From: martin f. krafft <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 19:53:41 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Remove invoice/realcalc, which is in texlive

Remove invoice/realcalc, which is in texlive

diff --git a/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.def b/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.def
deleted file mode 100644
index f6be4f4..0000000
--- a/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-%	File: invoice.def
-%	Author: Oliver Corff
-%	Date: 2003-12-12
-%	This file contains messages, labels etc. in English, German
-%	and other languages.
-%	This file cannot be used alone but is called by invoice.sty
-% 	This file is the only file of this package which may be
-%	modified without renaming it.
-%	Adding a new language to labels is simple. Follow the 
-%	instructions at line 275 of this file, and, please!,
-%	do not forget to send the result to
-% or
-%	Credits for language contributions given in invoice.sty.
-%	Thank you very much for your support of "invoice".
-%	Oliver Corff,
-%	Berlin, Guangzhou, Ulaanbaatar, Zagreb, Shenyang, Shanghai 2003
-% English definitions are default. Other
-% languages are selected automatically.
-% Warning messages for non-fatal situations
-\def\InvoiceCompleted	{Invoice completed. Command ignored.}%
-\def\FeeSTExists	{You cannot print a fee subtotal twice!}%
-\def\ProjectEmpty	{Project empty. No subtotal possible!}%
-\def\ProjectSTExists	{You cannot print a project subtotal twice!}%
-% Error messages for fatal situations
-\def\InternalError			{Package `invoice': Internal error!}%
-\def\NoInvoiceNesting			{Invoices cannot be nested.
-					 Close this invoice first!}%
-\def\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense		{Invoice closed.
-					 No new expense item allowed.
-					 Start a new invoice
-					 first!}%
-\def\InvoiceCompletedNoFee		{Invoice closed.
-					 No new fee item allowed.
-					 Start a new invoice
-					 first!}%
-\def\InvoiceCompletedNoFeeST		{Invoice closed.
-					 No fee subtotal allowed.
-					 Start a new invoice
-					 first!}%
-\def\InvoiceCompletedNoProject		{Invoice closed.
-					 No new project allowed.
-					 Start a new invoice
-					 first!}%
-\def\InvoiceCompletedNoProjectST	{Invoice closed.
-					 No project subtotal allowed.
-					 Start a new invoice
-					 first!}%
-\def\MissingFee				{No fee given.
-					 You must charge at least one fee!}%
-\def\MissingInputData			{Missing input data!}%
-\def\MissingOpening			{You must open an invoice!}%
-\def\MissingProject			{No project given.
-					 Open a project first!}%
-\def\FeeBeforeExpense			{Fees are charged first.
-					 Expenses follow.}%
-\def\NoProjectNesting			{Projects cannot be nested.
-					 Close this project first!}%
-\def\ProjectCompletedNoExpense		{Project closed.
-					 No new expense item allowed.
-					 Start a new project
-					 first!}%
-\def\ProjectCompletedNoFee		{Project closed.
-					 No new fee item allowed.
-					 Start a new project
-					 first!}%
-\def\KOMA				{Users of KOMA-Script's scrlettr.cls%
-					 ^^Jsay `invoiceno' for the scrlettr
-					 invoice command,^^Jand `invoiceenv'
-					 for the invoice environment!}%
-% Labels. These ones are available in translation, too. See below.
-\def\Warning				{Warning}%
-\def\Error				{Error}%
-\def\Expense				{Expense}%
-\def\Amount				{Amount}%
-\def\Currency				{Currency}%
-\def\Factor				{Factor}%
-\def\Activity				{Activity}%
-\def\Count				{Count}%
-\def\UnitRate				{Rate/Unit}%
-\def\Fees				{Fees}%
-\def\VAT				{VAT}%
-\def\Expenses				{Expenses}%
-\def\SumFees				{Sum \Fees}%
-\def\SumVAT				{Sum \VAT}%
-\def\SumExpenses			{Sum \Expenses}%
-\def\SubtotalFee			{Subtotal \Fees}%
-\def\SubtotalExpenses			{Subtotal \Expenses}%
-\def\SubtotalProject			{Subtotal \Project}%
-\def\Total				{Total}%
-% This is German.
-	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-		Language \string\l@german\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-	\def\Warning			{Warnung}%
-	\def\Error			{Fehler}%
-	\def\Expense			{Auslage}%
-	\def\Amount			{Betrag}%
-	\def\Currency			{W\"ahrung}%
-	\def\Factor			{Faktor}%
-	\def\Activity			{Aktivit\"at}%
-	\def\Count			{Anzahl}%
-	\def\UnitRate			{Rate/Einheit}%
-	\def\Fees			{Honorare}%
-	\def\VAT			{MWSt.}%
-	\def\Expenses			{Auslagen}%
-	\def\SumFees			{Summe \Fees}%
-	\def\SumVAT			{Summe \VAT}%
-	\def\SumExpenses		{Summe \Expenses}%
-	\def\SubtotalFee		{Zwischensumme \Fees}%
-	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{Zwischensumme \Expenses}%
-	\def\SubtotalProject		{Zwischensumme \Project}%
-	\def\Total			{Gesamtsumme}%
-% This is Dutch.
-	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-		Language \string\l@dutch\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-	\def\Warning			{Waarschuwing}%
-	\def\Error			{Fout}% 
-	\def\Expense			{Onkosten}% 
-	\def\Amount			{Bedrag}% 
-	\def\Currency			{Valuta}% 
-	\def\Factor			{Faktor}% 
-	\def\Activity			{Activiteit}% 
-	\def\Count			{Aantal}% 
-	\def\UnitRate			{Prijs/Eenheid}% 
-	\def\Fees			{Honorarium}% 
-	\def\VAT			{BTW}% 
-	\def\Expenses			{Onkosten}% 
-	\def\SumFees			{Totaal \Fees}% 
-	\def\SumVAT			{Totaal \VAT}% 
-	\def\SumExpenses		{Totaal \Expenses}% 
-	\def\SubtotalFee		{Subtotaal \Fees}% 
-	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{Subtotaal \Expenses}% 
-	\def\SubtotalProject		{Subtotaal \Project}% 
-	\def\Total			{Totaal}% 
-% This is French.
-	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-		Language \string\l@french\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-	\def\Warning			{Avertissement}%
-	\def\Error			{Erreur}%
-	\def\Expense			{D\'epense}%
-	\def\Amount			{Montant}%
-	\def\Currency			{Devise}%
-	\def\Factor			{Facteur}%
-	\def\Activity			{Activit\'e}%
-	\def\Count			{Quantit\'e}%
-	\def\UnitRate			{Prix/Unit\'e}%
-	\def\Fees			{Honoraires}%
-	\def\VAT			{TVA}%
-	\def\Expenses			{D\'epenses}%
-	\def\SumFees			{Total \Fees}%
-	\def\SumVAT			{Total \VAT}%
-	\def\SumExpenses		{Total \Expenses}%
-	\def\SubtotalFee		{Sous-Total \Fees}%
-	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{Sous-Total \Expenses}%
-	\def\SubtotalProject		{Sous-Total \Project}%
-	\def\Total			{Total}%
-% This is Afrikaans.
-	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-		Language \string\l@afrikaans\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-	\def\Warning			{Waarskuwing}  
-	\def\Error			{Fout}  
-	\def\Expense			{Onkostes}  
-	\def\Amount			{Bedrag}  
-	\def\Currency			{Valuta}  
-	\def\Factor			{Faktor}  
-	\def\Activity			{Aktiwiteit}  
-	\def\Count			{Aantal ure}  
-	\def\UnitRate			{Tarief}  
-	\def\Fees			{Fooie}  
-	\def\VAT			{BTW}  
-	\def\Expenses			{Uitgawes}  
-	\def\SumFees			{Totaal Fooie}  
-	\def\SumVAT			{Totaal BTW}  
-	\def\SumExpenses		{Totaal Uitgawes}  
-	\def\SubtotalFee		{Subtotaal \Fees} 
-	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{Subtotaal \Expenses}  
-	\def\SubtotalProject		{Subtotaal \Project}  
-	\def\Total			{Totaal}  
-% This is Italian.
-	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-		Language \string\l@italian\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-	\def\Warning			{Avvertenza}%
-	\def\Error			{Errore}%
-	\def\Expense			{Spesa}%
-	\def\Amount			{Ammontare}%
-	\def\Currency			{Valuta}%
-	\def\Factor			{Fattore}%
-	\def\Activity			{Attivit\'a}%
-	\def\Count			{Quantit\'a}%
-	\def\UnitRate			{Prezzo/Unit\'a}%
-	\def\Fees			{Onorario}%
-	\def\VAT			{IVA}%
-	\def\Expenses			{Spese}%
-	\def\SumFees			{Totale onorario}%
-	\def\SumVAT			{Totale IVA}%
-	\def\SumExpenses		{Totale spese}%
-	\def\SubtotalFee		{Subtotale onorario}%
-	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{Subtotale spese}%
-	\def\SubtotalProject		{Subtotale progetto}%
-	\def\Total			{Totale}%
-% How to add new label languages to the `invoice' package:
-% 1. Copy all following lines after this explanation
-%    and insert them above this comment.
-% 2. Remove all comment symbols at the beginning of the lines.
-% 3. Fill the empty parentheses {} with the appropriate
-%    translations.
-% 4. Enter the correct internal language name used by LaTeX2e
-%    into the condition of the \ifnum clause.
-% 5. Please do not forget to mail the resulting file to
-% or
-% Name correct language name here --v--
-% and   --v--!
-%	\message{^^J(invoice) \Warning:
-%		Language \string\l@german\space unknown.^^J^^J}
-%	\def\Warning			{} % Enter translations here!
-%	\def\Error			{} % 
-%	\def\Expense			{} % 
-%	\def\Amount			{} % 
-%	\def\Currency			{} % 
-%	\def\Factor			{} % 
-%	\def\Activity			{} % 
-%	\def\Count			{} % 
-%	\def\UnitRate			{} % 
-%	\def\Fees			{} % 
-%	\def\VAT			{} % 
-%	\def\Expenses			{} % 
-%	\def\SumFees			{} % 
-%	\def\SumVAT			{} % 
-%	\def\SumExpenses		{} % 
-%	\def\SubtotalFee		{} % 
-%	\def\SubtotalExpenses		{} % 
-%	\def\SubtotalProject		{} % 
-%	\def\Total			{} % 
diff --git a/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.sty b/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 082c61c..0000000
--- a/.texmf/tex/latex/invoice.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1012 +0,0 @@
-%        Datei: invoice.sty
-%        Autor: Oliver Corff
-%      Contact:,
-%        Datum: December 16, 2003
-%      Version: 0.7
-%    Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Zagreb, Shenyang, Shanghai
-%  Description: This collection of macros provides
-%               tools for generating complex invoices
-% Corrections, suggestions and contributions by:
-% Jacopo, May 2003
-% e-mail: jacopo@
-%   Contributed labels in Italian.
-% O. Corff, July 2003 
-%   fixed one nasty spacing bug, simplified internal table 
-%   construction (table now has five instead of six columns,
-%   the second of which was never used).
-% Johann Spies, January 21, 2002
-% e-mail:
-%   Hinted that \Subtotal Project should show the project name
-%   rather than just `Project'.
-%   Contributed labels in Afrikaans.
-% Robin Fairbairns, December 6, 2001
-%   Hinted that the dollar sign can also be printed by saying
-%   \string$.
-% Vincent Tougait, France, November 27, 2001
-%   Pointed out that fractions of VAT percents were not allowed.
-%   Bugfix on December 06, 2001
-% Fred Donck, The Hague, The Netherlands, October, 2001
-% e-mail:
-% Dutch labels
-% Ian Wormsbecker, October 31, 2001
-%   Skips the VAT lines if VAT=0
-%   Noticed that the terminal message will not accept a Dollar sign.
-%   The only workaround is to say \char`$ in \begin{invoice}{}
-% Fred Donck, The Hague, The Netherlands, Sept 18, 2001
-% e-mail:
-% fixed some minor issues:
-%   real arithmetic will use integer intermediate values, so
-%   some calculations failed with the \Fee{title}{rate}{amount}
-%   where \rate is not an integer
-%   another fix is that in my opinion the VAT line should be 
-%   printed also even though only one project is specified
-%   third fix is that the subtotal-line should not be printed 
-%   on a project with only one \Fee line
-% Jacco Kok (fixed some labels),
-% Thilo Barth (discussed alternative names and command clashes
-%	with KOMA Script class scrlettr.cls),
-% Robert Inder (discussed general issues)
-% were gladly and gratefully received and accepted.
-% -------------------     identification     -------------------
-% -------------------    language options    -------------------
-\ifx\l@english\undefined	\newlanguage\l@english \fi
-\ifx\l@german\undefined		\newlanguage\l@german \fi
-\ifx\l@dutch\undefined		\newlanguage\l@dutch \fi
-\ifx\l@french\undefined		\newlanguage\l@french \fi
-\ifx\l@afrikaans\undefined	\newlanguage\l@afrikaans \fi
-\ifx\l@italian\undefined	\newlanguage\l@italian \fi
-% -------------------      initial code      -------------------
-\newcounter{Fee}		%
-\newcounter{VAT}		%
-%\newcounter{VAT@rate}		%
-\newcounter{Expenses}		%
-\newcounter{Discount}		% Discount item
-\newcounter{Total}		%
-\newcounter{Project}		%
-\newcounter{Fee@ctr}		% Number of fees per project
-				% no subtotal will be printed in case of
-				% value < 2
-\newcounter{Expense@ctr}	% Number of expense items per project
-				% no subtotal will be printed in case of
-				% value < 2
-\newcounter{One@Fee}		% Individual Fee
-\newcounter{One@VAT}		% Individual VAT
-\newcounter{One@Expense}	% Individual Expense
-\newcounter{ST@Fee}		% Subtotal Fee
-\newcounter{ST@VAT}		% Subtotal VAT
-\newcounter{ST@Expenses}	% Subtotal Expenses
-\newcounter{ST@Project}		% Subtotal Project
-\gdef\Flag{0}%			% State 0: Invoice not started yet
-				% State 1: Start invoice
-				% State 2: Start project, print title
-				% State 3: Fee Item
-				% State 4: Print Subtotal Fee
-				% State 5: Expense Item
-				% State 6: Print Subtotal Expenses
-				% State 7: Print Subtotal Project
-				% State 8: Print Total, Close invoice
-\gdef\Project{}%		% Empty Project Name
-% \def\BC{Euro}
-\newcommand{\error@message}[1]{\errmessage{^^J\Error: #1^^J^^J}}
-\newcommand{\warning@message}[1]{\message{^^J\Warning: #1^^J^^J}}
-\ifx\invoice\undefined			% False if KOMA Script scrlettr.cls
-	\def\my@invoice{invoice}	% loaded. In this case one may say
-\else					% "invoice". If true, the environ-
-	\def\my@invoice{invoiceenv}	% ment is renamed to "invoiceenv"
-	\let\invoiceno\invoice		% and the scrlettr macro is renamed
-	\def\invoice#1{%		% to "invoiceno". Thank you, Thilo,
-		\error@message{\KOMA}}	% for this hint!
-\fi					%
-	\setcounter{Fee@ctr}{0}%		% reset counter
-	\setcounter{Expense@ctr}{0}%		% reset counter
-	\def\Null{0}%
-	\setcounter{Project}{0}%
-	\ST@Reset\Total@Reset%
-	\def\BC{#1}%
-	\def\VAT@rate{#2}%
-	\ifx\VAT@rate\Null\VATnonzerofalse\else\VATnonzerotrue\fi%
-	\ifVATnonzero
-		\message{^^J^^JVAT is not zero!^^J^^J}%
-	\else
-		\message{^^J^^JVAT is zero!^^J^^J}%
-	\fi%
-	% The VAT is: \the\VAT@rate % Debugging Diagnostics only
-	\parindent=0cm%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\gdef\Flag{1}%
-		\begin{center}%
-		\begin{longtable}{p{5cm}lrrr}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\NoInvoiceNesting}%
-	\fi}%
-% At the end of environment: 
-% Yields state 8->0, Close and complete invoice, finish tables, etc.
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingInputData}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ifnum\theProject>0 \ST@Fee\ST@Project\fi%
-		\Tot@l%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Project\fi%
-		\Tot@l%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Expenses\ST@Project\fi%
-		\Tot@l%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Project\fi%
-		\Tot@l%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\Tot@l%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\warning@message{\InvoiceCompleted}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-	\gdef\Flag{0}%
-\newcommand{\ProjectTitle}[1]{% Yields state 2: Start Project
-	%\gdef\NewProject{#1}
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag% 0: Invoice not started yet
-	%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or 	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\error@message{\NoProjectNesting}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		\ST@Project%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\ST@Project%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\ST@Expenses%
-		\ST@Project%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\ST@Project%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\Project@Title{#1}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoProject}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-	\setcounter{Fee@ctr}{0}%		% reset counter
-	\setcounter{Expense@ctr}{0}%		% reset counter
-\newcommand{\Fee}[3]{% Yields state 3, Print Fee Item
-	%
-	% #1 Contents
-	% #2 Fee per Unit
-	% #3 Unit Count
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\Fee@Title%
-		\Fee@Line{#1}{#2}{#3}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\Fee@Line{#1}{#2}{#3}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\warning@message{\FeeSTExists}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoFee}%
-		%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\STFee}{% Yields state 4, print subtotal remuneration
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingFee}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\Print@ST@Fees%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\warning@message{\FeeSTExists}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\EBC}[2]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in BaseCurrency 
-	%
-	% #1 Contents und Datum
-	% #2 Amount in BaseCurrency
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%   
-		\Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\EBCi}[2]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in BaseCurrency 
-	%				But, unlike base form (no
-	%				'invisible') this version does
-	%				not state the item, it only
-	%				the total amount of expenses. 
-	%
-	% #1 Contents und Datum
-	% #2 Amount in BaseCurrency
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		%\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		%\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		%\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%   
-		\Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\EFC}[5]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in ForeignCurrency
-	%
-	% #1 Contents und Datum
-	% #2 Currency
-	% #3 Amount
-	% #4 Exchange Rate
-	% #5 Amount Zielwaehrung
-	%
-	% Usage:
-	% 1. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{}
-	% 2. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{}{BaseCurrency}
-	% 3. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{BaseCurrency}
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\EFCi}[5]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in ForeignCurrency
-	%				But, unlike base form (no
-	%				'invisible') this version does
-	%				not state the item, it only
-	%				the total amount of expenses. 
-	%
-	% #1 Contents und Datum
-	% #2 Currency
-	% #3 Amount
-	% #4 Exchange Rate
-	% #5 Amount Zielwaehrung
-	%
-	% Usage:
-	% 1. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{}
-	% 2. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{}{BaseCurrency}
-	% 3. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{BaseCurrency}
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		% \Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		% \Expense@Title%
-		\Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\STExpenses}{% Yields state 6: Ausgabe der ST Expenses
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-		%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-		%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-		%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\Print@ST@Expenses%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\warning@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\STProject}{% Yields state 7: Ausgabe der ST Project
-	%
-	\ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingOpening}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 1: Start invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\MissingProject}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 2: Start project, print title
-		%
-		\warning@message{\ProjectEmpty}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 3: Print remuneration item
-		%
-		\ST@Fee%
-		\ST@Project%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 4: Print subtotal remuneration
-		%
-		\ST@Project%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 5: Expense item
-		%
-		\ST@Expenses%
-		\ST@Project%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 6: Print subtotal expenses
-		%
-		\ST@Project%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 7: Print subtotal project
-		%
-		\warning@message{\ProjectSTExists}%
-		%
-	%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-	\or	% 8: Print total, close invoice
-		%
-		\error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoProjectST}%
-		%
-	\else \error@message{\InternalError}%
-	\fi%
-\newcommand{\Discount}[2]{%	Yields no particular state.
-	%			Inserts discount in project total,
-	%			names discount reason
-	%			and amount of discount
-	%
-	\gdef\Discount@Contents{#1}%
-	\setcounter{Discount}{100 * \real{-#2}}%
-	\setcounter{Fee}{0}%
-	\setcounter{VAT}{0}%
-	\setcounter{Expenses}{0}%
-	\setcounter{Total}{0}%
-	\setcounter{ST@Fee}{0}%
-	\setcounter{ST@VAT}{0}%
-	\setcounter{ST@Expenses}{0}%
-	\setcounter{ST@Project}{0}%
-	\Rmul\r#1{0.01}%% <- Reduce to BaseCurrency
-	\Rtrunc\r{2}\r%	% <- Truncate to two digits
-	\r%		% <- Output data!
-	\Rmul\r#1{0.01}%% <- Reduce to BaseCurrency
-	\Rtrunc\r{2}\r%	% <- Truncate to two digits
-	\message{\r}%	% <- Output data!
-	% Internal command called by \ProjectTitle.
-	%
-	\gdef\Flag{2}%
-	\gdef\Project{#1}%
-	\ST@Reset\addtocounter{Project}{1}%
-	\ifnum\theProject>1 \\\\\else\\\fi%
-	\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{\large#1}}\\%
-	\\
-	\noindent\textbf{\Activity}&&\UnitRate&\Count&\Amount\ (\BC)\\
-	\hline%
-	%
-	% #1 Contents
-	% #2 Charged Fee per Unit
-	% #3 Count
-	%
-	% Internal command, called by \Fee.
-	%
-	\gdef\Flag{3}%
-	%
-	#1			&	&#2	&#3 &
-%   next is reversed to allow real arithmetic.
-%   intermediate results are stored in integer format, so calculations are
-%   incorrect in case #2 is a real.
-%   fixed by exchanging the 1 and the 100
-		\setcounter{One@Fee}{100 * \real{#2} * \real{#3} * 1}%
-		\addtocounter{ST@Fee}{\theOne@Fee}%
-		\addtocounter{Fee}{\theOne@Fee}%
-		\addtocounter{Fee@ctr}{1}%	    increase counter with 1
-		\Print@Value{\theOne@Fee}\\%
-	% \gdef\Flag{4}%
-	\ifnum\theST@Fee>0%
-	    \ifthenelse{\theFee@ctr>1} %	    % if more than 1 \Fee line
-		{\Print@ST@Fees%					% print it, else
-		}%
-	    {}%									% do nothing
-		\ifVATnonzero\ST@VAT@Printout\fi%
-	\fi%
-	\gdef\Flag{4}%
-	\SubtotalFee &	&	&	&%	print the subtotal of fees
-		\Print@Value{\theST@Fee}\\%
-		\VAT\ (\VAT@rate\%)	 &	&	&	&%
-			\setcounter{ST@VAT}{\theST@Fee * \real{\VAT@rate} / 100}%
-				\Print@Value{\theST@VAT}\\%
-	#1			& \BC		&	&	&%
-	\gdef\Flag{5}%
-	\Rmul\r{100}{#2}%
-	\setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
-	\addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
-				\Print@Value{\theOne@Expense}\\%
-	\gdef\Flag{5}%
-	\Rmul\r{100}{#2}%
-	\setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
-	\addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
-		&	&	&	&	\\[-1.2em]% This is an ugly kludge:
-								  %	Inserting an empty line
-								  % which rolls backwards
-								  % makes disappear the spurious
-								  % spaces caused by external
-								  % routines.
-	\gdef\Flag{5}%
-	%
-	% Folgende Angaben sind moeglich:
-	% 1. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{  }
-	% 2. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{          }{BaseCurrency}
-	% 3. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{BaseCurrency}
-	%
-	#1	 & #2	& #3	& #4&%
-	\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}% Target in BaseCurrency or not?
-		{% Target not in BaseCurrency
-			\Rmul\r{100}{#3}%
-			\Rmul\r \r {#4}%
-		}%
-		{% Target in BaseCurrency
-			\Rmul\r{100}{#5}%
-		}%
-	\setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
-	\addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
-	\Print@Value{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\gdef\Flag{5}%
-	%
-	% Folgende Angaben sind moeglich:
-	% 1. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{  }
-	% 2. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{          }{BaseCurrency}
-	% 3. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{BaseCurrency}
-	%
-	\ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}% Target in BaseCurrency or not?
-		{% Target not in BaseCurrency
-			\Rmul\r{100}{#3}%
-			\Rmul\r\r{#4}%
-		}%
-		{% Target in BaseCurrency
-			\Rmul\r{100}{#5}%
-		}%
-	\setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
-	\addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
-	\addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
-		&	&	&	&	\\[-1.2em]% ugly kludge as above
-	\\%
-	\textbf{\Expense}&\Currency&\Amount&\Factor &\BC\\%
-	\hline%
-	% \gdef\Flag{6}%
-	\ifnum\theST@Expenses>0%
-	    \ifthenelse{\theExpense@ctr>1}%	    % if more than 1 Expense line
-		{\Print@ST@Expenses}%				% print it, else
-		{}%									% do nothing
-	\fi%
-	\gdef\Flag{6}%
-		&	&	&	&	\\[-1.2em]% ugly kludge as above
-	\SubtotalExpenses &	&	&	&%	print the subtotal of expenses
-		\Print@Value{\theST@Expenses}\\%
-	\gdef\Flag{7}%
-	\\
-	%\multicolumn{4}{l}{\SubtotalProject}%
-	%\let\Project\NewProject%
-	%&
-	\SubtotalProject &	&	&	& 
-			\addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@Fee}%
-			\addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@VAT}%
-			\addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@Expenses}%
-			\Print@Value{\theST@Project}\\
-		\setcounter{VAT}{\theFee*\real{\VAT@rate}/100}%
-			\SumVAT	&	&	&	&\Print@Value{\theVAT}\\%
-	\\\hline
-	\ifnum\theFee>0 \SumFees&	&	&	&%
-				\Print@Value{\theFee}\\ 
-		\ifVATnonzero%
-			\Total@VAT@Printout%
-		\fi%
-	\fi%
-	\ifnum\theExpenses>0 \SumExpenses&	&	&	&%
-				\Print@Value{\theExpenses}\\ 
-	\fi%
-	\ifnum\theDiscount=0 \else \Discount@Contents&	&	&	&%
-				\Print@Value{\theDiscount}\\ 
-	\fi%
-	\hline\hline
-	\textbf{\Total} &	&	&	&%
-		\message{^^J\Currency: \BC}%
-		\message{^^J\VAT: \VAT@rate}%
-		\addtocounter{Total}{\theFee}%
-		\message{^^J\SumFees: }\Message@Value{\theFee}%
-		\addtocounter{Total}{\theVAT}%
-		\message{^^J\SumVAT: }\Message@Value{\theVAT}%
-		\addtocounter{Total}{\theExpenses}%
-		\message{^^J\SumExpenses: }\Message@Value{\theExpenses}%
-		\ifnum\theDiscount=0 \else %
-		\addtocounter{Total}{\theDiscount}%
-		\message{^^J\Discount@Contents: }\Message@Value{\theDiscount}%
-		\fi %
-		\textbf{\Print@Value{\theTotal}}%
-		\message{^^J\Total: }%
-			\Message@Value{\theTotal}\message{^^J^^J}\\%
-	\end{longtable}
-	\end{center}
-	\gdef\Flag{8}%
-% vim:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/.texmf/tex/latex/realcalc.tex b/.texmf/tex/latex/realcalc.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index be46167..0000000
--- a/.texmf/tex/latex/realcalc.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-%% realcalc.tex
-%% (C) Frank Buchholz, Jan. 1993
-%% e-mail:
-%  User documentation: All lines starting with two %
-%  Try grep to extract these lines.
-%% Real arithmetic with big values and high precision.
-%% Calculations are done with 9 decimal digits.
-%% Usable with TeX and LaTeX.
-%% Parameter:
-%% 	<macro> Macro, witch catches the result.
-%% 	<value> String or macro witch expands to a value in the range 
-%% 		    from -2147483647.999999999 to 2147483647.999999999
-%%	<precision> Number from 0 to 9
-%% Functions:
-% Don't read this file twice
-\ifx\Radd\undefined \else \endinput \fi
-% Make "@" be a letters
-\def\@Rversion{Version 1.0, Jan. 1993}
-\message{`Real arithmetic', \@Rversion (C) Frank Buchholz}
-% Allocation of temporary registers
-\newcount\@xs	% Sign of 1st value
-\newcount\@xi	% Integer part of 1st value
-\newcount\@xf	% Fractional part of 1st value
-\newcount\@ys	% Sign of 2nd value
-\newcount\@yi	% Integer part of 2nd value
-\newcount\@yf	% Fractional part of 2nd value
-\newcount\@mil	\@mil=1000000000	% 10^9
-%% 	\Radd<macro><value><value>	 	Addition
-%% 	\Rsub<macro><value><value>	 	Subtraction
-  % #1 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #2 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #3 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #4 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #5 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #6 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #7 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#2}{#3}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#5}{#6}%
-  %
-  % Add integer parts
-  \@ta=\@xi \advance\@ta\@yi%
-  %
-  % Add fractional parts if they are not zero
-  \ifnum\@xf=\@zero%
-    \ifnum\@yf=\@zero%
-      \@tb=\@zero%
-    \else%
-      \@longadd%
-    \fi%
-  \else%
-    \@longadd%
-  \fi%
-  %
-  % Store result
-  \@store#1\@ta\@tb%
-    % Propagate sign to fractional parts
-    \multiply\@xf\@xs \multiply\@yf\@ys%
-    %
-    % Add fractional parts
-    \@tb=\@xf \advance\@tb\@yf%
-    %
-    % Calculate carry
-    \ifnum\@tb<\@zero% 
-      \ifnum\@tb<-\@mil      \advance\@ta -\@ne \advance\@tb\@mil  \fi% 
-    \else% 
-      \ifnum\@tb<\@mil \else \advance\@ta \@ne	\advance\@tb-\@mil \fi% 
-    \fi%
-%% 	\Rmul<macro><value><value>	 	Multiplication
-  % #1 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #2 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #3 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #4 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #5 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #6 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #7 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  % How to do real multiplications:
-  % Split values in various parts
-  % x y = 1234 567890 . 123 456 789
-  % ->	  xa   xb	xc  xd	xe
-  % ->	  ya   yb	yc  yd	ye
-  % Do 21 (!) integer multiplications if there are any fractional parts
-  % r = x * Y
-  % -> r =   xi*yi
-  %	   + (xa*yc + xa*yc		     )*10^3 
-  %	   + (xa*yd + xd*ya		     )*10^-0 
-  %	   + (xa*ye + xe*ya  +	xb*yc + xc*yb)*10^-3 
-  %	   + (xb*yd + xd*yb  +	xc*yc	     )*10^-6 
-  %	   + (xb*ye + xe*yb  +	xc*yd + xd*yc)*10^-9 
-  %	   + (xc*ye + xe*yc  +	xd*yd	     )*10^-12 
-  %	   + (xd*ye + xe*yd		     )*10^-15 
-  %	   + (xe*ye			     )*10^-18
-  %
-  % -> r = ((((( xe*ye				     / 1000 
-  %		+ xd*ye + xe*yd 		  ) / 1000
-  %	       + xc*ye + xe*yc	+  xd*yd	 ) / 1000
-  %	      + xb*ye + xe*yb  +  xc*yd + xd*yc ) / 1000
-  %	     + xb*yd + xd*yb  +  xc*yc	       ) / 1000
-  %	    + xa*ye + ye*xa  +	xb*yc + xc*yb ) / 1000
-  %	   + xa*yd + xd*ya + (xa*yc + ya*xc)*1000 + xi*yi
-  % The last three digigs are saved just before the divisions.
-  %
-  % Init 
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#2}{#3}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#5}{#6}%
-  %
-  % Sign
-  \multiply\@xi\@xs%
-  \multiply\@yi\@ys%
-  \multiply\@xs\@ys%
-  %
-  \@product=\@zero%
-  % 
-  \ifnum\@xf=\@zero%
-    \ifnum\@yf=\@zero%
-      % No fractional parts
-      \edef\@frac{000000000}	% digits of fractional part  
-    \else%
-      \@longmul			% Long multiplication		
-    \fi%
-  \else%
-    \@longmul			% Long multiplication		
-  \fi%
-  %
-  % Multiply integer parts
-  \count@=\@xi \multiply\count@\@yi%
-  \advance\@product\count@%
-  %
-  % Sign
-  \multiply\@product\@xs%
-  %
-  % Store result
-  \edef#1{\number\@product.\@frac}%
-% Do long multiplication
-    % Split values in pieces
-    \@f=1000000%
-    \count@=\@xi%		
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@xa=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@xi	\@xb=\count@%
-    \count@=\@xf%		
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@xc=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@xf%	
-    \@f=1000%
-    \@xe=\count@%
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@xd=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@xe	\@xe=\count@%
-    % 
-    \@f=1000000%
-    \count@=\@yi%		
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@ya=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@yi	\@yb=\count@%
-    \count@=\@yf%		
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@yc=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@yf%	
-    \@f=1000%
-    \@ye=\count@%
-    \divide\count@\@f					\@yd=\count@%
-    \multiply\count@-\@f	\advance\count@\@ye	\@ye=\count@%
-    %
-    \edef\@frac{} 				% digits of fractional part
-    % 
-    \@mul ee	      \relax\@shift		% 10^-18
-    \@mul de ed       \relax\@shift		% 10^-15
-    \@mul ce ec dd    \relax\@shift		% 10^-12
-    \@mul be eb cd dc \relax\@saveshift		% 10^-9
-    \@mul bd db cc    \relax\@saveshift		% 10^-6
-    \@mul ae ea bc cb \relax\@saveshift		% 10^-3
-    \multiply\@xa\@f  \multiply\@xc\@f		% 10^3
-    \@mul ad da ac ca \relax%			
-  \count@=\csname @x#1\endcsname%
-  \multiply\count@\csname @y#2\endcsname%
-  \advance\@product\count@%
-  %
-  \ifx#3\relax%
-    \let\next=\relax% 
-  \else%
-    \let\next=\@mul%
-  \fi%
-  \next#3%
-  \divide\@product\@f%
-  % Save rightmost digits 
-  \count@=\@product%
-  \divide\@product\@f%
-  \multiply\@product\@f%
-  \advance\count@-\@product%
-  \advance\count@\@f%
-  \edef\@frac{\expandafter\@ignorenext\number\count@\@frac}%
-  %
-  \divide\@product\@f%
-%% 	\Rdiv<macro><value><value>	 	Division
-  % #1 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #2 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #3 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #4 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #5 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #6 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #7 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \message{Error: Rdiv not ready}
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#2}{#3}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#5}{#6}%
-  %
-  \ifnum\@yi=\@zero
-    \@xi=\@zero
-  \else
-    \divide\@xi\@yi
-  \fi
-  %
-  \@store#1\@xi\@xf%
-%%	\Rneg<macro><value>		Negation
-  % Expand the value and split it into the integer and the fractional part
-  \edef\next{\noexpand\@Rneg\noexpand#1#2..\noexpand\relax}%
-  \next%
-  % #1 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #2 Integer part of value
-  % #3 Fractional part of value
-  % #4 Remaining tokens
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#2}{#3}%
-  %
-  % Change sign
-  \multiply\@xi-\@ne%
-  \multiply\@xf-\@xs%
-  % 
-  % Store result
-  \@store#1\@xi\@xf%
-%%	\Rtrunc<macro><precision><value> Truncate value to specified precision
-  % Expand parameter and split the value into the integer and fractional part 
-  \edef\next{\noexpand\@Rtrunc\noexpand#1#2#3..\noexpand\relax}%
-  \next%
-  % #1 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #2 Number of decimal places
-  % #3 Integer part of value
-  % #4 Fractional part of value
-  % #5 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \count@=#2%
-  \edef\next{\empty}%
-  \ifnum\count@>\@zero%
-    \expandafter\@@Rtrunc#4000000000\relax%
-  \fi%
-  \edef#1{#3\next}%
-  % #1...#9 fractional part, padded with trailing zeros
-  \edef\next{.#1%
-    \ifnum\count@>1 #2\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>2 #3\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>3 #4\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>4 #5\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>5 #6\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>6 #7\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>7 #8\fi%
-    \ifnum\count@>8 #9\fi%
-  }%
-  \@swallow%
-%%	\Rifle<value><value>		Test v1 < v2
-  % #1 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #2 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #4 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #5 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #6 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#4}{#5}%
-  %
-  \ifnum\@xs<\@ys% 
-    \Rtesttrue% 
-  \else%
-    \ifnum\@xs>\@ys% 
-      \Rtestfalse%
-    \else%
-      \Rtestfalse%
-      \ifnum\@xi<\@yi \Rtesttrue \fi%
-      \ifnum\@xi=\@yi%
-	\multiply\@xf\@xs \multiply\@yf\@ys%
-	\ifnum\@xf<\@yf \Rtesttrue \fi% 
-      \fi%
-    \fi%
-  \fi%
-  %
-  \ifRtest%
-%%	\Rifeq<value><value>		Test v1 = v2
-  % #1 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #2 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #4 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #5 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #6 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#4}{#5}%
-  %
-  \Rtestfalse%
-  \ifnum\@xi=\@yi\ifnum\@xf=\@yf \Rtesttrue \fi\fi%
-  \ifRtest%
-%%	\Rifgt<value><value>		Test v1 > v2
-  % #1 integer part of 1st value 
-  % #2 fractional part of 1st value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  % #4 integer part of 2nd value 
-  % #5 fractional part of 2nd value
-  % #6 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  \@readvalue\@ys\@yi\@yf{#4}{#5}%
-  %
-  \ifnum\@xs>\@ys% 
-    \Rtesttrue% 
-  \else%
-    \ifnum\@xs<\@ys% 
-      \Rtestfalse% 
-    \else%
-      \Rtestfalse%
-      \ifnum\@xi>\@yi \Rtesttrue \fi%
-      \ifnum\@xi=\@yi% 
-	\multiply\@xf\@xs \multiply\@yf\@ys%
-	\ifnum\@xf>\@yf \Rtesttrue \fi% 
-      \fi%
-    \fi%
-  \fi%
-  %
-  \ifRtest%
-%%	\Rifneg<value>			Test v < 0
-  % #1 Integer part of value
-  % #2 Fractional part of value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-   %
-   \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-   %
-   \ifnum\@xs<0 \Rtesttrue \else \Rtestfalse \fi%
-   \ifRtest%
- }
-%%	\Rifzero<value>			Test v = 0
-  % #1 Integer part of value
-  % #2 Fractional part of value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  %
-  \Rtestfalse%
-  \ifnum\@xi=\@zero \ifnum\@xf=\@zero \Rtesttrue \fi \fi%
-  \ifRtest%
-%%	\Rifpos<value>			Test v >= 0
-%%					Take care to have a corresponding \fi
-  % #1 Integer part of value
-  % #2 Fractional part of value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  %
-  \ifnum\@xs<0 \Rtestfalse \else \Rtesttrue \fi%
-  \ifRtest%
-%%	\Rifint<value>			Test v is an integer value
-%%					Take care to have a corresponding \fi
-  % #1 Integer part of value
-  % #2 Fractional part of value
-  % #3 dummy to swallow everthing after the 2nd '.'
-  %
-  \@readvalue\@xs\@xi\@xf{#1}{#2}%
-  %
-  \ifnum\@xf=0 \Rtesttrue \else \Rtestfalse \fi%
-  \ifRtest%
-% Utility macros
-  % #1 Macro to call
-  % #2 Value
-  % Expand the value and split them into the integer and the fractional part
-  \edef\next{\noexpand#1#2..\noexpand\relax}%
-  \next%
-  % #1 Macro to call
-  % #2 1st value
-  % #3 2nd value
-  % Expand the values and split them into the integer and the fractional parts 
-  \edef\next{\noexpand#1#2..\noexpand\relax#3..\noexpand\relax}%
-  \next%
-  % #1 Macro to call
-  % #2 Macro, witch gets the result
-  % #3 1st value
-  % #4 2nd value
-  % Expand the values and split them into the integer and the fractional parts
-  \edef\next{\noexpand#1\noexpand#2#3..\noexpand\relax#4..\noexpand\relax}%
-  \next%
-%% 	\ifRtest ... \else ... \fi	Re-execute the last test
-% Read value
-  % #1	  macro to catch the sign ( -1 or 1 )
-  % #2	  macro to catch the integer part (maybe negative)
-  % #3	  macro to catch the fractional part (positive)
-  % #4.#5 value
-  %
-  % Regular expression [-...d]d...["."[d...]]
-  % Attention: There has to be at least one digit between "-" and "."!
-  %
-  % Integer part
-  \if !#4! #2=\@zero \else #2=#4 \fi%
-  %
-  % Sign
-  \ifnum#2<\@zero #1=-\@ne \else #1=\@ne \fi%
-  \ifnum#2=\@zero \ifnum #4#5<\@zero #1=-\@ne \fi \fi%
-  %
-  % Fractional part
-  \if !#5!% 
-    #3=\@zero%
-  \else%
-    \@@setcount@#5000000000\relax%
-    #3=\count@%
-  \fi%
-% Set count@ to fractional part with trailing zeros
-  % #1...#9 fractional part, padded with '0'
-  \count@=#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9%
-  \@swallow%
-% Swallow everything up to next \relax
-% Store result 
-  % #1 marcro to catch the result
-  % #2 counter with integer part (maybe negative)
-  % #3 counter with fractional part (maybe negative}
-  % 
-  % Sign
-  \edef#1{}%
-  \count@=#3%
-  \ifnum\count@<\@zero% 
-    \count@=-\count@%
-    \ifnum#2=\@zero% 
-      \edef#1{-}%
-    \fi%
-  \fi%
-  %
-  % Pad fractional part with leading zeros
-  \advance\count@\@mil%
-  %
-  % Store result 
-  \edef#1{#1\number#2.\expandafter\@ignorenext\number\count@}%
-% Ignore next token
-% Restore catcode of "@"