#!/bin/bash # # A simple cover fetcher script for current playing song on mpd. # # Original author: Wolfgang Mueller # # Adapted for Lain internal use. # https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain # # You can use, edit and redistribute this script in any way you like. # # Dependencies: imagemagick. # # Usage: mpdcover <music_directory> <song_file> <cover_resize> <default_art> # Configuration------------------------------------------------------- # Music directory MUSIC_DIR=$1 # Song file file=$2 # Regex expression used for image search IMG_REG="(Front|front|Cover|cover|Art|art|Folder|folder)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$" # Path of temporary resized cover TEMP_PATH="/tmp/mpdcover.png" # Resize cover COVER_RESIZE="$3x$3" if [ $COVER_RESIZE == "x" ]; then COVER_RESIZE="100x100" fi # The default cover to use (optional) DEFAULT_ART=$4 # Thumbnail background (transparent) COVER_BACKGROUND="none" #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # check if anything is playing at all [[ -z $file ]] && exit 1 # Art directory art="$MUSIC_DIR/${file%/*}" # find every file that matches IMG_REG set the first matching file to be the # cover. cover="$(find "$art/" -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 "$IMG_REG")" # when no cover is found, use DEFAULT_ART as cover cover="${cover:=$DEFAULT_ART}" # check if art is available if [[ -n $cover ]]; then if [[ -n $COVER_RESIZE ]]; then convert "$cover" -scale $COVER_RESIZE -gravity "center" -background "$COVER_BACKGROUND" "$TEMP_PATH" cover="$TEMP_PATH" fi else rm $TEMP_PATH fi exit 0