# We should not remove the trailing comma in a single-element subscript. a: tuple[int,] b = tuple[int,] # But commas in multiple element subscripts should be removed. c: tuple[int, int,] d = tuple[int, int,] # Remove commas for non-subscripts. small_list = [1,] list_of_types = [tuple[int,],] small_set = {1,} set_of_types = {tuple[int,],} # Except single element tuples small_tuple = (1,) # output # We should not remove the trailing comma in a single-element subscript. a: tuple[int,] b = tuple[int,] # But commas in multiple element subscripts should be removed. c: tuple[int, int] d = tuple[int, int] # Remove commas for non-subscripts. small_list = [1] list_of_types = [tuple[int,]] small_set = {1} set_of_types = {tuple[int,]} # Except single element tuples small_tuple = (1,)