" Name: lbdbq.vim " Summary: functions and mode mappings for querying lbdb from Vim " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 Stefano Zacchiroli " License: GNU GPL version 3 or above " Maintainer: Stefano Zacchiroli " URL: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1757 " Version: 0.3 if exists("loaded_lbdbq") finish endif let loaded_lbdbq = 1 " queries lbdb with a query string and return a list of pairs: " [['full name', 'email'], ['full name', 'email'], ...] function! LbdbQuery(qstring) let output = system("lbdbq '" . a:qstring . "'") let results = [] for line in split(output, "\n")[1:] " skip first line (lbdbq summary) let fields = split(line, "\t") let results += [ [fields[1], fields[0]] ] endfor return results endfunction " check if a potential query string has already been expanded in a complete " recipient. E.g.: 'Stefano Zacchiroli ' is a complete " recipient, 'stefano zacchiroli' and 'stefano' are not function! LbdbIsExpanded(qstring) return (a:qstring =~ '^\S\+@\S\+$\|<\S\+@\S\+>$') endfunction function! LbdbTrim(s) return substitute(a:s, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', '') endfunction " expand a (short) contact given as a query string, asking interactively if " disambiguation is needed " E.g.: 'stefano zacchiroli' -> 'Stefano Zacchiroli ' function! LbdbExpandContact(qstring) let qstring = LbdbTrim(a:qstring) if LbdbIsExpanded(qstring) return qstring else " try to expand (short) contact let contacts = LbdbQuery(qstring) let contact = [] if empty(contacts) " no matching (long) contact found return qstring elseif len(contacts) > 1 " multiple matches: disambiguate echo "Choose a recipient for '" . qstring . "':" let choices = [] let counter = 0 for contact in contacts let choices += [ printf("%2d. %s <%s>", counter, contact[0], contact[1]) ] let counter += 1 endfor let contact = contacts[inputlist(choices)] else " len(contacts) == 1, i.e. one single match let contact = contacts[0] endif return printf("\"%s\" <%s>", escape(contact[0], '"'), contact[1]) endif endfunction " as above but support input strings composed by comma separated (short) " contacts function! LbdbExpandContacts(raw) let raw = LbdbTrim(a:raw) let qstrings = split(raw, '\s*,\s*') let exp_strings = [] for qstring in qstrings let exp_strings += [ LbdbExpandContact(qstring) ] endfor return join(exp_strings, ', ') endfunction " expand all (short) contacts on a given recipient line, asking interactively " if disambiguation is needed. " E.g.: " 'To: stefano zacchiroli, bram' " -> 'To: Stefano Zacchiroli , Bram Moolenaar function! LbdbExpandRcptLine(recpt_line) if a:recpt_line =~ '^\w\+:' " line is the *beginning* of a RFC822 field let raw = substitute(a:recpt_line, '^\w\+:\s*', '', '') let recpt_kind = substitute(a:recpt_line, '^\(\w\+\):\s*.*$', '\1', '') let exp_line = recpt_kind . ': ' . LbdbExpandContacts(raw) elseif a:recpt_line =~ '^\s\+' " line is the *continuation* of a RFC822 field let raw = substitute(a:recpt_line, '^\s\+', '', '') let lpadding = substitute(a:recpt_line, '\S.*$', '', '') let exp_line = lpadding . LbdbExpandContacts(raw) else return a:recpt_line endif if a:recpt_line =~ ',\s*$' let exp_line .= ',' endif return exp_line endfunction function! LbdbExpandCurLine() call setline(line('.'), LbdbExpandRcptLine(getline('.'))) endfunction function! LbdbExpandVisual() if visualmode() ==# 'v' normal gvy let raw = getreg('"') let expanded = '' if raw =~ "," let expanded = LbdbExpandContacts(raw) else let expanded = LbdbExpandContact(raw) endif call setreg('"', expanded) normal gvP elseif visualmode() ==# 'V' call LbdbExpandCurLine() end endfunction nmap lb :call LbdbExpandCurLine() vmap lb :call LbdbExpandVisual() imap lb :call LbdbExpandCurLine()A