# Getting Started New to _Black_? Don't worry, you've found the perfect place to get started! ## Do you like the _Black_ code style? Before using _Black_ on some of your code, it might be a good idea to first understand how _Black_ will format your code. _Black_ isn't for everyone and you may find something that is a dealbreaker for you personally, which is okay! The current _Black_ code style [is described here](./the_black_code_style/current_style.md). ## Try it out online Also, you can try out _Black_ online for minimal fuss on the [Black Playground](https://black.vercel.app) generously created by José Padilla. ## Installation _Black_ can be installed by running `pip install black`. It requires Python 3.6.2+ to run. If you want to format Jupyter Notebooks, install with `pip install black[jupyter]`. If you can't wait for the latest _hotness_ and want to install from GitHub, use: `pip install git+https://github.com/psf/black` ## Basic usage To get started right away with sensible defaults: ```sh black {source_file_or_directory}... ``` You can run _Black_ as a package if running it as a script doesn't work: ```sh python -m black {source_file_or_directory}... ``` ## Next steps Took a look at [the _Black_ code style](./the_black_code_style/current_style.md) and tried out _Black_? Fantastic, you're ready for more. Why not explore some more on using _Black_ by reading [Usage and Configuration: The basics](./usage_and_configuration/the_basics.md). Alternatively, you can check out the [Introducing _Black_ to your project](./guides/introducing_black_to_your_project.md) guide.