" File: explainpat.vim " Created: 2011 Nov 02 " Last Change: 2017 Oct 20 " Version: 0.7 " Author: Andy Wokula " License: Vim License, see :h license " Implements :ExplainPattern [pattern] " History: "{{{ " 2013 Jun 21 AND/OR text is confusing, removed " 2013 Apr 20 ... "}}} " TODO {{{ " - add something like "(empty) ... match everywhere" ... example: '\v(&&|str)' " Pattern: \v(&&|str) " Magic Pattern: \(\&\&\|str\) " \( start of first capturing group " | (empty) match everywhere " | \& AND " | (empty) match everywhere " | \& AND " | (empty) match everywhere " | \| OR " | str literal string (3 atom(s)) " \) end of group " - more testing, completeness check " ? detailed collections " ? literal string: also print the unescaped magic items " ? literal string: show leading/trailing spaces " "}}} " Init Folklore {{{ let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim let g:explainpat#loaded = 1 "}}} func! explainpat#ExplainPattern(cmd_arg, ...) "{{{ " {a:1} alternative help printer object (caution, no sanity check) " (for test running) if a:cmd_arg == "" " let pattern_str = nwo#vis#Get() echo "(usage) :ExplainPattern [{register} | {pattern}]" return elseif strlen(a:cmd_arg) == 1 && a:cmd_arg =~ '["@0-9a-z\-:.*+/]' echo 'Register:' a:cmd_arg let pattern_str = getreg(a:cmd_arg) else let pattern_str = a:cmd_arg endif echo printf('Pattern: %s', pattern_str) let magicpat = nwo#magic#MakeMagic(pattern_str) if magicpat !=# pattern_str echo printf('Magic Pattern: %s', magicpat) endif " we need state: " set flag when in `\%[ ... ]' (optionally matched atoms): let s:in_opt_atoms = 0 " counter for `\(': let s:capture_group_nr = 0 " >=1 at pos 0 or after '\|', '\&', '\(', '\%(' or '\n'; else 0 or less: let s:at_begin_of_pat = 1 let hulit = a:0>=1 && type(a:1)==s:DICT ? a:1 : s:NewHelpPrinter() call hulit.AddIndent(' ') let bull = s:NewTokenBiter(magicpat) while !bull.AtEnd() let item = bull.Bite(s:magic_item_pattern) if item != '' let Doc = get(s:doc, item, '') if empty(Doc) call hulit.AddLiteral(item) elseif type(Doc) == s:STRING call hulit.Print(item, Doc) elseif type(Doc) == s:FUNCREF call call(Doc, [bull, hulit, item]) elseif type(Doc) == s:LIST call call(Doc[0], [bull, hulit, item, Doc[1]]) endif let s:at_begin_of_pat -= 1 else echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: cannot parse "%s"', bull.Rest()) break endif unlet Doc endwhile call hulit.FlushLiterals() endfunc "}}} " s: types {{{ let s:STRING = type("") let s:DICT = type({}) let s:FUNCREF = type(function("tr")) let s:LIST = type([]) " }}} let s:magic_item_pattern = '\C^\%(\\\%(@<\|%#=\|%[dxouU[(^$V#<>]\=\|z[1-9se(]\|@[>=!]\|_[[^$.]\=\|.\)\|.\)' let s:doc = {} " {{{ " this is all the help data ... " strings, funcrefs and intermixed s:DocFoo() functions " strongly depends on s:magic_item_pattern func! s:DocOrBranch(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ call a:hulit.RemIndent() call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "OR") call a:hulit.AddIndent(' ') let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2 endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\|'] = function("s:DocOrBranch") func! s:DocBeginOfPat(bull, hulit, item, msg) "{{{ call a:hulit.Print(a:item, a:msg) let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2 endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\&'] = [function("s:DocBeginOfPat"), "AND"] let s:ord = split('n first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth') func! s:DocGroupStart(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ if a:item == '\%(' call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "start of non-capturing group") elseif a:item == '\(' let s:capture_group_nr += 1 call a:hulit.Print(a:item, printf("start of %s capturing group", get(s:ord, s:capture_group_nr, '(invalid)'))) else " a:item == '\z(' call a:hulit.Print(a:item, 'start of "external" group (only usable in :syn-region)') endif call a:hulit.AddIndent('| ', ' ') let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2 endfunc "}}} func! s:DocGroupEnd(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ call a:hulit.RemIndent(2) call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "end of group") endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\('] = function("s:DocGroupStart") let s:doc['\%('] = function("s:DocGroupStart") let s:doc['\)'] = function("s:DocGroupEnd") " let s:doc['\z('] = "only in syntax scripts" let s:doc['\z('] = function("s:DocGroupStart") func! s:DocStar(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ if s:at_begin_of_pat >= 1 " call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(at begin of pattern) literal `*'") call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item) else call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(multi) zero or more of the preceding atom") endif endfunc "}}} " let s:doc['*'] = "(multi) zero or more of the preceding atom" let s:doc['*'] = function("s:DocStar") let s:doc['\+'] = "(multi) one or more of the preceding atom" let s:doc['\='] = "(multi) zero or one of the preceding atom" let s:doc['\?'] = "(multi) zero or one of the preceding atom" " let s:doc['\{'] = "(multi) N to M, greedy" " let s:doc['\{-'] = "(multi) N to M, non-greedy" func! s:DocBraceMulti(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let rest = a:bull.Bite('^-\=\d*\%(,\d*\)\=\\\=}') if rest != "" if rest == '-}' call a:hulit.Print(a:item. rest, "non-greedy version of `*'") elseif rest =~ '^-' call a:hulit.Print(a:item. rest, "(multi) N to M, non-greedy") else call a:hulit.Print(a:item. rest, "(multi) N to M, greedy") endif else call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(invalid) incomplete `\\{...}' item") endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\{'] = function("s:DocBraceMulti") let s:doc['\@>'] = "(multi) match preceding atom like a full pattern" let s:doc['\@='] = "(assertion) require match for preceding atom" let s:doc['\@!'] = "(assertion) forbid match for preceding atom" func! s:DocBefore(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let rest = a:bull.Bite('^[=!]') if rest == "=" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(assertion) require match for preceding atom to the left") elseif rest == "!" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(assertion) forbid match for preceding atom to the left") else call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(invalid) `\\@<' must be followed by `=' or `!'") endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\@<'] = function("s:DocBefore") func! s:DocCircumFlex(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ if s:at_begin_of_pat >= 1 call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(assertion) require match at start of line") " after `^' is not at begin of pattern ... handle special case `^*' here: if a:bull.Bite('^\*') == "*" call a:hulit.AddLiteral("*") endif else " call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(not at begin of pattern) literal `^'") call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item) endif endfunc "}}} " let s:doc['^'] = "(assertion) require match at start of line" let s:doc['^'] = function("s:DocCircumFlex") let s:doc['\_^'] = "(assertion) like `^', allowed anywhere in the pattern" func! s:DocDollar(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ if a:bull.Rest() =~ '^$\|^\\[&|)n]' call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(assertion) require match at end of line") else call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item) endif endfunc "}}} " let s:doc['$'] = "(assertion) require match at end of line" let s:doc['$'] = function("s:DocDollar") let s:doc['\_$'] = "(assertion) like `$', allowed anywhere in the pattern" let s:doc['.'] = "match any character" let s:doc['\_.'] = "match any character or newline" func! s:DocUnderscore(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let cclass = a:bull.Bite('^\a') if cclass != '' let cclass_doc = get(s:doc, '\'. cclass, '(invalid character class)') call a:hulit.Print(a:item. cclass, printf('%s or end-of-line', cclass_doc)) else call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(invalid) `\\_' should be followed by a letter or `[...]'") " echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: cannot parse %s', a:item. matchstr(a:bull.Rest(), '.')) endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\_'] = function("s:DocUnderscore") let s:doc['\<'] = "(assertion) require match at begin of word, :h word" let s:doc['\>'] = "(assertion) require match at end of word, :h word" let s:doc['\zs'] = "set begin of match here" let s:doc['\ze'] = "set end of match here" let s:doc['\%^'] = "(assertion) match at begin of buffer" let s:doc['\%$'] = "(assertion) match at end of buffer" let s:doc['\%V'] = "(assertion) match within the Visual area" let s:doc['\%#'] = "(assertion) match with cursor position" func! s:DocRegexEngine(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let engine = a:bull.Bite('^[012]') if engine == "0" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.engine, 'Force automatic selection of the regexp engine (since v7.3.970).') elseif engine == "1" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.engine, 'Force using the old engine (since v7.3.970).') elseif engine == "2" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.engine, 'Force using the NFA engine (since v7.3.970).') else call a:hulit.Print(a:item, '(invalid) \%#= can only be followed by 0, 1, or 2') endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\%#='] = function("s:DocRegexEngine") " \%'m \%<'m \%>'m " \%23l \%<23l \%>23l " \%23c \%<23c \%>23c " \%23v \%<23v \%>23v " backslash percent at/before/after func! s:DocBspercAt(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let rest = a:bull.Bite('^\%(''.\|\d\+[lvc]\)\C') if rest[0] == "'" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(assertion) match with position of mark ". rest[1]) else let number = rest[:-2] let type = rest[-1:] if type ==# "l" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match in line ". number) elseif type ==# "c" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match in column ". number) elseif type ==# "v" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match in virtual column ". number) else call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(invalid) incomplete `\\%' item") " echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: incomplete item %s', a:item. rest) endif endif endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercBefore(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let rest = a:bull.Bite('^\%(''.\|\d\+[lvc]\)\C') if rest[0] == "'" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(assertion) match before position of mark ". rest[1]) else let number = rest[:-2] let type = rest[-1:] if type ==# "l" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, printf("match above line %d (towards start of buffer)", number)) elseif type ==# "c" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match before column ". number) elseif type ==# "v" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match before virtual column ". number) else call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(invalid) incomplete `\\%<' item") " echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: incomplete item %s', a:item. rest) endif endif endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercAfter(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let rest = a:bull.Bite('^\%(''.\|\d\+[lvc]\)\C') if rest[0] == "'" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(assertion) match after position of mark ". rest[1]) else let number = rest[:-2] let type = rest[-1:] if type ==# "l" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, printf("match below line %d (towards end of buffer)", number)) elseif type ==# "c" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match after column ". number) elseif type ==# "v" call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "match after virtual column ". number) else call a:hulit.Print(a:item.rest, "(invalid) incomplete `\\%>' item") " echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: incomplete item %s', a:item. rest) endif endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\%'] = function("s:DocBspercAt") let s:doc['\%<'] = function("s:DocBspercBefore") let s:doc['\%>'] = function("s:DocBspercAfter") let s:doc['\i'] = "identifier character (see 'isident' option)" let s:doc['\I'] = "like \"\\i\", but excluding digits" let s:doc['\k'] = "keyword character (see 'iskeyword' option)" let s:doc['\K'] = "like \"\\k\", but excluding digits" let s:doc['\f'] = "file name character (see 'isfname' option)" let s:doc['\F'] = "like \"\\f\", but excluding digits" let s:doc['\p'] = "printable character (see 'isprint' option)" let s:doc['\P'] = "like \"\\p\", but excluding digits" let s:doc['\s'] = "whitespace character: and " let s:doc['\S'] = "non-whitespace character; opposite of \\s" let s:doc['\d'] = "digit: [0-9]" let s:doc['\D'] = "non-digit: [^0-9]" let s:doc['\x'] = "hex digit: [0-9A-Fa-f]" let s:doc['\X'] = "non-hex digit: [^0-9A-Fa-f]" let s:doc['\o'] = "octal digit: [0-7]" let s:doc['\O'] = "non-octal digit: [^0-7]" let s:doc['\w'] = "word character: [0-9A-Za-z_]" let s:doc['\W'] = "non-word character: [^0-9A-Za-z_]" let s:doc['\h'] = "head of word character: [A-Za-z_]" let s:doc['\H'] = "non-head of word character: [^A-Za-z_]" let s:doc['\a'] = "alphabetic character: [A-Za-z]" let s:doc['\A'] = "non-alphabetic character: [^A-Za-z]" let s:doc['\l'] = "lowercase character: [a-z]" let s:doc['\L'] = "non-lowercase character: [^a-z]" let s:doc['\u'] = "uppercase character: [A-Z]" let s:doc['\U'] = "non-uppercase character: [^A-Z]" let s:doc['\e'] = "match " let s:doc['\t'] = "match " let s:doc['\r'] = "match " let s:doc['\b'] = "match CTRL-H" let s:doc['\n'] = [function("s:DocBeginOfPat"), "match a newline"] let s:doc['~'] = "match the last given substitute string" let s:doc['\1'] = "match first captured string" let s:doc['\2'] = "match second captured string" let s:doc['\3'] = "match third captured string" let s:doc['\4'] = "match fourth captured string " let s:doc['\5'] = "match fifth captured string" let s:doc['\6'] = "match sixth captured string" let s:doc['\7'] = "match seventh captured string" let s:doc['\8'] = "match eighth captured string" let s:doc['\9'] = "match ninth captured string" let s:doc['\z1'] = 'match same string matched by first "external" group' let s:doc['\z2'] = 'match same string matched by second "external" group' let s:doc['\z3'] = 'match same string matched by third "external" group' let s:doc['\z4'] = 'match same string matched by fourth "external" group ' let s:doc['\z5'] = 'match same string matched by fifth "external" group' let s:doc['\z6'] = 'match same string matched by sixth "external" group' let s:doc['\z7'] = 'match same string matched by seventh "external" group' let s:doc['\z8'] = 'match same string matched by eighth "external" group' let s:doc['\z9'] = 'match same string matched by ninth "external" group' " from MakeMagic() " skip the rest of a collection let s:coll_skip_pat = '^\^\=]\=\%(\%(\\[\^\]\-\\bertn]\|\[:\w\+:]\|\[=.=]\|\[\..\.]\|[^\]]\)\@>\)*]' func! s:DocCollection(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let collstr = a:bull.Bite(s:coll_skip_pat) if collstr == "" || collstr == "]" call a:hulit.AddLiteral('['. collstr) else let inverse = collstr =~ '^\^' let with_nl = a:item == '\_[' let descr = inverse ? printf('collection not matching [%s', collstr[1:]) : 'collection' let descr_nl = printf("%s%s", (inverse && with_nl ? ', but' : ''), (with_nl ? ' with end-of-line added' : '')) call a:hulit.Print(a:item. collstr, descr. descr_nl) endif endfunc "}}} let s:doc['['] = function("s:DocCollection") let s:doc['\_['] = function("s:DocCollection") func! s:DocOptAtoms(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ if a:item == '\%[' call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "start a sequence of optionally matched atoms") let s:in_opt_atoms = 1 call a:hulit.AddIndent('. ') else " a:item == ']' if s:in_opt_atoms call a:hulit.RemIndent() call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "end of optionally matched atoms") let s:in_opt_atoms = 0 else call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item) endif endif endfunc "}}} " let s:doc['\%['] = "start a sequence of optionally matched atoms" let s:doc['\%['] = function("s:DocOptAtoms") let s:doc[']'] = function("s:DocOptAtoms") func! s:DocAnywhere(bull, hulit, item, msg) "{{{ call a:hulit.Print(a:item, a:msg) " keep state: let s:at_begin_of_pat += 1 endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\c'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "ignore case while matching the pattern"] let s:doc['\C'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "match case while matching the pattern"] let s:doc['\Z'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "ignore composing characters in the pattern"] " \%d 123 " \%x 2a " \%o 0377 " \%u 20AC " \%U 1234abcd func! s:DocBspercDecimal(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let number = a:bull.Bite('^\d\{,3}') let char = strtrans(nr2char(str2nr(number))) call a:hulit.Print(a:item. number, printf("match character specified by decimal number %s (%s)", number, char)) endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercHexTwo(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let number = a:bull.Bite('^\x\{,2}') let char = strtrans(nr2char(str2nr(number,16))) call a:hulit.Print(a:item. number, printf("match character specified with hex number 0x%s (%s)", number, char)) endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercOctal(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let number = a:bull.Bite('^\o\{,4}') let char = strtrans(nr2char(str2nr(number,8))) call a:hulit.Print(a:item. number, printf("match character specified with octal number 0%s (%s)", substitute(number, '^0*', '', ''), char)) endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercHexFour(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let number = a:bull.Bite('^\x\{,4}') let char = has("multi_byte_encoding") ? ' ('. strtrans(nr2char(str2nr(number,16))).')' : '' call a:hulit.Print(a:item. number, printf("match character specified with hex number 0x%s%s", number, char)) endfunc "}}} func! s:DocBspercHexEight(bull, hulit, item) "{{{ let number = a:bull.Bite('^\x\{,8}') let char = has("multi_byte_encoding") ? ' ('. strtrans(nr2char(str2nr(number,16))).')' : '' call a:hulit.Print(a:item. number, printf("match character specified with hex number 0x%s%s", number, char)) endfunc "}}} let s:doc['\%d'] = function("s:DocBspercDecimal") " 123 let s:doc['\%x'] = function("s:DocBspercHexTwo") " 2a let s:doc['\%o'] = function("s:DocBspercOctal") " 0377 let s:doc['\%u'] = function("s:DocBspercHexFour") " 20AC let s:doc['\%U'] = function("s:DocBspercHexEight") " 1234abcd " \m " \M " \v " \V "}}} func! s:NewHelpPrinter() "{{{ let obj = {} let obj.literals = '' let obj.indents = [] let obj.len = 0 " can be negative (!) func! obj.Print(str, ...) "{{{ call self.FlushLiterals() let indstr = join(self.indents, '') echohl Comment echo indstr echohl None if a:0 == 0 echon a:str else " echo indstr. printf("`%s' %s", a:str, a:1) echohl PreProc echon printf("%-10s", a:str) echohl None echohl Comment echon printf(" %s", a:1) echohl None endif endfunc "}}} func! obj.AddLiteral(item) "{{{ let self.literals .= a:item endfunc "}}} func! obj.FlushLiterals() "{{{ if self.literals == '' return endif let indstr = join(self.indents, '') echohl Comment echo indstr echohl None if self.literals =~ '^\s\|\s$' echon printf("%-10s", '"'. self.literals. '"') else echon printf("%-10s", self.literals) endif echohl Comment echon " literal string" if exists("*strchars") if self.literals =~ '\\' let self.literals = substitute(self.literals, '\\\(.\)', '\1', 'g') endif let spconly = self.literals =~ '[^ ]' ? '' : ', spaces only' let nlit = strchars(self.literals) echon " (". nlit. (nlit==1 ? " atom" : " atoms"). spconly.")" endif echohl None let self.literals = '' endfunc "}}} func! obj.AddIndent(...) "{{{ call self.FlushLiterals() if self.len >= 0 call extend(self.indents, copy(a:000)) elseif self.len + a:0 >= 1 call extend(self.indents, a:000[-(self.len+a:0):]) endif let self.len += a:0 endfunc "}}} func! obj.RemIndent(...) "{{{ call self.FlushLiterals() if a:0 == 0 if self.len >= 1 call remove(self.indents, -1) endif let self.len -= 1 else if self.len > a:1 call remove(self.indents, -a:1, -1) elseif self.len >= 1 call remove(self.indents, 0, -1) endif let self.len -= a:1 endif endfunc "}}} return obj endfunc "}}} func! s:NewTokenBiter(str) "{{{ " {str} string to eat pieces from let obj = {'str': a:str} " consume piece from start of input matching {pat} func! obj.Bite(pat) "{{{ " {pat} should start with '^' let bite = matchstr(self.str, a:pat) let self.str = strpart(self.str, strlen(bite)) return bite endfunc "}}} " get the unparsed rest of input (not consuming) func! obj.Rest() "{{{ return self.str endfunc "}}} " check if end of input reached func! obj.AtEnd() "{{{ return self.str == "" endfunc "}}} return obj endfunc "}}} " Modeline: {{{1 let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:ts=8:fdm=marker: