How To Contribute ================= ``vim-python-pep8-indent`` is always open for suggestions and contributions by generous developers. I’ve collected a few tips to get you started. Please: - *Always* add tests for your code. - Add yourself to the AUTHORS.rst file in an alphabetical fashion by first name – no matter how big or small your changes are. - Write `good commit messages`_. Running Tests ------------- - They are written in Ruby_ (sorry :() using vimrunner_ which requires rspec_. - The tests go into ``spec/indent/indent_spec.rb``. Look at the ``describe`` blocks to get the hang of it. - Run the tests with the command:: $ rspec spec - Alternatively you can use Docker:: $ make test_docker - You can select tests based on line numbers, e.g.:: $ rspec ./spec/indent/indent_spec.rb:385 $ make test_docker RSPEC_ARGS=./spec/indent/indent_spec.rb:385 Thank you for considering to contribute! .. _Ruby: .. _`good commit messages`: .. _vimrunner: .. _rspec: