X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/awesome.git/blobdiff_plain/d549219a2eaa9bcd8e9c2a3c65a0342dca74d1b1..87a32771d6f16b190d268338c265aa5c53e8856d:/widgets/mpd.lua?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/widgets/mpd.lua b/widgets/mpd.lua
index ebdda98..c4c4691 100644
--- a/widgets/mpd.lua
+++ b/widgets/mpd.lua
@@ -7,52 +7,48 @@
-local async        = require("lain.asyncshell")
 local helpers      = require("lain.helpers")
+local shell        = require("awful.util").shell
 local escape_f     = require("awful.util").escape
 local focused      = require("awful.screen").focused
 local naughty      = require("naughty")
 local wibox        = require("wibox")
 local os           = { getenv = os.getenv }
 local string       = { format = string.format,
                        gmatch = string.gmatch,
                        match  = string.match }
 local setmetatable = setmetatable
 -- MPD infos
 -- lain.widgets.mpd
-local mpd = helpers.make_widget_textbox()
+local mpd = {}
 local function worker(args)
     local args          = args or {}
     local timeout       = args.timeout or 2
-    local password      = args.password or ""
+    local password      = (args.password and #args.password > 0 and string.format("password %s\\n", args.password)) or ""
     local host          = args.host or ""
     local port          = args.port or "6600"
     local music_dir     = args.music_dir or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Music"
     local cover_pattern = args.cover_pattern or "*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$"
     local cover_size    = args.cover_size or 100
-    local default_art   = args.default_art or ""
+    local default_art   = args.default_art
     local notify        = args.notify or "on"
     local followtag     = args.followtag or false
-    local echo_cmd      = args.echo_cmd or "echo"
     local settings      = args.settings or function() end
     local mpdh = string.format("telnet://%s:%s", host, port)
-    local echo = string.format("%s 'password %s\nstatus\ncurrentsong\nclose'", echo_cmd, password)
+    local echo = string.format("printf \"%sstatus\\ncurrentsong\\nclose\\n\"", password)
+    local cmd  = string.format("%s | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 %s", echo, mpdh)
-    mpd_notification_preset = {
-        title   = "Now playing",
-        timeout = 6
-    }
+    mpd.widget = wibox.widget.textbox()
+    mpd_notification_preset = { title = "Now playing", timeout = 6 }
     helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
     function mpd.update()
-        async.request(string.format("%s | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 %s", echo, mpdh), function (f)
+        helpers.async({ shell, "-c", cmd }, function(f)
             mpd_now = {
                 random_mode  = false,
                 single_mode  = false,
@@ -105,22 +101,27 @@ local function worker(args)
                 if notify == "on" and mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track") then
                     helpers.set_map("current mpd track", mpd_now.title)
-                    local current icon = default_art
+                    if followtag then mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused() end
+                    local common =  {
+                        preset      = mpd_notification_preset,
+                        icon        = default_art,
+                        icon_size   = cover_size,
+                        replaces_id = mpd.id
+                    }
                     if not string.match(mpd_now.file, "http.*://") then -- local file instead of http stream
                         local path   = string.format("%s/%s", music_dir, string.match(mpd_now.file, ".*/"))
                         local cover  = string.format("find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -type f | egrep -i -m1 '%s'", path, cover_pattern)
-                        current_icon = helpers.read_pipe(cover):gsub("\n", "")
+                        helpers.async({ shell, "-c", cover }, function(current_icon)
+                            common.icon = current_icon:gsub("\n", "")
+                            if #common.icon == 0 then common.icon = nil end
+                            mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id
+                        end)
+                    else
+                        mpd.id = naughty.notify(common).id
-                    if followtag then mpd_notification_preset.screen = focused() end
-                    mpd.id = naughty.notify({
-                        preset      = mpd_notification_preset,
-                        icon        = current_icon,
-                        icon_size   = cover_size,
-                        replaces_id = mpd.id,
-                    }).id
             elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause" then
                 helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ local function worker(args)
-    helpers.newtimer("mpd", timeout, mpd.update)
+    mpd.timer = helpers.newtimer("mpd", timeout, mpd.update, true, true)
     return mpd