# Contributing to Black Welcome! Happy to see you willing to make the project better. Have you read the entire [README](README.md) yet? ## Bird's eye view In terms of inspiration, *Black* is about as configurable as *gofmt* and *rustfmt* are. This is deliberate. Bug reports and fixes are always welcome! Please follow the issue template for best results. Before you suggest a new feature or configuration knob, ask yourself why you want it. If it enables better integration with some workflow, fixes an inconsistency, speeds things up, and so on - go for it! On the other hand, if your answer is "because I don't like a particular formatting" then you're not ready to embrace *Black* yet. Such changes are unlikely to get accepted. You can still try but prepare to be disappointed. ## Technicalities Development on the latest version of Python is preferred. As of this writing it's 3.6.4. You can use any operating system. I am using macOS myself and CentOS at work. Install all development dependencies using: ``` $ pipenv install --dev ``` If you haven't used `pipenv` before but are comfortable with virtualenvs, just run `pip install pipenv` in the virtualenv you're already using and invoke the command above from the cloned Black repo. It will do the correct thing. Before submitting pull requests, run tests with: ``` $ python setup.py test ``` Also run mypy and flake8 on `black.py` and `test_black.py`. Travis will run all that for you but if you left any errors here, it will be quicker and less embarrassing to fix them locally ;-) ## Hygiene If you're fixing a bug, add a test. Run it first to confirm it fails, then fix the bug, run it again to confirm it's really fixed. If adding a new feature, add a test. In fact, always add a test. But wait, before adding any large feature, first open an issue for us to discuss the idea first. ## Finally Thanks again for your interest in improving the project! You're taking action when most people decide to sit and watch.