X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/taskwarrior.git/blobdiff_plain/4017ab99e0dededcaef60839c93e12dc5885bd5d..847794a5402c9a7f2ffd6f780a73bb92ae804898:/tasklib/task.py

diff --git a/tasklib/task.py b/tasklib/task.py
index 280f961..6392b9e 100644
--- a/tasklib/task.py
+++ b/tasklib/task.py
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
 import copy
 import datetime
 import json
 import logging
 import os
+import six
 import subprocess
@@ -10,6 +12,11 @@ REPR_OUTPUT_SIZE = 10
 PENDING = 'pending'
 COMPLETED = 'completed'
+VERSION_2_1_0 = six.u('2.1.0')
+VERSION_2_2_0 = six.u('2.2.0')
+VERSION_2_3_0 = six.u('2.3.0')
+VERSION_2_4_0 = six.u('2.4.0')
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -17,83 +24,392 @@ class TaskWarriorException(Exception):
-class Task(object):
-    class DoesNotExist(Exception):
-        pass
-    def __init__(self, warrior, data={}):
-        self.warrior = warrior
-        self._data = data
-        self._modified_fields = set()
-    def __unicode__(self):
-        return self['description']
+class SerializingObject(object):
+    """
+    Common ancestor for TaskResource & TaskFilter, since they both
+    need to serialize arguments.
+    """
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
+    def _deserialize(self, key, value):
         hydrate_func = getattr(self, 'deserialize_{0}'.format(key),
-                               lambda x: x)
-        return hydrate_func(self._data.get(key))
+                               lambda x: x if x != '' else None)
+        return hydrate_func(value)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+    def _serialize(self, key, value):
         dehydrate_func = getattr(self, 'serialize_{0}'.format(key),
-                                 lambda x: x)
-        self._data[key] = dehydrate_func(value)
-        self._modified_fields.add(key)
+                                 lambda x: x if x is not None else '')
+        return dehydrate_func(value)
-    def serialize_due(self, date):
+    def timestamp_serializer(self, date):
+        if not date:
+            return None
         return date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
-    def deserialize_due(self, date_str):
+    def timestamp_deserializer(self, date_str):
         if not date_str:
             return None
         return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, DATE_FORMAT)
-    def serialize_annotations(self, annotations):
-        ann_list = list(annotations)
-        for ann in ann_list:
-            ann['entry'] = ann['entry'].strftime(DATE_FORMAT)
-        return ann_list
+    def serialize_entry(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
+    def deserialize_entry(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def serialize_modified(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
-    def deserialize_annotations(self, annotations):
-        ann_list = list(annotations)
-        for ann in ann_list:
-            ann['entry'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
-                ann['entry'], DATE_FORMAT)
-        return ann_list
+    def deserialize_modified(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def serialize_due(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
+    def deserialize_due(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def serialize_scheduled(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
+    def deserialize_scheduled(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def serialize_until(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
+    def deserialize_until(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def serialize_wait(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_serializer(value)
+    def deserialize_wait(self, value):
+        return self.timestamp_deserializer(value)
+    def deserialize_annotations(self, data):
+        return [TaskAnnotation(self, d) for d in data] if data else []
+    def serialize_tags(self, tags):
+        return ','.join(tags) if tags else ''
     def deserialize_tags(self, tags):
         if isinstance(tags, basestring):
             return tags.split(',') if tags else []
         return tags
-    def serialize_tags(self, tags):
-        return ','.join(tags) if tags else ''
+    def serialize_depends(self, cur_dependencies):
+        # Return the list of uuids
+        return ','.join(task['uuid'] for task in cur_dependencies)
+    def deserialize_depends(self, raw_uuids):
+        raw_uuids = raw_uuids or ''  # Convert None to empty string
+        uuids = raw_uuids.split(',')
+        return set(self.warrior.tasks.get(uuid=uuid) for uuid in uuids if uuid)
+class TaskResource(SerializingObject):
+    read_only_fields = []
+    def _load_data(self, data):
+        self._data = data
+        # We need to use a copy for original data, so that changes
+        # are not propagated. Shallow copy is alright, since data dict uses only
+        # primitive data types
+        self._original_data = data.copy()
+    def _update_data(self, data, update_original=False):
+        """
+        Low level update of the internal _data dict. Data which are coming as
+        updates should already be serialized. If update_original is True, the
+        original_data dict is updated as well.
+        """
+        self._data.update(data)
+        if update_original:
+            self._original_data.update(data)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        # This is a workaround to make TaskResource non-iterable
+        # over simple index-based iteration
+        try:
+            int(key)
+            raise StopIteration
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        return self._deserialize(key, self._data.get(key))
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        if key in self.read_only_fields:
+            raise RuntimeError('Field \'%s\' is read-only' % key)
+        self._data[key] = self._serialize(key, value)
+    def __str__(self):
+        s = six.text_type(self.__unicode__())
+        if not six.PY3:
+            s = s.encode('utf-8')
+        return s
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+class TaskAnnotation(TaskResource):
+    read_only_fields = ['entry', 'description']
+    def __init__(self, task, data={}):
+        self.task = task
+        self._load_data(data)
+    def remove(self):
+        self.task.remove_annotation(self)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self['description']
+    __repr__ = __unicode__
+class Task(TaskResource):
+    read_only_fields = ['id', 'entry', 'urgency', 'uuid', 'modified']
+    class DoesNotExist(Exception):
+        pass
+    class CompletedTask(Exception):
+        """
+        Raised when the operation cannot be performed on the completed task.
+        """
+        pass
+    class DeletedTask(Exception):
+        """
+        Raised when the operation cannot be performed on the deleted task.
+        """
+        pass
+    class NotSaved(Exception):
+        """
+        Raised when the operation cannot be performed on the task, because
+        it has not been saved to TaskWarrior yet.
+        """
+        pass
+    def __init__(self, warrior, **kwargs):
+        self.warrior = warrior
+        # Check that user is not able to set read-only value in __init__
+        for key in kwargs.keys():
+            if key in self.read_only_fields:
+                raise RuntimeError('Field \'%s\' is read-only' % key)
+        # We serialize the data in kwargs so that users of the library
+        # do not have to pass different data formats via __setitem__ and
+        # __init__ methods, that would be confusing
+        # Rather unfortunate syntax due to python2.6 comaptiblity
+        self._load_data(dict((key, self._serialize(key, value))
+                        for (key, value) in six.iteritems(kwargs)))
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self['description']
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        if self['uuid'] and other['uuid']:
+            # For saved Tasks, just define equality by equality of uuids
+            return self['uuid'] == other['uuid']
+        else:
+            # If the tasks are not saved, compare the actual instances
+            return id(self) == id(other)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        if self['uuid']:
+            # For saved Tasks, just define equality by equality of uuids
+            return self['uuid'].__hash__()
+        else:
+            # If the tasks are not saved, return hash of instance id
+            return id(self).__hash__()
+    @property
+    def _modified_fields(self):
+        writable_fields = set(self._data.keys()) - set(self.read_only_fields)
+        for key in writable_fields:
+            if self._data.get(key) != self._original_data.get(key):
+                yield key
+    @property
+    def completed(self):
+        return self['status'] == six.text_type('completed')
+    @property
+    def deleted(self):
+        return self['status'] == six.text_type('deleted')
+    @property
+    def waiting(self):
+        return self['status'] == six.text_type('waiting')
+    @property
+    def pending(self):
+        return self['status'] == six.text_type('pending')
+    @property
+    def saved(self):
+        return self['uuid'] is not None or self['id'] is not None
+    def serialize_depends(self, cur_dependencies):
+        # Check that all the tasks are saved
+        for task in cur_dependencies:
+            if not task.saved:
+                raise Task.NotSaved('Task \'%s\' needs to be saved before '
+                                    'it can be set as dependency.' % task)
+        return super(Task, self).serialize_depends(cur_dependencies)
+    def format_depends(self):
+        # We need to generate added and removed dependencies list,
+        # since Taskwarrior does not accept redefining dependencies.
+        # This cannot be part of serialize_depends, since we need
+        # to keep a list of all depedencies in the _data dictionary,
+        # not just currently added/removed ones
+        old_dependencies_raw = self._original_data.get('depends','')
+        old_dependencies = self.deserialize_depends(old_dependencies_raw)
+        added = self['depends'] - old_dependencies
+        removed = old_dependencies - self['depends']
+        # Removed dependencies need to be prefixed with '-'
+        return 'depends:' + ','.join(
+                [t['uuid'] for t in added] +
+                ['-' + t['uuid'] for t in removed]
+            )
+    def format_description(self):
+        # Task version older than 2.4.0 ignores first word of the
+        # task description if description: prefix is used
+        if self.warrior.version < VERSION_2_4_0:
+            return self._data['description']
+        else:
+            return "description:'{0}'".format(self._data['description'] or '')
     def delete(self):
-        self.warrior.execute_command([self['id'], 'delete'], config_override={
-            'confirmation': 'no',
-        })
+        if not self.saved:
+            raise Task.NotSaved("Task needs to be saved before it can be deleted")
+        # Refresh the status, and raise exception if the task is deleted
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['status'])
+        if self.deleted:
+            raise Task.DeletedTask("Task was already deleted")
+        self.warrior.execute_command([self['uuid'], 'delete'])
+        # Refresh the status again, so that we have updated info stored
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['status'])
     def done(self):
-        self.warrior.execute_command([self['id'], 'done'])
+        if not self.saved:
+            raise Task.NotSaved("Task needs to be saved before it can be completed")
+        # Refresh, and raise exception if task is already completed/deleted
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['status'])
+        if self.completed:
+            raise Task.CompletedTask("Cannot complete a completed task")
+        elif self.deleted:
+            raise Task.DeletedTask("Deleted task cannot be completed")
+        self.warrior.execute_command([self['uuid'], 'done'])
+        # Refresh the status again, so that we have updated info stored
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['status'])
     def save(self):
-        args = [self['id'], 'modify'] if self['id'] else ['add']
+        args = [self['uuid'], 'modify'] if self.saved else ['add']
+        output = self.warrior.execute_command(args)
+        # Parse out the new ID, if the task is being added for the first time
+        if not self.saved:
+            id_lines = [l for l in output if l.startswith('Created task ')]
+            # Complain loudly if it seems that more tasks were created
+            # Should not happen
+            if len(id_lines) != 1 or len(id_lines[0].split(' ')) != 3:
+                raise TaskWarriorException("Unexpected output when creating "
+                                           "task: %s" % '\n'.join(id_lines))
+            # Circumvent the ID storage, since ID is considered read-only
+            self._data['id'] = int(id_lines[0].split(' ')[2].rstrip('.'))
+        self.refresh()
+    def add_annotation(self, annotation):
+        if not self.saved:
+            raise Task.NotSaved("Task needs to be saved to add annotation")
+        args = [self['uuid'], 'annotate', annotation]
+        self.warrior.execute_command(args)
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['annotations'])
+    def remove_annotation(self, annotation):
+        if not self.saved:
+            raise Task.NotSaved("Task needs to be saved to remove annotation")
+        if isinstance(annotation, TaskAnnotation):
+            annotation = annotation['description']
+        args = [self['uuid'], 'denotate', annotation]
-        self._modified_fields.clear()
+        self.refresh(only_fields=['annotations'])
     def _get_modified_fields_as_args(self):
         args = []
-        for field in self._modified_fields:
-            args.append('{}:{}'.format(field, self._data[field]))
-        return args
-    __repr__ = __unicode__
+        def add_field(field):
+            # Add the output of format_field method to args list (defaults to
+            # field:value)
+            format_default = lambda k: "{0}:'{1}'".format(k, self._data[k] or '')
+            format_func = getattr(self, 'format_{0}'.format(field),
+                                  lambda: format_default(field))
+            args.append(format_func())
+        # If we're modifying saved task, simply pass on all modified fields
+        if self.saved:
+            for field in self._modified_fields:
+                add_field(field)
+        # For new tasks, pass all fields that make sense
+        else:
+            for field in self._data.keys():
+                if field in self.read_only_fields:
+                    continue
+                add_field(field)
+        return args
-class TaskFilter(object):
+    def refresh(self, only_fields=[]):
+        # Raise error when trying to refresh a task that has not been saved
+        if not self.saved:
+            raise Task.NotSaved("Task needs to be saved to be refreshed")
+        # We need to use ID as backup for uuid here for the refreshes
+        # of newly saved tasks. Any other place in the code is fine
+        # with using UUID only.
+        args = [self['uuid'] or self['id'], 'export']
+        new_data = json.loads(self.warrior.execute_command(args)[0])
+        if only_fields:
+            to_update = dict(
+                [(k, new_data.get(k)) for k in only_fields])
+            self._update_data(to_update, update_original=True)
+        else:
+            self._load_data(new_data)
+class TaskFilter(SerializingObject):
     A set of parameters to filter the task list with.
@@ -106,7 +422,26 @@ class TaskFilter(object):
     def add_filter_param(self, key, value):
         key = key.replace('__', '.')
-        self.filter_params.append('{0}:{1}'.format(key, value))
+        # Replace the value with empty string, since that is the
+        # convention in TW for empty values
+        attribute_key = key.split('.')[0]
+        value = self._serialize(attribute_key, value)
+        # If we are filtering by uuid:, do not use uuid keyword
+        # due to TW-1452 bug
+        if key == 'uuid':
+            self.filter_params.insert(0, value)
+        else:
+            # Surround value with aphostrophes unless it's a empty string
+            value = "'%s'" % value if value else ''
+            # We enforce equality match by using 'is' (or 'none') modifier
+            # Without using this syntax, filter fails due to TW-1479
+            modifier = '.is' if value else '.none'
+            key = key + modifier if '.' not in key else key
+            self.filter_params.append("{0}:{1}".format(key, value))
     def get_filter_params(self):
         return [f for f in self.filter_params if f]
@@ -234,8 +569,11 @@ class TaskWarrior(object):
         self.config = {
             'data.location': os.path.expanduser(data_location),
+            'confirmation': 'no',
+            'dependency.confirmation': 'no', # See TW-1483 or taskrc man page
         self.tasks = TaskQuerySet(self)
+        self.version = self._get_version()
     def _get_command_args(self, args, config_override={}):
         command_args = ['task', 'rc:/']
@@ -246,13 +584,21 @@ class TaskWarrior(object):
         command_args.extend(map(str, args))
         return command_args
+    def _get_version(self):
+        p = subprocess.Popen(
+                ['task', '--version'],
+                stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+        stdout, stderr = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in p.communicate()]
+        return stdout.strip('\n')
     def execute_command(self, args, config_override={}):
         command_args = self._get_command_args(
             args, config_override=config_override)
         logger.debug(' '.join(command_args))
         p = subprocess.Popen(command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-        stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+        stdout, stderr = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in p.communicate()]
         if p.returncode:
             if stderr.strip():
                 error_msg = stderr.strip().splitlines()[-1]
@@ -268,7 +614,9 @@ class TaskWarrior(object):
             if line:
                 data = line.strip(',')
-                    tasks.append(Task(self, json.loads(data)))
+                    filtered_task = Task(self)
+                    filtered_task._load_data(json.loads(data))
+                    tasks.append(filtered_task)
                 except ValueError:
                     raise TaskWarriorException('Invalid JSON: %s' % data)
         return tasks
@@ -280,6 +628,4 @@ class TaskWarrior(object):
     def undo(self):
-        self.execute_command(['undo'], config_override={
-            'confirmation': 'no',
-        })
+        self.execute_command(['undo'])