#!/usr/bin/env python3 # check out every commit added by the current branch, blackify them, # and generate diffs to reconstruct the original commits, but then # blackified import logging import os import sys from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, check_output, run def git(*args: str) -> str: return check_output(["git"] + list(args)).decode("utf8").strip() def blackify(base_branch: str, black_command: str, logger: logging.Logger) -> int: current_branch = git("branch", "--show-current") if not current_branch or base_branch == current_branch: logger.error("You need to check out a feature branch to work on") return 1 if not os.path.exists(".git"): logger.error("Run me in the root of your repo") return 1 merge_base = git("merge-base", "HEAD", base_branch) if not merge_base: logger.error( "Could not find a common commit for current head and %s" % base_branch ) return 1 commits = git( "log", "--reverse", "--pretty=format:%H", "%s~1..HEAD" % merge_base ).split() for commit in commits: git("checkout", commit, "-b%s-black" % commit) check_output(black_command, shell=True) git("commit", "-aqm", "blackify") git("checkout", base_branch, "-b%s-black" % current_branch) for last_commit, commit in zip(commits, commits[1:]): allow_empty = ( b"--allow-empty" in run(["git", "apply", "-h"], stdout=PIPE).stdout ) quiet = b"--quiet" in run(["git", "apply", "-h"], stdout=PIPE).stdout git_diff = Popen( [ "git", "diff", "--find-copies", "%s-black..%s-black" % (last_commit, commit), ], stdout=PIPE, ) git_apply = Popen( [ "git", "apply", ] + (["--quiet"] if quiet else []) + [ "-3", "--intent-to-add", ] + (["--allow-empty"] if allow_empty else []) + [ "-", ], stdin=git_diff.stdout, ) if git_diff.stdout is not None: git_diff.stdout.close() git_apply.communicate() git("commit", "--allow-empty", "-aqC", commit) for commit in commits: git("branch", "-qD", "%s-black" % commit) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("base_branch") parser.add_argument("--black_command", default="black -q .") parser.add_argument("--logfile", type=argparse.FileType("w"), default=sys.stdout) args = parser.parse_args() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(args.logfile)) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) sys.exit(blackify(args.base_branch, args.black_command, logger))