From: Luca Capezzuto <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:29:24 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: alsabar: added argument for maximum number of ticks in notification; #438

alsabar: added argument for maximum number of ticks in notification; #438

diff --git a/widget/alsabar.lua b/widget/alsabar.lua
index 9b9f4b9..b86c085 100644
--- a/widget/alsabar.lua
+++ b/widget/alsabar.lua
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@ local function factory(args)
     alsabar.notification_preset = args.notification_preset
     if not alsabar.notification_preset then
-        alsabar.notification_preset      = {}
-        alsabar.notification_preset.font = "Monospace 10"
+        alsabar.notification_preset = { font = "Monospace 10" }
     local format_cmd = string.format("%s get %s", alsabar.cmd,
@@ -115,16 +114,21 @@ local function factory(args)
             -- tot is the maximum number of ticks to display in the notification
-            -- fallback: default horizontal wibox height
-            local wib, tot = awful.screen.focused().mywibox, 20
-            -- if we can grab mywibox, tot is defined as its height if
-            -- horizontal, or width otherwise
-            if wib then
-                if wib.position == "left" or wib.position == "right" then
-                    tot = wib.width
+            local tot = alsabar.notification_preset.max_ticks
+            if not tot then
+                local wib = awful.screen.focused().mywibox
+                -- if we can grab mywibox, tot is defined as its height if
+                -- horizontal, or width otherwise
+                if wib then
+                    if wib.position == "left" or wib.position == "right" then
+                        tot = wib.width
+                    else
+                        tot = wib.height
+                    end
+                -- fallback: default horizontal wibox height
-                    tot = wib.height
+                    tot = 20
diff --git a/widget/temp.lua b/widget/temp.lua
index e909b32..2b97a4e 100644
--- a/widget/temp.lua
+++ b/widget/temp.lua
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ local function factory(args)
     local settings = args.settings or function() end
     function temp.update()
-        helpers.async({"find", "/sys/devices", "-type", "f", "-name", "*temp*"}, function(f)
+        helpers.async({"find", "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal", "-type", "f", "-name", "*temp*"}, function(f)
             temp_now = {}
             local temp_fl, temp_value
             for t in f:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
diff --git a/wiki b/wiki
index d7fd4db..e37a9eb 160000
--- a/wiki
+++ b/wiki
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit d7fd4db9122b26e8e8408f3515a0cb1cdb8b03e6
+Subproject commit e37a9eb41b37cccdd307b4e88d4fcdecb920dcaa