local strformat = string.format local floor = math.floor local function idiv ( n , d ) return floor ( n / d ) end local c_locale = { abday = { "Sun" , "Mon" , "Tue" , "Wed" , "Thu" , "Fri" , "Sat" } ; day = { "Sunday" , "Monday" , "Tuesday" , "Wednesday" , "Thursday" , "Friday" , "Saturday" } ; abmon = { "Jan" , "Feb" , "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec" } ; mon = { "January" , "February" , "March" , "April" , "May" , "June" , "July" , "August" , "September" , "October" , "November" , "December" } ; am_pm = { "AM" , "PM" } ; } --- ISO-8601 week logic -- ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7) local function iso_8601_weekday ( wday ) if wday == 1 then return 7 else return wday - 1 end end local iso_8601_week do -- Years that have 53 weeks according to ISO-8601 local long_years = { } for i, v in ipairs { 4, 9, 15, 20, 26, 32, 37, 43, 48, 54, 60, 65, 71, 76, 82, 88, 93, 99, 105, 111, 116, 122, 128, 133, 139, 144, 150, 156, 161, 167, 172, 178, 184, 189, 195, 201, 207, 212, 218, 224, 229, 235, 240, 246, 252, 257, 263, 268, 274, 280, 285, 291, 296, 303, 308, 314, 320, 325, 331, 336, 342, 348, 353, 359, 364, 370, 376, 381, 387, 392, 398 } do long_years [ v ] = true end local function is_long_year ( year ) return long_years [ year % 400 ] end function iso_8601_week ( self ) local wday = iso_8601_weekday ( self.wday ) local n = self.yday - wday local year = self.year if n < -3 then year = year - 1 if is_long_year ( year ) then return year , 53 , wday else return year , 52 , wday end elseif n >= 361 and not is_long_year ( year ) then return year + 1 , 1 , wday else return year , idiv ( n + 10 , 7 ) , wday end end end --- Specifiers local t = { } function t:a ( locale ) return "%s" , locale.abday [ self.wday ] end function t:A ( locale ) return "%s" , locale.day [ self.wday ] end function t:b ( locale ) return "%s" , locale.abmon [ self.month ] end function t:B ( locale ) return "%s" , locale.mon [ self.month ] end function t:c ( locale ) return "%.3s %.3s%3d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d" , locale.abday [ self.wday ] , locale.abmon [ self.month ] , self.day , self.hour , self.min , self.sec , self.year end -- Century function t:C ( ) return "%02d" , idiv ( self.year , 100 ) end function t:d ( ) return "%02d" , self.day end -- Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y function t:D ( ) return "%02d/%02d/%02d" , self.month , self.day , self.year % 100 end function t:e ( ) return "%2d" , self.day end -- Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d function t:F ( ) return "%d-%02d-%02d" , self.year , self.month , self.day end -- Week-based year, last two digits (00-99) function t:g ( ) return "%02d" , iso_8601_week ( self ) % 100 end -- Week-based year function t:G ( ) return "%d" , iso_8601_week ( self ) end t.h = t.b function t:H ( ) return "%02d" , self.hour end function t:I ( ) return "%02d" , (self.hour-1) % 12 + 1 end function t:j ( ) return "%03d" , self.yday end function t:m ( ) return "%02d" , self.month end function t:M ( ) return "%02d" , self.min end -- New-line character ('\n') function t:n ( ) return "\n" end function t:p ( locale ) return self.hour < 12 and locale.am_pm[1] or locale.am_pm[2] end -- TODO: should respect locale function t:r ( locale ) return "%02d:%02d:%02d %s" , (self.hour-1) % 12 + 1 , self.min , self.sec , self.hour < 12 and locale.am_pm[1] or locale.am_pm[2] end -- 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M function t:R ( ) return "%02d:%02d" , self.hour , self.min end function t:s ( ) return "%d" , self:timestamp ( ) end function t:S ( ) return "%02d" , self.sec end -- Horizontal-tab character ('\t') function t:t ( ) return "\t" end -- ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S function t:T ( ) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" , self.hour , self.min , self.sec end function t:u ( ) return "%d" , iso_8601_weekday ( self.wday ) end -- Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53) function t:U ( ) return "%02d" , idiv ( self.yday - self.wday + 7 , 7 ) end -- ISO 8601 week number (00-53) function t:V ( ) return "%02d" , select ( 2 , iso_8601_week ( self ) ) end -- Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6) function t:w ( ) return "%d" , self.wday - 1 end -- Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53) function t:W ( ) return "%02d" , idiv ( self.yday - iso_8601_weekday ( self.wday ) + 7 , 7 ) end -- TODO make t.x and t.X respect locale t.x = t.D t.X = t.T function t:y ( ) return "%02d" , self.year % 100 end function t:Y ( ) return "%d" , self.year end -- TODO timezones function t:z ( ) return "+0000" end function t:Z ( ) return "GMT" end -- A literal '%' character. t["%"] = function ( self ) return "%%" end local function strftime ( format_string , timetable ) return ( string.gsub ( format_string , "%%([EO]?)(.)" , function ( locale_modifier , specifier ) local func = t [ specifier ] if func then return strformat ( func ( timetable , c_locale ) ) else error ( "invalid conversation specifier '%"..locale_modifier..specifier.."'" , 3 ) end end ) ) end local function asctime ( timetable ) return strftime ( "%c\n" , timetable ) end return { strftime = strftime ; asctime = asctime ; }