[tox] envlist = py{36,37,38,39},fuzz [testenv] setenv = PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/src skip_install = True deps = -r{toxinidir}/test_requirements.txt commands = pip install -e .[d] coverage erase pytest tests --run-optional no_python2 --numprocesses auto --cov {posargs} pip install -e .[d,python2] pytest tests --run-optional python2 --numprocesses auto --cov --cov-append {posargs} coverage report [testenv:fuzz] skip_install = True deps = -r{toxinidir}/test_requirements.txt hypothesmith lark-parser < 0.10.0 ; lark-parser's version is set due to a bug in hypothesis. Once it solved, that would be fixed. commands = pip install -e .[d] coverage erase coverage run fuzz.py coverage report