import atexit import json import subprocess import tarfile import tempfile import traceback import venv import zipfile from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import lru_cache, partial from pathlib import Path from typing import ( Generator, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, ) from urllib.request import urlopen, urlretrieve PYPI_INSTANCE = "" PYPI_TOP_PACKAGES = ( "" ) INTERNAL_BLACK_REPO = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}/__black" ArchiveKind = Union[tarfile.TarFile, zipfile.ZipFile] = partial(, check=True) # type: ignore # class BlackVersion(NamedTuple): version: str config: Optional[str] = None def get_pypi_download_url(package: str, version: Optional[str]) -> str: with urlopen(PYPI_INSTANCE + f"/{package}/json") as page: metadata = json.load(page) if version is None: sources = metadata["urls"] else: if version in metadata["releases"]: sources = metadata["releases"][version] else: raise ValueError( f"No releases found with version ('{version}') tag. " f"Found releases: {metadata['releases'].keys()}" ) for source in sources: if source["python_version"] == "source": break else: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find any sources for {package}") return cast(str, source["url"]) def get_top_packages() -> List[str]: with urlopen(PYPI_TOP_PACKAGES) as page: result = json.load(page) return [package["project"] for package in result["rows"]] def get_package_source(package: str, version: Optional[str]) -> str: if package == "cpython": if version is None: version = "main" return f"{version}.zip" elif package == "pypy": if version is None: version = "branch/default" return ( f"{version}/archive.tar.bz2" ) else: return get_pypi_download_url(package, version) def get_archive_manager(local_file: str) -> ArchiveKind: if tarfile.is_tarfile(local_file): return elif zipfile.is_zipfile(local_file): return zipfile.ZipFile(local_file) else: raise ValueError("Unknown archive kind.") def get_first_archive_member(archive: ArchiveKind) -> str: if isinstance(archive, tarfile.TarFile): return archive.getnames()[0] elif isinstance(archive, zipfile.ZipFile): return archive.namelist()[0] def download_and_extract(package: str, version: Optional[str], directory: Path) -> Path: source = get_package_source(package, version) local_file, _ = urlretrieve(source, directory / f"{package}-src") with get_archive_manager(local_file) as archive: archive.extractall(path=directory) result_dir = get_first_archive_member(archive) return directory / result_dir def get_package( package: str, version: Optional[str], directory: Path ) -> Optional[Path]: try: return download_and_extract(package, version, directory) except Exception: print(f"Caught an exception while downloading {package}.") traceback.print_exc() return None DEFAULT_SLICE = slice(None) # for flake8 def download_and_extract_top_packages( directory: Path, workers: int = 8, limit: slice = DEFAULT_SLICE, ) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: bound_downloader = partial(get_package, version=None, directory=directory) for package in, get_top_packages()[limit]): if package is not None: yield package def git_create_repository(repo: Path) -> None:["git", "init"], cwd=repo) git_add_and_commit(msg="Initial commit", repo=repo) def git_add_and_commit(msg: str, repo: Path) -> None:["git", "add", "."], cwd=repo)["git", "commit", "-m", msg, "--allow-empty"], cwd=repo) def git_switch_branch( branch: str, repo: Path, new: bool = False, from_branch: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: args = ["git", "checkout"] if new: args.append("-b") args.append(branch) if from_branch: args.append(from_branch), cwd=repo) def init_repos(options: Namespace) -> Tuple[Path, ...]: options.output.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if options.top_packages: source_directories = tuple( download_and_extract_top_packages( directory=options.output, workers=options.workers, limit=slice(None, options.top_packages), ) ) else: source_directories = ( download_and_extract( package=options.pypi_package, version=options.version, directory=options.output, ), ) for source_directory in source_directories: git_create_repository(source_directory) if options.black_repo is None: ["git", "clone", "", INTERNAL_BLACK_REPO], cwd=options.output, ) options.black_repo = options.output / INTERNAL_BLACK_REPO return source_directories @lru_cache(8) def black_runner(version: str, black_repo: Path) -> Path: directory = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() venv.create(, with_pip=True) python = Path( / "bin" / "python"[python, "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", black_repo]) atexit.register(directory.cleanup) return python def format_repo_with_version( repo: Path, from_branch: Optional[str], black_repo: Path, black_version: BlackVersion, input_directory: Path, ) -> str: current_branch = f"black-{black_version.version}" git_switch_branch(black_version.version, repo=black_repo) git_switch_branch(current_branch, repo=repo, new=True, from_branch=from_branch) format_cmd: List[Union[Path, str]] = [ black_runner(black_version.version, black_repo), (black_repo / "").resolve(), ".", ] if black_version.config: format_cmd.extend(["--config", input_directory / black_version.config]), cwd=repo, check=False) # ensure the process # continuess to run even it can't format some files. Reporting those # should be enough git_add_and_commit(f"Format with black:{black_version.version}", repo=repo) return current_branch def format_repos(repos: Tuple[Path, ...], options: Namespace) -> None: black_versions = tuple( BlackVersion(*version.split(":")) for version in options.versions ) for repo in repos: from_branch = None for black_version in black_versions: from_branch = format_repo_with_version( repo=repo, from_branch=from_branch, black_repo=options.black_repo, black_version=black_version, input_directory=options.input, ) git_switch_branch("main", repo=repo) git_switch_branch("main", repo=options.black_repo) def main() -> None: parser = ArgumentParser( description="""Black Gallery is a script that automates the process of applying different Black versions to a selected PyPI package and seeing the results between versions.""" ) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-p", "--pypi-package", help="PyPI package to download.") group.add_argument( "-t", "--top-packages", help="Top n PyPI packages to download.", type=int ) parser.add_argument("-b", "--black-repo", help="Black's Git repository.", type=Path) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", help=( "Version for given PyPI package. Will be discarded if used with -t option." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--workers", help=( "Maximum number of threads to download with at the same time. " "Will be discarded if used with -p option." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", default=Path("/input"), type=Path, help="Input directory to read configuration.", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", default=Path("/output"), type=Path, help="Output directory to download and put result artifacts.", ) parser.add_argument("versions", nargs="*", default=("main",), help="") options = parser.parse_args() repos = init_repos(options) format_repos(repos, options) if __name__ == "__main__": main()