python3 << EndPython3 import collections import os import sys import vim def strtobool(text): if text.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 't', 'true' 'on', '1']: return True if text.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'f', 'false' 'off', '0']: return False raise ValueError(f"{text} is not convertable to boolean") class Flag(collections.namedtuple("FlagBase", "name, cast")): @property def var_name(self): return"-", "_") @property def vim_rc_name(self): name = self.var_name if name == "line_length": name = name.replace("_", "") return "g:black_" + name FLAGS = [ Flag(name="line_length", cast=int), Flag(name="fast", cast=strtobool), Flag(name="skip_string_normalization", cast=strtobool), Flag(name="quiet", cast=strtobool), ] def _get_python_binary(exec_prefix): try: default = vim.eval("g:pymode_python").strip() except vim.error: default = "" if default and os.path.exists(default): return default if sys.platform[:3] == "win": return exec_prefix / 'python.exe' return exec_prefix / 'bin' / 'python3' def _get_pip(venv_path): if sys.platform[:3] == "win": return venv_path / 'Scripts' / 'pip.exe' return venv_path / 'bin' / 'pip' def _get_virtualenv_site_packages(venv_path, pyver): if sys.platform[:3] == "win": return venv_path / 'Lib' / 'site-packages' return venv_path / 'lib' / f'python{pyver[0]}.{pyver[1]}' / 'site-packages' def _initialize_black_env(upgrade=False): pyver = sys.version_info[:3] if pyver < (3, 6, 2): print("Sorry, Black requires Python 3.6.2+ to run.") return False from pathlib import Path import subprocess import venv virtualenv_path = Path(vim.eval("g:black_virtualenv")).expanduser() virtualenv_site_packages = str(_get_virtualenv_site_packages(virtualenv_path, pyver)) first_install = False if not virtualenv_path.is_dir(): print('Please wait, one time setup for Black.') _executable = sys.executable _base_executable = getattr(sys, "_base_executable", _executable) try: executable = str(_get_python_binary(Path(sys.exec_prefix))) sys.executable = executable sys._base_executable = executable print(f'Creating a virtualenv in {virtualenv_path}...') print('(this path can be customized in .vimrc by setting g:black_virtualenv)') venv.create(virtualenv_path, with_pip=True) except Exception: print('Encountered exception while creating virtualenv (see traceback below).') print(f'Removing {virtualenv_path}...') import shutil shutil.rmtree(virtualenv_path) raise finally: sys.executable = _executable sys._base_executable = _base_executable first_install = True if first_install: print('Installing Black with pip...') if upgrade: print('Upgrading Black with pip...') if first_install or upgrade:[str(_get_pip(virtualenv_path)), 'install', '-U', 'black'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print('DONE! You are all set, thanks for waiting ✨ 🍰 ✨') if first_install: print('Pro-tip: to upgrade Black in the future, use the :BlackUpgrade command and restart Vim.\n') if virtualenv_site_packages not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, virtualenv_site_packages) return True if _initialize_black_env(): import black import time def get_target_version(tv): if isinstance(tv, black.TargetVersion): return tv ret = None try: ret = black.TargetVersion[tv.upper()] except KeyError: print(f"WARNING: Target version {tv!r} not recognized by Black, using default target") return ret def Black(**kwargs): """ kwargs allows you to override ``target_versions`` argument of ``black.FileMode``. ``target_version`` needs to be cleaned because ``black.FileMode`` expects the ``target_versions`` argument to be a set of TargetVersion enums. Allow kwargs["target_version"] to be a string to allow to type it more quickly. Using also target_version instead of target_versions to remain consistent to Black's documentation of the structure of pyproject.toml. """ start = time.time() configs = get_configs() black_kwargs = {} if "target_version" in kwargs: target_version = kwargs["target_version"] if not isinstance(target_version, (list, set)): target_version = [target_version] target_version = set(filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda tv: get_target_version(tv), target_version))) black_kwargs["target_versions"] = target_version mode = black.FileMode( line_length=configs["line_length"], string_normalization=not configs["skip_string_normalization"],'.pyi'), **black_kwargs, ) quiet = configs["quiet"] buffer_str = '\n'.join(vim.current.buffer) + '\n' try: new_buffer_str = black.format_file_contents( buffer_str, fast=configs["fast"], mode=mode, ) except black.NothingChanged: if not quiet: print(f'Already well formatted, good job. (took {time.time() - start:.4f}s)') except Exception as exc: print(exc) else: current_buffer = vim.current.window.buffer cursors = [] for i, tabpage in enumerate(vim.tabpages): if tabpage.valid: for j, window in enumerate( if window.valid and window.buffer == current_buffer: cursors.append((i, j, window.cursor)) vim.current.buffer[:] = new_buffer_str.split('\n')[:-1] for i, j, cursor in cursors: window = vim.tabpages[i].windows[j] try: window.cursor = cursor except vim.error: window.cursor = (len(window.buffer), 0) if not quiet: print(f'Reformatted in {time.time() - start:.4f}s.') def get_configs(): filename = vim.eval("@%") path_pyproject_toml = black.find_pyproject_toml((filename,)) if path_pyproject_toml: toml_config = black.parse_pyproject_toml(path_pyproject_toml) else: toml_config = {} return { flag.var_name: toml_config.get(, flag.cast(vim.eval(flag.vim_rc_name))) for flag in FLAGS } def BlackUpgrade(): _initialize_black_env(upgrade=True) def BlackVersion(): print(f'Black, version {black.__version__} on Python {sys.version}.') EndPython3 function black#Black(...) let kwargs = {} for arg in a:000 let arg_list = split(arg, '=') let kwargs[arg_list[0]] = arg_list[1] endfor python3 << EOF import vim kwargs = vim.eval("kwargs") EOF :py3 Black(**kwargs) endfunction function black#BlackUpgrade() :py3 BlackUpgrade() endfunction function black#BlackVersion() :py3 BlackVersion() endfunction