wiki/Widgets) Attaches a [taskwarrior](http://taskwarrior.org/projects/show/taskwarrior) notification to a widget, and lets to add/search tasks from the promptbox. lain.widgets.contrib.task:attach(widget, args) `args` is an optional table which can contain: Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `font_size` | Calendar font size | int | 12 `fg` | Calendar foreground color | string | `beautiful.fg_normal` `bg` | Calendar background color | string | `beautiful.bg_normal` `position` | Calendar position | string | "top_right" `timeout` | Notification timeout seconds | int | 7 `position` possible values are defined [here](http://awesome.naquadah.org/doc/api/modules/naughty.html#notify). Notification will show the output of `task` command. You can call the notification with a key binding like this: awful.key({ modkey, altkey }, "t", lain.widgets.contrib.task.show), where ``altkey = "Mod1"``. And you can prompt to add/search a task with key bindings like these: awful.key({ modkey, }, "t", lain.widgets.contrib.task.prompt_add), awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "t", lain.widgets.contrib.task.prompt_search),