X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/awesome.git/blobdiff_plain/eb8cec907a50f3fd6df4b14ae10b910444017f92..172bc21bcf44f6b978ac224351fd673144ba8fa0:/widgets/imap.lua?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/widgets/imap.lua b/widgets/imap.lua
index 2c7067c..1ebbb76 100644
--- a/widgets/imap.lua
+++ b/widgets/imap.lua
@@ -7,125 +7,87 @@
 local helpers      = require("lain.helpers")
+local async        = require("lain.asyncshell")
 local naughty      = require("naughty")
 local wibox        = require("wibox")
-local io           = { popen = io.popen }
+local string       = { format = string.format,
+                       gsub   = string.gsub }
 local tonumber     = tonumber
-local string       = { len    = string.len,
-                       format = string.format }
 local setmetatable = setmetatable
 -- Mail IMAP check
 -- lain.widgets.imap
-local imap = { stored = nil }
-function worker(args)
+local function worker(args)
+    local imap     = {}
     local args     = args or {}
     local server   = args.server
     local mail     = args.mail
     local password = args.password
-    local port     = args.port or "993"
+    local port     = args.port or 993
     local timeout  = args.timeout or 60
-    local encoding = args.encoding or nil
-    local maxlen   = args.maxlen or 200
     local is_plain = args.is_plain or false
     local settings = args.settings or function() end
-    local checkmail = helpers.scripts_dir .. "checkmail"
+    local head_command  = "curl --connect-timeout 3 -fsm 3"
+    local request = "-X 'SEARCH (UNSEEN)'"
-    helpers.set_map(mail, true)
-    helpers.set_map(mail .. " count", "0")
+    helpers.set_map(mail, 0)
     if not is_plain
-        if not imap.stored
-        then
-            local f = io.popen(password)
-            password = f:read("*all"):gsub("\n", ""):gsub("\r", "")
-            f:close()
-            imap.stored = password
-        else
-            password = imap.stored
-        end
+        local f = io.popen(password)
+        password = f:read("*a"):gsub("\n", "")
+        f:close()
-    widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
+    imap.widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
     function update()
-        to_execute = string.format("%s -s %s -u %s -p %s --port %s",
-                     checkmail, server, mail, password, port) 
-        if encoding ~= nil
-        then
-            to_execute = string.format("%s --encoding %s",
-                         to_execute, encoding)
-        end
-        f = io.popen(to_execute)
-        ws = f:read("*all")
-        f:close()
-        mailcount = "0"
-        if ws:find("No new messages") ~= nil
-        then
-            helpers.set_map(mail, true)
-        elseif ws:find("CheckMailError: invalid credentials") ~= nil
-        then
-            helpers.set_map(mail, true)
-            mailcount = "invalid credentials"
-        else
-            mailcount = ws:match("%d") or "0"
-            if helpers.get_map(mail .. " count") ~= mailcount and mailcount ~= "0"
-            then
-                helpers.set_map(mail, true)
-                helpers.set_map(mail .. " count", mailcount)
-            end
-        end
-        notification_preset = {
+        mail_notification_preset = {
             icon     = helpers.icons_dir .. "mail.png",
-            timeout  = 8,
             position = "top_left"
-        settings()
+        curl = string.format("%s --url imaps://%s:%s/INBOX -u %s:%q %s -k",
+               head_command, server, port, mail, password, request)
+        async.request(curl, function(f)
+            ws = f:read("*a")
+            f:close()
-        if helpers.get_map(mail) and tonumber(mailcount) >= 1
-        then
-            notify_title = ws:match(mail .. " has %d new message.?")
-            ws = ws:gsub(notify_title, "", 1):gsub("\n", "", 2)
+            _, mailcount = string.gsub(ws, "%d+", "")
+            _ = nil
-            -- trying to remove useless infos
-            ws = ws:gsub("--Content.%S+.-\n", "")
-            ws = ws:gsub("--%d+.-\n", "")
+            widget = imap.widget
+            settings()
-            if string.len(ws) > maxlen
+            if mailcount >= 1 and mailcount > helpers.get_map(mail)
-                ws = ws:sub(1, maxlen) .. "[...]"
+                if mailcount == 1 then
+                    nt = mail .. " has one new message"
+                else
+                    nt = mail .. " has <b>" .. mailcount .. "</b> new messages"
+                end
+                naughty.notify({
+                    preset = mail_notification_preset,
+                    text = nt,
+                })
-            notify_title = notify_title:gsub("\n", "")
-            naughty.notify({
-                preset = notification_preset,
-                title = notify_title,
-                text = ws
-            })
+            helpers.set_map(mail, mailcount)
+        end)
-            helpers.set_map(mail, false)
-        end
     helpers.newtimer(mail, timeout, update, true)
-    return widget
+    return setmetatable(imap, { __index = imap.widget })
-return setmetatable(imap, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
+return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })