# zshrc/parts.d/50-ssh # # ssh configuration for zsh # # Copyright © 2008 martin f. krafft # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # # Source repository: git://git.madduck.net/etc/ssh.git # # populate hosts completion with SSH's known_hosts if [ -r $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ]; then local _myhosts _myhosts=$(while read host rest; do host="${(f)host%%,*}" case "$host" in ([[:alnum:]]*) echo "$host";; (\[[[:alnum:]]*) echo "${${host#\[}%\]*}";; esac done < ~/.ssh/known_hosts) #_myhosts=(${${${${(f)"$(<$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"}:#[0-9]*}%%\ *}%%,*}) #zstyle ':completion:*' hosts $_myhosts unset _myhosts fi _ssh_proxy() { local cmd sshopts cmdopts cmd="$1"; shift sshopts="${*%%--*}"; sshopts="${sshopts%% }" [[ -n "$sshopts" ]] || { ssh; return $? } cmdopts="${*#$sshopts}"; cmdopts="${cmdopts#*-- }" eval ssh $sshopts -t $cmd $cmdopts } # need functions instead of aliases for completion rrsh() { _ssh_proxy "sudo -i" "$@" } compdef rrsh=ssh ttsh() { _ssh_proxy "tmux last" "$@" } compdef ttsh=ssh rtsh() { _ssh_proxy "tmux new sudo -i" "$@" } compdef rtsh=ssh declare _SSH_SOCKDIR="${VARDIR}/ssh" kssh() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then rm -vf -- ${_SSH_SOCKDIR}/*(=as-60Y1omN) else rm "$@" fi } compdef -e "compset -P ${_SSH_SOCKDIR}/ || PREFIX=${_SSH_SOCKDIR}/; _files -W ${_SSH_SOCKDIR}" kssh scd() { local args host dir arg for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in (*:*) host=${arg%%:*}; dir="${arg#*:}";; (*) args="${args:+$args }$arg";; esac done if [[ -z $dir ]]; then ssh "$@" else ssh -t $args $host "cd '${dir:gs/\'/\'\\\'\'}' && exec \$SHELL --login" fi } compdef scd=scp # vim:ft=zsh