#!/bin/sh # # batch-subject-editor - helper script to change subject lines with mutt # # Based on an idea by David Champion # # Copyright © 2008 martin f. krafft # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # set -eu if [ -z "${__RLWRAPPED:-}" ] && [ -x $(command -v rlwrap) ]; then __RLWRAPPED=true exec rlwrap "$0" "$@" fi printf 'Enter new subject: ' >/dev/tty read subj &2 exit 1 fi SED_DELIM=, subj=$(echo "$subj" | sed -re "s${SED_DELIM}\\\&g") RE_REPLY='((re|aw|antwort)([[(]?[[:digit:]]+[)]]?)?):[[:space:]]*' RE_SUBJ_PREFIX="^Subject:[[:space:]]*(${RE_REPLY})*" RE_SUBJ='.*' EDITOR="sed -i -re \"s${SED_DELIM}(${RE_SUBJ_PREFIX})${RE_SUBJ}${SED_DELIM}\\\1$subj${SED_DELIM}i\"" printf "set editor='${EDITOR} %s'"