# Test for https://github.com/psf/black/issues/246. some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. def function(): pass some = statement # This multiline comments section # should be split from the statement # above by two lines. def function(): pass some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. async def async_function(): pass some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. class MyClass: pass some = statement # This should be stick to the statement above # This should be split from the above by two lines class MyClassWithComplexLeadingComments: pass class ClassWithDocstring: """A docstring.""" # Leading comment after a class with just a docstring class MyClassAfterAnotherClassWithDocstring: pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 # leading 2 extra @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 @deco3 # leading 4 def decorated(): pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 that already has an empty line @deco3 # leading 4 def decorated_with_split_leading_comments(): pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 @deco3 # leading 4 that already has an empty line def decorated_with_split_leading_comments(): pass def main(): if a: # Leading comment before inline function def inline(): pass # Another leading comment def another_inline(): pass else: # More leading comments def inline_after_else(): pass if a: # Leading comment before "top-level inline" function def top_level_quote_inline(): pass # Another leading comment def another_top_level_quote_inline_inline(): pass else: # More leading comments def top_level_quote_inline_after_else(): pass class MyClass: # First method has no empty lines between bare class def. # More comments. def first_method(self): pass # output # Test for https://github.com/psf/black/issues/246. some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. def function(): pass some = statement # This multiline comments section # should be split from the statement # above by two lines. def function(): pass some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. async def async_function(): pass some = statement # This comment should be split from the statement above by two lines. class MyClass: pass some = statement # This should be stick to the statement above # This should be split from the above by two lines class MyClassWithComplexLeadingComments: pass class ClassWithDocstring: """A docstring.""" # Leading comment after a class with just a docstring class MyClassAfterAnotherClassWithDocstring: pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 # leading 2 extra @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 @deco3 # leading 4 def decorated(): pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 that already has an empty line @deco3 # leading 4 def decorated_with_split_leading_comments(): pass some = statement # leading 1 @deco1 # leading 2 @deco2(with_args=True) # leading 3 @deco3 # leading 4 that already has an empty line def decorated_with_split_leading_comments(): pass def main(): if a: # Leading comment before inline function def inline(): pass # Another leading comment def another_inline(): pass else: # More leading comments def inline_after_else(): pass if a: # Leading comment before "top-level inline" function def top_level_quote_inline(): pass # Another leading comment def another_top_level_quote_inline_inline(): pass else: # More leading comments def top_level_quote_inline_after_else(): pass class MyClass: # First method has no empty lines between bare class def. # More comments. def first_method(self): pass