Creates a thin wibox at a position relative to another wibox. This allows to create "borders" for your wiboxes. lain.widget.borderbox(relbox, s, args) `relbox` and `s` (an integer being screen number) are required arguments, `args` is an optional table which can contain: Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `position` | Position of the additional box | string | "above" `color` | Color of the additional box | string | `#FFFFFF` `size` | Size in pixels of the additional box | int | 1 Possible values for `.position`: `above`, `below`, `left` and `right`. ### Example usage Think of this as a wibox: [======================] If `args.position = "above"`, then you'll get an additional wibox below the existing one: ________________________ [======================] It'll match position and size of the existing wibox. If your main wiboxes are stored in a table called `mywibox` (one wibox for each screen) and are located at the bottom of your screen, then this adds a borderbox on top of them: -- Layout section for s = 1, screen.count() do ... -- Most likely, you'll want to do this as well: awful.screen.padding(screen[s], { bottom = 1 }) -- Create the box and place it above the existing box. lain.widgets.borderbox(mywibox[s], s, { position = "above" } ) ... end