# Make sure a leading comment is not removed. def some_func( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("I am some_func") return 0 # Make sure this comment is not removed. # Make sure a leading comment is not removed. async def some_async_func( unformatted, args): # fmt: skip print("I am some_async_func") await asyncio.sleep(1) # Make sure a leading comment is not removed. class SomeClass( Unformatted, SuperClasses ): # fmt: skip def some_method( self, unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("I am some_method") return 0 async def some_async_method( self, unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("I am some_async_method") await asyncio.sleep(1) # Make sure a leading comment is not removed. if unformatted_call( args ): # fmt: skip print("First branch") # Make sure this is not removed. elif another_unformatted_call( args ): # fmt: skip print("Second branch") else : # fmt: skip print("Last branch") while some_condition( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("Do something") for i in some_iter( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("Do something") async def test_async_for(): async for i in some_async_iter( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("Do something") try : # fmt: skip some_call() except UnformattedError as ex: # fmt: skip handle_exception() finally : # fmt: skip finally_call() with give_me_context( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("Do something") async def test_async_with(): async with give_me_async_context( unformatted, args ): # fmt: skip print("Do something")