"Hello" "Don't do that" 'Here is a "' 'What\'s the deal here?' "What's the deal \"here\"?" "And \"here\"?" """Strings with "" in them""" '''Strings with "" in them''' '''Here's a "''' '''Here's a " ''' '''Just a normal triple quote''' f"just a normal {f} string" f'''This is a triple-quoted {f}-string''' f'MOAR {" ".join([])}' f"MOAR {' '.join([])}" r"raw string ftw" # output "Hello" "Don't do that" 'Here is a "' "What's the deal here?" 'What\'s the deal "here"?' 'And "here"?' """Strings with "" in them""" """Strings with "" in them""" '''Here's a "''' """Here's a " """ """Just a normal triple quote""" f"just a normal {f} string" f"""This is a triple-quoted {f}-string""" f'MOAR {" ".join([])}' f"MOAR {' '.join([])}" r"raw string ftw"