#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import os from icalendar import Calendar, Event from textwrap import fill, indent FIELDS = ('summary','location','organiser', 'flags','uid','rrule') COLSEP = ': ' COLUMNS = int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', 80))-10 WIDTH = max(len(i) for i in FIELDS) INDENT = WIDTH + len(COLSEP) def dtstrs(event): start, end = event.get('dtstart').dt, event.get('dtend') if not end: duration = event.get('duration').dt end = start + duration else: end = end.dt def strftime(dt, strf): return dt.astimezone().strftime(strf) ret = [] if start.tzinfo == end.tzinfo: ret.append(strftime(start, '%F %R')) else: ret.append(strftime(start, '%F %R %Z')) if start.date() == end.date(): ret.append(strftime(end, '%T %Z')) else: ret.append(strftime(end, '%F %R %Z')) return ret def parse_ics_file(fp): cal = Calendar.from_ical(fp.read()) for event in cal.walk(): if event.name != "VEVENT": continue print('{} → {}'.format(*dtstrs(event))) flags = [] for k in ('status', 'class', 'transp', 'priority'): t = event.get(k) if t: flags.append((k, t)) event['flags'] = ' '.join('{}:{}'.format(*f) for f in flags) for label in FIELDS: if label in event: text = fill(event[label], width=COLUMNS-INDENT, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' '*INDENT) print(f'{label.capitalize():>{WIDTH}s}{COLSEP}{text}') if 'description' in event: output = [''] lines = event['description'].split('\n') for line in lines: output.append(fill(line, width=COLUMNS, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')) print('\n'.join(output)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] != '-': for f in sys.argv[1:]: with open(f) as fp: parse_ics_file(fp) else: parse_ics_file(sys.stdin)