from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Iterator, TypeVar, Union from black.nodes import Visitor from black.output import out from black.parsing import lib2to3_parse from blib2to3.pgen2 import token from blib2to3.pytree import Leaf, Node, type_repr LN = Union[Leaf, Node] T = TypeVar("T") @dataclass class DebugVisitor(Visitor[T]): tree_depth: int = 0 def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: indent = " " * (2 * self.tree_depth) if isinstance(node, Node): _type = type_repr(node.type) out(f"{indent}{_type}", fg="yellow") self.tree_depth += 1 for child in node.children: yield from self.visit(child) self.tree_depth -= 1 out(f"{indent}/{_type}", fg="yellow", bold=False) else: _type = token.tok_name.get(node.type, str(node.type)) out(f"{indent}{_type}", fg="blue", nl=False) if node.prefix: # We don't have to handle prefixes for `Node` objects since # that delegates to the first child anyway. out(f" {node.prefix!r}", fg="green", bold=False, nl=False) out(f" {node.value!r}", fg="blue", bold=False) @classmethod def show(cls, code: Union[str, Leaf, Node]) -> None: """Pretty-print the lib2to3 AST of a given string of `code`. Convenience method for debugging. """ v: DebugVisitor[None] = DebugVisitor() if isinstance(code, str): code = lib2to3_parse(code) list(v.visit(code))