#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio from asyncio.base_events import BaseEventLoop from concurrent.futures import Executor, ProcessPoolExecutor from functools import partial import keyword import os from pathlib import Path import tokenize from typing import ( Dict, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union ) from attr import attrib, dataclass, Factory import click # lib2to3 fork from blib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf, type_repr from blib2to3 import pygram, pytree from blib2to3.pgen2 import driver, token from blib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError __version__ = "18.3a0" DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH = 88 # types syms = pygram.python_symbols FileContent = str Encoding = str Depth = int NodeType = int LeafID = int Priority = int LN = Union[Leaf, Node] out = partial(click.secho, bold=True, err=True) err = partial(click.secho, fg='red', err=True) class NothingChanged(UserWarning): """Raised by `format_file` when the reformatted code is the same as source.""" class CannotSplit(Exception): """A readable split that fits the allotted line length is impossible. Raised by `left_hand_split()` and `right_hand_split()`. """ @click.command() @click.option( '-l', '--line-length', type=int, default=DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH, help='How many character per line to allow.', show_default=True, ) @click.option( '--fast/--safe', is_flag=True, help='If --fast given, skip temporary sanity checks. [default: --safe]', ) @click.version_option(version=__version__) @click.argument( 'src', nargs=-1, type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, readable=True), ) @click.pass_context def main(ctx: click.Context, line_length: int, fast: bool, src: List[str]) -> None: """The uncompromising code formatter.""" sources: List[Path] = [] for s in src: p = Path(s) if p.is_dir(): sources.extend(gen_python_files_in_dir(p)) elif p.is_file(): # if a file was explicitly given, we don't care about its extension sources.append(p) else: err(f'invalid path: {s}') if len(sources) == 0: ctx.exit(0) elif len(sources) == 1: p = sources[0] report = Report() try: changed = format_file_in_place(p, line_length=line_length, fast=fast) report.done(p, changed) except Exception as exc: report.failed(p, str(exc)) ctx.exit(report.return_code) else: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()) return_code = 1 try: return_code = loop.run_until_complete( schedule_formatting(sources, line_length, fast, loop, executor) ) finally: loop.close() ctx.exit(return_code) async def schedule_formatting( sources: List[Path], line_length: int, fast: bool, loop: BaseEventLoop, executor: Executor, ) -> int: tasks = { src: loop.run_in_executor( executor, format_file_in_place, src, line_length, fast ) for src in sources } await asyncio.wait(tasks.values()) cancelled = [] report = Report() for src, task in tasks.items(): if not task.done(): report.failed(src, 'timed out, cancelling') task.cancel() cancelled.append(task) elif task.exception(): report.failed(src, str(task.exception())) else: report.done(src, task.result()) if cancelled: await asyncio.wait(cancelled, timeout=2) out('All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨') click.echo(str(report)) return report.return_code def format_file_in_place(src: Path, line_length: int, fast: bool) -> bool: """Format the file and rewrite if changed. Return True if changed.""" try: contents, encoding = format_file(src, line_length=line_length, fast=fast) except NothingChanged: return False with open(src, "w", encoding=encoding) as f: f.write(contents) return True def format_file( src: Path, line_length: int, fast: bool ) -> Tuple[FileContent, Encoding]: """Reformats a file and returns its contents and encoding.""" with tokenize.open(src) as src_buffer: src_contents = src_buffer.read() if src_contents.strip() == '': raise NothingChanged(src) dst_contents = format_str(src_contents, line_length=line_length) if src_contents == dst_contents: raise NothingChanged(src) if not fast: assert_equivalent(src_contents, dst_contents) assert_stable(src_contents, dst_contents, line_length=line_length) return dst_contents, src_buffer.encoding def format_str(src_contents: str, line_length: int) -> FileContent: """Reformats a string and returns new contents.""" src_node = lib2to3_parse(src_contents) dst_contents = "" comments: List[Line] = [] lines = LineGenerator() elt = EmptyLineTracker() empty_line = Line() after = 0 for current_line in lines.visit(src_node): for _ in range(after): dst_contents += str(empty_line) before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line) for _ in range(before): dst_contents += str(empty_line) if not current_line.is_comment: for comment in comments: dst_contents += str(comment) comments = [] for line in split_line(current_line, line_length=line_length): dst_contents += str(line) else: comments.append(current_line) for comment in comments: dst_contents += str(comment) return dst_contents def lib2to3_parse(src_txt: str) -> Node: """Given a string with source, return the lib2to3 Node.""" grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement drv = driver.Driver(grammar, pytree.convert) if src_txt[-1] != '\n': nl = '\r\n' if '\r\n' in src_txt[:1024] else '\n' src_txt += nl try: result = drv.parse_string(src_txt, True) except ParseError as pe: lineno, column = pe.context[1] lines = src_txt.splitlines() try: faulty_line = lines[lineno - 1] except IndexError: faulty_line = "" raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse: {lineno}:{column}: {faulty_line}") from None if isinstance(result, Leaf): result = Node(syms.file_input, [result]) return result def lib2to3_unparse(node: Node) -> str: """Given a lib2to3 node, return its string representation.""" code = str(node) return code T = TypeVar('T') class Visitor(Generic[T]): """Basic lib2to3 visitor that yields things on visiting.""" def visit(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: if node.type < 256: name = token.tok_name[node.type] else: name = type_repr(node.type) yield from getattr(self, f'visit_{name}', self.visit_default)(node) def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: if isinstance(node, Node): for child in node.children: yield from self.visit(child) @dataclass class DebugVisitor(Visitor[T]): tree_depth: int = attrib(default=0) def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]: indent = ' ' * (2 * self.tree_depth) if isinstance(node, Node): _type = type_repr(node.type) out(f'{indent}{_type}', fg='yellow') self.tree_depth += 1 for child in node.children: yield from self.visit(child) self.tree_depth -= 1 out(f'{indent}/{_type}', fg='yellow', bold=False) else: _type = token.tok_name.get(node.type, str(node.type)) out(f'{indent}{_type}', fg='blue', nl=False) if node.prefix: # We don't have to handle prefixes for `Node` objects since # that delegates to the first child anyway. out(f' {node.prefix!r}', fg='green', bold=False, nl=False) out(f' {node.value!r}', fg='blue', bold=False) KEYWORDS = set(keyword.kwlist) WHITESPACE = {token.DEDENT, token.INDENT, token.NEWLINE} FLOW_CONTROL = {'return', 'raise', 'break', 'continue'} STATEMENT = { syms.if_stmt, syms.while_stmt, syms.for_stmt, syms.try_stmt, syms.except_clause, syms.with_stmt, syms.funcdef, syms.classdef, } STANDALONE_COMMENT = 153 LOGIC_OPERATORS = {'and', 'or'} COMPARATORS = { token.LESS, token.GREATER, token.EQEQUAL, token.NOTEQUAL, token.LESSEQUAL, token.GREATEREQUAL, } MATH_OPERATORS = { token.PLUS, token.MINUS, token.STAR, token.SLASH, token.VBAR, token.AMPER, token.PERCENT, token.CIRCUMFLEX, token.LEFTSHIFT, token.RIGHTSHIFT, token.DOUBLESTAR, token.DOUBLESLASH, } COMPREHENSION_PRIORITY = 20 COMMA_PRIORITY = 10 LOGIC_PRIORITY = 5 STRING_PRIORITY = 4 COMPARATOR_PRIORITY = 3 MATH_PRIORITY = 1 @dataclass class BracketTracker: depth: int = attrib(default=0) bracket_match: Dict[Tuple[Depth, NodeType], Leaf] = attrib(default=Factory(dict)) delimiters: Dict[LeafID, Priority] = attrib(default=Factory(dict)) previous: Optional[Leaf] = attrib(default=None) def mark(self, leaf: Leaf) -> None: if leaf.type == token.COMMENT: return if leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS: self.depth -= 1 opening_bracket = self.bracket_match.pop((self.depth, leaf.type)) leaf.opening_bracket = opening_bracket # type: ignore leaf.bracket_depth = self.depth # type: ignore if self.depth == 0: delim = is_delimiter(leaf) if delim: self.delimiters[id(leaf)] = delim elif self.previous is not None: if leaf.type == token.STRING and self.previous.type == token.STRING: self.delimiters[id(self.previous)] = STRING_PRIORITY elif ( leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == 'for' and leaf.parent and leaf.parent.type in {syms.comp_for, syms.old_comp_for} ): self.delimiters[id(self.previous)] = COMPREHENSION_PRIORITY elif ( leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == 'if' and leaf.parent and leaf.parent.type in {syms.comp_if, syms.old_comp_if} ): self.delimiters[id(self.previous)] = COMPREHENSION_PRIORITY if leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: self.bracket_match[self.depth, BRACKET[leaf.type]] = leaf self.depth += 1 self.previous = leaf def any_open_brackets(self) -> bool: """Returns True if there is an yet unmatched open bracket on the line.""" return bool(self.bracket_match) def max_priority(self, exclude: Iterable[LeafID] = ()) -> int: """Returns the highest priority of a delimiter found on the line. Values are consistent with what `is_delimiter()` returns. """ return max(v for k, v in self.delimiters.items() if k not in exclude) @dataclass class Line: depth: int = attrib(default=0) leaves: List[Leaf] = attrib(default=Factory(list)) comments: Dict[LeafID, Leaf] = attrib(default=Factory(dict)) bracket_tracker: BracketTracker = attrib(default=Factory(BracketTracker)) inside_brackets: bool = attrib(default=False) def append(self, leaf: Leaf, preformatted: bool = False) -> None: has_value = leaf.value.strip() if not has_value: return if self.leaves and not preformatted: # Note: at this point leaf.prefix should be empty except for # imports, for which we only preserve newlines. leaf.prefix += whitespace(leaf) if self.inside_brackets or not preformatted: self.bracket_tracker.mark(leaf) self.maybe_remove_trailing_comma(leaf) if self.maybe_adapt_standalone_comment(leaf): return if not self.append_comment(leaf): self.leaves.append(leaf) @property def is_comment(self) -> bool: return bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT @property def is_decorator(self) -> bool: return bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == token.AT @property def is_import(self) -> bool: return bool(self) and is_import(self.leaves[0]) @property def is_class(self) -> bool: return ( bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME and self.leaves[0].value == 'class' ) @property def is_def(self) -> bool: """Also returns True for async defs.""" try: first_leaf = self.leaves[0] except IndexError: return False try: second_leaf: Optional[Leaf] = self.leaves[1] except IndexError: second_leaf = None return ( (first_leaf.type == token.NAME and first_leaf.value == 'def') or ( first_leaf.type == token.NAME and first_leaf.value == 'async' and second_leaf is not None and second_leaf.type == token.NAME and second_leaf.value == 'def' ) ) @property def is_flow_control(self) -> bool: return ( bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME and self.leaves[0].value in FLOW_CONTROL ) @property def is_yield(self) -> bool: return ( bool(self) and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME and self.leaves[0].value == 'yield' ) def maybe_remove_trailing_comma(self, closing: Leaf) -> bool: if not ( self.leaves and self.leaves[-1].type == token.COMMA and closing.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS ): return False if closing.type == token.RSQB or closing.type == token.RBRACE: self.leaves.pop() return True # For parens let's check if it's safe to remove the comma. If the # trailing one is the only one, we might mistakenly change a tuple # into a different type by removing the comma. depth = closing.bracket_depth + 1 # type: ignore commas = 0 opening = closing.opening_bracket # type: ignore for _opening_index, leaf in enumerate(self.leaves): if leaf is opening: break else: return False for leaf in self.leaves[_opening_index + 1:]: if leaf is closing: break bracket_depth = leaf.bracket_depth # type: ignore if bracket_depth == depth and leaf.type == token.COMMA: commas += 1 if commas > 1: self.leaves.pop() return True return False def maybe_adapt_standalone_comment(self, comment: Leaf) -> bool: """Hack a standalone comment to act as a trailing comment for line splitting. If this line has brackets and a standalone `comment`, we need to adapt it to be able to still reformat the line. This is not perfect, the line to which the standalone comment gets appended will appear "too long" when splitting. """ if not ( comment.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT and self.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets() ): return False comment.type = token.COMMENT comment.prefix = '\n' + ' ' * (self.depth + 1) return self.append_comment(comment) def append_comment(self, comment: Leaf) -> bool: if comment.type != token.COMMENT: return False try: after = id(self.last_non_delimiter()) except LookupError: comment.type = STANDALONE_COMMENT comment.prefix = '' return False else: if after in self.comments: self.comments[after].value += str(comment) else: self.comments[after] = comment return True def last_non_delimiter(self) -> Leaf: for i in range(len(self.leaves)): last = self.leaves[-i - 1] if not is_delimiter(last): return last raise LookupError("No non-delimiters found") def __str__(self) -> str: if not self: return '\n' indent = ' ' * self.depth leaves = iter(self.leaves) first = next(leaves) res = f'{first.prefix}{indent}{first.value}' for leaf in leaves: res += str(leaf) for comment in self.comments.values(): res += str(comment) return res + '\n' def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.leaves or self.comments) @dataclass class EmptyLineTracker: """Provides a stateful method that returns the number of potential extra empty lines needed before and after the currently processed line. Note: this tracker works on lines that haven't been split yet. """ previous_line: Optional[Line] = attrib(default=None) previous_after: int = attrib(default=0) previous_defs: List[int] = attrib(default=Factory(list)) def maybe_empty_lines(self, current_line: Line) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns the number of extra empty lines before and after the `current_line`. This is for separating `def`, `async def` and `class` with extra empty lines (two on module-level), as well as providing an extra empty line after flow control keywords to make them more prominent. """ before, after = self._maybe_empty_lines(current_line) self.previous_after = after self.previous_line = current_line return before, after def _maybe_empty_lines(self, current_line: Line) -> Tuple[int, int]: before = 0 depth = current_line.depth while self.previous_defs and self.previous_defs[-1] >= depth: self.previous_defs.pop() before = (1 if depth else 2) - self.previous_after is_decorator = current_line.is_decorator if is_decorator or current_line.is_def or current_line.is_class: if not is_decorator: self.previous_defs.append(depth) if self.previous_line is None: # Don't insert empty lines before the first line in the file. return 0, 0 if self.previous_line and self.previous_line.is_decorator: # Don't insert empty lines between decorators. return 0, 0 newlines = 2 if current_line.depth: newlines -= 1 newlines -= self.previous_after return newlines, 0 if current_line.is_flow_control: return before, 1 if ( self.previous_line and self.previous_line.is_import and not current_line.is_import and depth == self.previous_line.depth ): return (before or 1), 0 if ( self.previous_line and self.previous_line.is_yield and (not current_line.is_yield or depth != self.previous_line.depth) ): return (before or 1), 0 return before, 0 @dataclass class LineGenerator(Visitor[Line]): """Generates reformatted Line objects. Empty lines are not emitted. Note: destroys the tree it's visiting by mutating prefixes of its leaves in ways that will no longer stringify to valid Python code on the tree. """ current_line: Line = attrib(default=Factory(Line)) standalone_comments: List[Leaf] = attrib(default=Factory(list)) def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]: """Generate a line. If the line is empty, only emit if it makes sense. If the line is too long, split it first and then generate. If any lines were generated, set up a new current_line. """ if not self.current_line: self.current_line.depth += indent return # Line is empty, don't emit. Creating a new one unnecessary. complete_line = self.current_line self.current_line = Line(depth=complete_line.depth + indent) yield complete_line def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[Line]: if isinstance(node, Leaf): for comment in generate_comments(node): if self.current_line.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets(): # any comment within brackets is subject to splitting self.current_line.append(comment) elif comment.type == token.COMMENT: # regular trailing comment self.current_line.append(comment) yield from self.line() else: # regular standalone comment, to be processed later (see # docstring in `generate_comments()` self.standalone_comments.append(comment) normalize_prefix(node) if node.type not in WHITESPACE: for comment in self.standalone_comments: yield from self.line() self.current_line.append(comment) yield from self.line() self.standalone_comments = [] self.current_line.append(node) yield from super().visit_default(node) def visit_suite(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]: """Body of a statement after a colon.""" children = iter(node.children) # Process newline before indenting. It might contain an inline # comment that should go right after the colon. newline = next(children) yield from self.visit(newline) yield from self.line(+1) for child in children: yield from self.visit(child) yield from self.line(-1) def visit_stmt(self, node: Node, keywords: Set[str]) -> Iterator[Line]: """Visit a statement. The relevant Python language keywords for this statement are NAME leaves within it. """ for child in node.children: if child.type == token.NAME and child.value in keywords: # type: ignore yield from self.line() yield from self.visit(child) def visit_simple_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]: """A statement without nested statements.""" is_suite_like = node.parent and node.parent.type in STATEMENT if is_suite_like: yield from self.line(+1) yield from self.visit_default(node) yield from self.line(-1) else: yield from self.line() yield from self.visit_default(node) def visit_async_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]: yield from self.line() children = iter(node.children) for child in children: yield from self.visit(child) if child.type == token.NAME and child.value == 'async': # type: ignore break internal_stmt = next(children) for child in internal_stmt.children: yield from self.visit(child) def visit_decorators(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]: for child in node.children: yield from self.line() yield from self.visit(child) def visit_SEMI(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]: yield from self.line() def visit_ENDMARKER(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]: yield from self.visit_default(leaf) yield from self.line() def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None: """You are in a twisty little maze of passages.""" v = self.visit_stmt self.visit_if_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'if', 'else', 'elif'}) self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'while', 'else'}) self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'for', 'else'}) self.visit_try_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'try', 'except', 'else', 'finally'}) self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={'except'}) self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={'def'}) self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'with'}) self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={'class'}) self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators BRACKET = {token.LPAR: token.RPAR, token.LSQB: token.RSQB, token.LBRACE: token.RBRACE} OPENING_BRACKETS = set(BRACKET.keys()) CLOSING_BRACKETS = set(BRACKET.values()) BRACKETS = OPENING_BRACKETS | CLOSING_BRACKETS def whitespace(leaf: Leaf) -> str: """Return whitespace prefix if needed for the given `leaf`.""" NO = '' SPACE = ' ' DOUBLESPACE = ' ' t = leaf.type p = leaf.parent if t == token.COLON: return NO if t == token.COMMA: return NO if t == token.RPAR: return NO if t == token.COMMENT: return DOUBLESPACE if t == STANDALONE_COMMENT: return NO assert p is not None, f"INTERNAL ERROR: hand-made leaf without parent: {leaf!r}" if p.type in {syms.parameters, syms.arglist}: # untyped function signatures or calls if t == token.RPAR: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev or prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO if p.type == syms.varargslist: # lambdas if t == token.RPAR: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if prev and prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.typedargslist: # typed function signatures prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: return NO if t == token.EQUAL: if prev.type != syms.tname: return NO elif prev.type == token.EQUAL: # A bit hacky: if the equal sign has whitespace, it means we # previously found it's a typed argument. So, we're using that, too. return prev.prefix elif prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.tname: # type names prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.trailer: # attributes and calls if t == token.LPAR or t == token.RPAR: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: if t == token.DOT: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type != token.NUMBER: return NO elif t == token.LSQB: return NO elif prev.type != token.COMMA: return NO elif p.type == syms.argument: # single argument if t == token.EQUAL: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type == token.LPAR: return NO elif prev.type == token.EQUAL or prev.type == token.DOUBLESTAR: return NO elif p.type == syms.decorator: # decorators return NO elif p.type == syms.dotted_name: prev = leaf.prev_sibling if prev: return NO prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type == token.AT: return NO elif p.type == syms.classdef: if t == token.LPAR: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if prev and prev.type == token.LPAR: return NO elif p.type == syms.subscript: # indexing if t == token.COLON: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev or prev.type == token.COLON: return NO elif p.type in { syms.test, syms.not_test, syms.xor_expr, syms.or_test, syms.and_test, syms.arith_expr, syms.shift_expr, syms.yield_expr, syms.term, syms.power, syms.comparison, }: # various arithmetic and logic expressions prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO if prevp.type == token.EQUAL: if prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type in { syms.varargslist, syms.parameters, syms.arglist, syms.argument }: return NO return SPACE elif p.type == syms.atom: if t in CLOSING_BRACKETS: return NO prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp: return NO if prevp.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO if prevp.type == token.EQUAL: if prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type in { syms.varargslist, syms.parameters, syms.arglist, syms.argument }: return NO if prevp.type == token.DOUBLESTAR: if prevp.parent and prevp.parent.type in { syms.varargslist, syms.parameters, syms.arglist, syms.dictsetmaker }: return NO elif prev.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO elif t == token.DOT: # dots, but not the first one. return NO elif ( p.type == syms.listmaker or p.type == syms.testlist_gexp or p.type == syms.subscriptlist ): # list interior, including unpacking prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: return NO elif p.type == syms.dictsetmaker: # dict and set interior, including unpacking prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: return NO if prev.type == token.DOUBLESTAR: return NO elif p.type == syms.factor or p.type == syms.star_expr: # unary ops prev = leaf.prev_sibling if not prev: prevp = preceding_leaf(p) if not prevp or prevp.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return NO prevp_parent = prevp.parent assert prevp_parent is not None if prevp.type == token.COLON and prevp_parent.type in { syms.subscript, syms.sliceop }: return NO elif prevp.type == token.EQUAL and prevp_parent.type == syms.argument: return NO elif t == token.NAME or t == token.NUMBER: return NO elif p.type == syms.import_from and t == token.NAME: prev = leaf.prev_sibling if prev and prev.type == token.DOT: return NO elif p.type == syms.sliceop: return NO return SPACE def preceding_leaf(node: Optional[LN]) -> Optional[Leaf]: """Returns the first leaf that precedes `node`, if any.""" while node: res = node.prev_sibling if res: if isinstance(res, Leaf): return res try: return list(res.leaves())[-1] except IndexError: return None node = node.parent return None def is_delimiter(leaf: Leaf) -> int: """Returns the priority of the `leaf` delimiter. Returns 0 if not delimiter. Higher numbers are higher priority. """ if leaf.type == token.COMMA: return COMMA_PRIORITY if leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value in LOGIC_OPERATORS: return LOGIC_PRIORITY if leaf.type in COMPARATORS: return COMPARATOR_PRIORITY if ( leaf.type in MATH_OPERATORS and leaf.parent and leaf.parent.type not in {syms.factor, syms.star_expr} ): return MATH_PRIORITY return 0 def generate_comments(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Leaf]: """Cleans the prefix of the `leaf` and generates comments from it, if any. Comments in lib2to3 are shoved into the whitespace prefix. This happens in `pgen2/driver.py:Driver.parse_tokens()`. This was a brilliant implementation move because it does away with modifying the grammar to include all the possible places in which comments can be placed. The sad consequence for us though is that comments don't "belong" anywhere. This is why this function generates simple parentless Leaf objects for comments. We simply don't know what the correct parent should be. No matter though, we can live without this. We really only need to differentiate between inline and standalone comments. The latter don't share the line with any code. Inline comments are emitted as regular token.COMMENT leaves. Standalone are emitted with a fake STANDALONE_COMMENT token identifier. """ if not leaf.prefix: return if '#' not in leaf.prefix: return before_comment, content = leaf.prefix.split('#', 1) content = content.rstrip() if content and (content[0] not in {' ', '!', '#'}): content = ' ' + content is_standalone_comment = ( '\n' in before_comment or '\n' in content or leaf.type == token.DEDENT ) if not is_standalone_comment: # simple trailing comment yield Leaf(token.COMMENT, value='#' + content) return for line in ('#' + content).split('\n'): line = line.lstrip() if not line.startswith('#'): continue yield Leaf(STANDALONE_COMMENT, line) def split_line(line: Line, line_length: int, inner: bool = False) -> Iterator[Line]: """Splits a `line` into potentially many lines. They should fit in the allotted `line_length` but might not be able to. `inner` signifies that there were a pair of brackets somewhere around the current `line`, possibly transitively. This means we can fallback to splitting by delimiters if the LHS/RHS don't yield any results. """ line_str = str(line).strip('\n') if len(line_str) <= line_length and '\n' not in line_str: yield line return if line.is_def: split_funcs = [left_hand_split] elif line.inside_brackets: split_funcs = [delimiter_split] if '\n' not in line_str: # Only attempt RHS if we don't have multiline strings or comments # on this line. split_funcs.append(right_hand_split) else: split_funcs = [right_hand_split] for split_func in split_funcs: # We are accumulating lines in `result` because we might want to abort # mission and return the original line in the end, or attempt a different # split altogether. result: List[Line] = [] try: for l in split_func(line): if str(l).strip('\n') == line_str: raise CannotSplit("Split function returned an unchanged result") result.extend(split_line(l, line_length=line_length, inner=True)) except CannotSplit as cs: continue else: yield from result break else: yield line def left_hand_split(line: Line) -> Iterator[Line]: """Split line into many lines, starting with the first matching bracket pair. Note: this usually looks weird, only use this for function definitions. Prefer RHS otherwise. """ head = Line(depth=line.depth) body = Line(depth=line.depth + 1, inside_brackets=True) tail = Line(depth=line.depth) tail_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] body_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] head_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] current_leaves = head_leaves matching_bracket = None for leaf in line.leaves: if ( current_leaves is body_leaves and leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS and leaf.opening_bracket is matching_bracket # type: ignore ): current_leaves = tail_leaves current_leaves.append(leaf) if current_leaves is head_leaves: if leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS: matching_bracket = leaf current_leaves = body_leaves # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace. if body_leaves: normalize_prefix(body_leaves[0]) # Build the new lines. for result, leaves in ( (head, head_leaves), (body, body_leaves), (tail, tail_leaves) ): for leaf in leaves: result.append(leaf, preformatted=True) comment_after = line.comments.get(id(leaf)) if comment_after: result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True) # Check if the split succeeded. tail_len = len(str(tail)) if not body: if tail_len == 0: raise CannotSplit("Splitting brackets produced the same line") elif tail_len < 3: raise CannotSplit( f"Splitting brackets on an empty body to save " f"{tail_len} characters is not worth it" ) for result in (head, body, tail): if result: yield result def right_hand_split(line: Line) -> Iterator[Line]: """Split line into many lines, starting with the last matching bracket pair.""" head = Line(depth=line.depth) body = Line(depth=line.depth + 1, inside_brackets=True) tail = Line(depth=line.depth) tail_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] body_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] head_leaves: List[Leaf] = [] current_leaves = tail_leaves opening_bracket = None for leaf in reversed(line.leaves): if current_leaves is body_leaves: if leaf is opening_bracket: current_leaves = head_leaves current_leaves.append(leaf) if current_leaves is tail_leaves: if leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS: opening_bracket = leaf.opening_bracket # type: ignore current_leaves = body_leaves tail_leaves.reverse() body_leaves.reverse() head_leaves.reverse() # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace. if body_leaves: normalize_prefix(body_leaves[0]) # Build the new lines. for result, leaves in ( (head, head_leaves), (body, body_leaves), (tail, tail_leaves) ): for leaf in leaves: result.append(leaf, preformatted=True) comment_after = line.comments.get(id(leaf)) if comment_after: result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True) # Check if the split succeeded. tail_len = len(str(tail).strip('\n')) if not body: if tail_len == 0: raise CannotSplit("Splitting brackets produced the same line") elif tail_len < 3: raise CannotSplit( f"Splitting brackets on an empty body to save " f"{tail_len} characters is not worth it" ) for result in (head, body, tail): if result: yield result def delimiter_split(line: Line) -> Iterator[Line]: """Split according to delimiters of the highest priority. This kind of split doesn't increase indentation. """ try: last_leaf = line.leaves[-1] except IndexError: raise CannotSplit("Line empty") delimiters = line.bracket_tracker.delimiters try: delimiter_priority = line.bracket_tracker.max_priority(exclude={id(last_leaf)}) except ValueError: raise CannotSplit("No delimiters found") current_line = Line(depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets) for leaf in line.leaves: current_line.append(leaf, preformatted=True) comment_after = line.comments.get(id(leaf)) if comment_after: current_line.append(comment_after, preformatted=True) leaf_priority = delimiters.get(id(leaf)) if leaf_priority == delimiter_priority: normalize_prefix(current_line.leaves[0]) yield current_line current_line = Line(depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets) if current_line: if ( delimiter_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY and current_line.leaves[-1].type != token.COMMA ): current_line.append(Leaf(token.COMMA, ',')) normalize_prefix(current_line.leaves[0]) yield current_line def is_import(leaf: Leaf) -> bool: """Returns True if the given leaf starts an import statement.""" p = leaf.parent t = leaf.type v = leaf.value return bool( t == token.NAME and ( (v == 'import' and p and p.type == syms.import_name) or (v == 'from' and p and p.type == syms.import_from) ) ) def normalize_prefix(leaf: Leaf) -> None: """Leave existing extra newlines for imports. Remove everything else.""" if is_import(leaf): spl = leaf.prefix.split('#', 1) nl_count = spl[0].count('\n') if len(spl) > 1: # Skip one newline since it was for a standalone comment. nl_count -= 1 leaf.prefix = '\n' * nl_count return leaf.prefix = '' PYTHON_EXTENSIONS = {'.py'} BLACKLISTED_DIRECTORIES = { 'build', 'buck-out', 'dist', '_build', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.tox', '.venv' } def gen_python_files_in_dir(path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: for child in path.iterdir(): if child.is_dir(): if child.name in BLACKLISTED_DIRECTORIES: continue yield from gen_python_files_in_dir(child) elif child.suffix in PYTHON_EXTENSIONS: yield child @dataclass class Report: """Provides a reformatting counter.""" change_count: int = attrib(default=0) same_count: int = attrib(default=0) failure_count: int = attrib(default=0) def done(self, src: Path, changed: bool) -> None: """Increment the counter for successful reformatting. Write out a message.""" if changed: out(f'reformatted {src}') self.change_count += 1 else: out(f'{src} already well formatted, good job.', bold=False) self.same_count += 1 def failed(self, src: Path, message: str) -> None: """Increment the counter for failed reformatting. Write out a message.""" err(f'error: cannot format {src}: {message}') self.failure_count += 1 @property def return_code(self) -> int: """Which return code should the app use considering the current state.""" return 1 if self.failure_count else 0 def __str__(self) -> str: """A color report of the current state. Use `click.unstyle` to remove colors. """ report = [] if self.change_count: s = 's' if self.change_count > 1 else '' report.append( click.style(f'{self.change_count} file{s} reformatted', bold=True) ) if self.same_count: s = 's' if self.same_count > 1 else '' report.append(f'{self.same_count} file{s} left unchanged') if self.failure_count: s = 's' if self.failure_count > 1 else '' report.append( click.style( f'{self.failure_count} file{s} failed to reformat', fg='red' ) ) return ', '.join(report) + '.' def assert_equivalent(src: str, dst: str) -> None: """Raises AssertionError if `src` and `dst` aren't equivalent. This is a temporary sanity check until Black becomes stable. """ import ast import traceback def _v(node: ast.AST, depth: int = 0) -> Iterator[str]: """Simple visitor generating strings to compare ASTs by content.""" yield f"{' ' * depth}{node.__class__.__name__}(" for field in sorted(node._fields): try: value = getattr(node, field) except AttributeError: continue yield f"{' ' * (depth+1)}{field}=" if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): yield from _v(item, depth + 2) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): yield from _v(value, depth + 2) else: yield f"{' ' * (depth+2)}{value!r}, # {value.__class__.__name__}" yield f"{' ' * depth}) # /{node.__class__.__name__}" try: src_ast = ast.parse(src) except Exception as exc: raise AssertionError(f"cannot parse source: {exc}") from None try: dst_ast = ast.parse(dst) except Exception as exc: log = dump_to_file(''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__)), dst) raise AssertionError( f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced invalid code: {exc}. " f"Please report a bug on https://github.com/ambv/black/issues. " f"This invalid output might be helpful: {log}", ) from None src_ast_str = '\n'.join(_v(src_ast)) dst_ast_str = '\n'.join(_v(dst_ast)) if src_ast_str != dst_ast_str: log = dump_to_file(diff(src_ast_str, dst_ast_str, 'src', 'dst')) raise AssertionError( f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced code that is not equivalent to " f"the source. " f"Please report a bug on https://github.com/ambv/black/issues. " f"This diff might be helpful: {log}", ) from None def assert_stable(src: str, dst: str, line_length: int) -> None: """Raises AssertionError if `dst` reformats differently the second time. This is a temporary sanity check until Black becomes stable. """ newdst = format_str(dst, line_length=line_length) if dst != newdst: log = dump_to_file( diff(src, dst, 'source', 'first pass'), diff(dst, newdst, 'first pass', 'second pass'), ) raise AssertionError( f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced different code on the second pass " f"of the formatter. " f"Please report a bug on https://github.com/ambv/black/issues. " f"This diff might be helpful: {log}", ) from None def dump_to_file(*output: str) -> str: """Dumps `output` to a temporary file. Returns path to the file.""" import tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w', prefix='blk_', suffix='.log', delete=False ) as f: for lines in output: f.write(lines) f.write('\n') return f.name def diff(a: str, b: str, a_name: str, b_name: str) -> str: """Returns a udiff string between strings `a` and `b`.""" import difflib a_lines = [line + '\n' for line in a.split('\n')] b_lines = [line + '\n' for line in b.split('\n')] return ''.join( difflib.unified_diff(a_lines, b_lines, fromfile=a_name, tofile=b_name, n=5) ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()