class MyClass: """ Multiline class docstring """ def method(self): """Multiline method docstring """ pass def foo(): """This is a docstring with some lines of text here """ return def bar(): '''This is another docstring with more lines of text ''' return def baz(): '''"This" is a string with some embedded "quotes"''' return def troz(): '''Indentation with tabs is just as OK ''' return def zort(): """Another multiline docstring """ pass def poit(): """ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipiscing elit: - sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore - dolore magna aliqua - enim ad minim veniam - quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi - aliquip ex ea commodo consequat """ pass def under_indent(): """ These lines are indented in a way that does not make sense. """ pass def over_indent(): """ This has a shallow indent - But some lines are deeper - And the closing quote is too deep """ pass def single_line(): """But with a newline after it! """ pass def this(): r""" 'hey ho' """ def that(): """ "hey yah" """ def and_that(): """ "hey yah" """ def and_this(): ''' "hey yah"''' def empty(): ''' ''' def oneline_empty(): ''' ''' def oneline_nothing(): """""" def single_quotes(): 'testing' def believe_it_or_not_this_is_in_the_py_stdlib(): ''' "hey yah"''' def ignored_docstring(): """a => \ b""" def single_line_docstring_with_whitespace(): """ This should be stripped """ def docstring_with_inline_tabs_and_space_indentation(): """hey tab separated value tab at start of line and then a tab separated value multiple tabs at the beginning and inline mixed tabs and spaces at beginning. next line has mixed tabs and spaces only. line ends with some tabs """ def docstring_with_inline_tabs_and_tab_indentation(): """hey tab separated value tab at start of line and then a tab separated value multiple tabs at the beginning and inline mixed tabs and spaces at beginning. next line has mixed tabs and spaces only. line ends with some tabs """ pass def backslash_space(): """\ """ def multiline_backslash_1(): ''' hey\there\ \ ''' def multiline_backslash_2(): ''' hey there \ ''' # output class MyClass: """Multiline class docstring """ def method(self): """Multiline method docstring """ pass def foo(): """This is a docstring with some lines of text here """ return def bar(): """This is another docstring with more lines of text """ return def baz(): '''"This" is a string with some embedded "quotes"''' return def troz(): """Indentation with tabs is just as OK """ return def zort(): """Another multiline docstring """ pass def poit(): """ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipiscing elit: - sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore - dolore magna aliqua - enim ad minim veniam - quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi - aliquip ex ea commodo consequat """ pass def under_indent(): """ These lines are indented in a way that does not make sense. """ pass def over_indent(): """ This has a shallow indent - But some lines are deeper - And the closing quote is too deep """ pass def single_line(): """But with a newline after it!""" pass def this(): r""" 'hey ho' """ def that(): """ "hey yah" """ def and_that(): """ "hey yah" """ def and_this(): ''' "hey yah"''' def empty(): """ """ def oneline_empty(): """ """ def oneline_nothing(): """ """ def single_quotes(): "testing" def believe_it_or_not_this_is_in_the_py_stdlib(): ''' "hey yah"''' def ignored_docstring(): """a => \ b""" def single_line_docstring_with_whitespace(): """This should be stripped""" def docstring_with_inline_tabs_and_space_indentation(): """hey tab separated value tab at start of line and then a tab separated value multiple tabs at the beginning and inline mixed tabs and spaces at beginning. next line has mixed tabs and spaces only. line ends with some tabs """ def docstring_with_inline_tabs_and_tab_indentation(): """hey tab separated value tab at start of line and then a tab separated value multiple tabs at the beginning and inline mixed tabs and spaces at beginning. next line has mixed tabs and spaces only. line ends with some tabs """ pass def backslash_space(): """\ """ def multiline_backslash_1(): """ hey\there\ \ """ def multiline_backslash_2(): """ hey there \ """