" File: explainpat.vim " Created: 2011 Nov 02 " Last Change: 2012 Dec 19 " Rev Days: 3 " Author: Andy Wokula " License: Vim License, see :h license " Version: 0.2 " :ExplainPattern [pattern] " " parse the given Vim [pattern] (default: text in the Visual area) and " print a line of help (with color!) for each found pattern item. Nested " items get extra indent. " " A single-char [pattern] argument is used as register argument: " / explain the last search pattern " * explain pattern from the clipboard " a explain pattern from register a " if exists("loaded_explainpat") finish endif let loaded_explainpat = 1 if v:version < 700 echomsg "explainpat: you need at least Vim 7.0" finish endif com! -nargs=* ExplainPattern call explainpat#ExplainPattern() " Modeline: {{{1 " vim:ts=8:fdm=marker: