def line_before_docstring(): """Please move me up""" class LineBeforeDocstring: """Please move me up""" class EvenIfThereIsAMethodAfter: """I'm the docstring""" def method(self): pass class TwoLinesBeforeDocstring: """I want to be treated the same as if I were closer""" class MultilineDocstringsAsWell: """I'm so far and on so many lines... """ # output def line_before_docstring(): """Please move me up""" class LineBeforeDocstring: """Please move me up""" class EvenIfThereIsAMethodAfter: """I'm the docstring""" def method(self): pass class TwoLinesBeforeDocstring: """I want to be treated the same as if I were closer""" class MultilineDocstringsAsWell: """I'm so far and on so many lines... """