if exists('did_pass_ftplugin') || &compatible || v:version < 700 finish endif let g:did_pass = 'did_pass_ftplugin' let s:save_cpo = &cpoptions set compatible&vim nmap rotate_password :call password_store#replace() if ! hasmapto( '\rotate_password', 'n') nmap rotate_password endif setlocal nospell " Check whether we should set redacting options or not function! s:CheckArgsRedact() " Ensure there's one argument and it's the matched file if argc() != 1 || fnamemodify(argv(0), ':p') !=# expand(':p') return endif " Disable all the leaky options globally set nobackup set nowritebackup set noswapfile set viminfo= if has('persistent_undo') set noundofile endif " Tell the user what we're doing so they know this worked, via a message and " a global variable they can check echomsg 'Editing password file--disabled leaky options!' let g:redact_pass_redacted = 1 endfunction call s:CheckArgsRedact() function! s:reveal_pass() abort highlight! link password_store_password Comment endfunction command! Reveal call reveal_pass() function! s:conceal_pass() abort highlight! password_store_password guifg=DarkGray guibg=DarkGray ctermfg=8 ctermbg=8 endfunction command! Conceal call conceal_pass() normal! GG augroup password_settings_late_load autocmd! autocmd FileReadPost if &filetype == 'pass' | echom 'autocmd triggered' | let b:load_pass_syntax = 1 | source 'syntax/pass.vim' | endif augroup end " Cleanup at end let &cpoptions = s:save_cpo