# Gallery Gallery is a script that automates the process of applying different _Black_ versions to a selected PyPI package and seeing the results between _Black_ versions. ## Build ```console $ [sudo] docker build -t black_gallery . ``` ## Run ```console $ sudo docker run -it -v /host/output:/output -v /host/input:/input black_gallery:latest [args] ``` ``` usage: gallery.py [-h] (-p PYPI_PACKAGE | -t TOP_PACKAGES) [-b BLACK_REPO] [-v VERSION] [-w WORKERS] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [versions [versions ...]] Black Gallery is a script that automates the process of applying different Black versions to a selected PyPI package and seeing the results between versions. positional arguments: versions optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PYPI_PACKAGE, --pypi-package PYPI_PACKAGE PyPI package to download. -t TOP_PACKAGES, --top-packages TOP_PACKAGES Top n PyPI packages to download. -b BLACK_REPO, --black-repo BLACK_REPO Black's Git repository. -v VERSION, --version VERSION Version for given PyPI package. Will be discarded if used with -t option. -w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS Maximum number of threads to download with at the same time. Will be discarded if used with -p option. -i INPUT, --input INPUT Input directory to read configuration. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output directory to download and put result artifacts. ```